Whilst out and about thought this was interesting West Street,Harrow on the Hill The Metropolitan Drinking Fountain and Cattle Trough Association The Drinking Fountain Association
Now you've spotted one, you'll be amazed at how often you notice their name on things. I'd no idea they still existed, great stuff.
That brings back some nice memories Clive. I used to walk past one (top of Sydenham Hill/Eliot Bank, London SE23.) every day on the way to school. Sadly it's no longer there.
I'd no idea they still existed There is one nearby, restored, full of flowers now I think. (no longer a hazard of haemopsis vorax). I'll have to check the inscription.
There's one in Hackney, corner Mare Street and Westgate Street. Looking a bit sad though. All the best Andreas
In my childhood days, in London during the late 1920s, these troughs were to be found on virtually every main road in the city. I would guess that the biggest user's would have been Watney & Truman, the huge brewery company in Brick Lane. Ron
We have at least one similar in our city (nowhere near London) not sure if there's an inscription on it though, when I'm back on my feet I'll go take a look.
Inscription on end, partially 'damaged' - Proverbs 12, 10: A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast
My Father was a Dray man for said brewery,he said he was paid extra money to draw and carry water for his horses from pubs he delivered to, Brewery Draymen were forbidden to use the fountains because they spread horse flue.
Not a Metropolitan Trough, but a local one at Bromsgove. Erected in 1910, rededicated by a disgraced MP in 2007.