Unidentified Vehicle in the Invasion Area

Discussion in 'Weapons, Technology & Equipment' started by Totalise, May 11, 2021.

  1. Totalise

    Totalise Junior Member

  2. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    First impression is wondering if you might have found more rather rare proof of an LVT at Normandy.
    Not had a proper look, though.
  3. Totalise

    Totalise Junior Member

    I am trying not to get my hopes up.
    von Poop likes this.
  4. Don Juan

    Don Juan Well-Known Member

    As a recent thread also indicated, it could be a Terrapin.
  5. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member

    Yep looks like a LVT 4 to me.


  6. Totalise

    Totalise Junior Member

    Can you point me towards that thread, Don Juan? I seem to have missed it. I think it looks too wide to be a Terrapin but would be interested to see what other people think.
  7. ltdan

    ltdan banana counter

  8. Don Juan

    Don Juan Well-Known Member

    Here you go: Terrapin
    Totalise likes this.
  9. Totalise

    Totalise Junior Member

    With an obscure title like that, no wonder I missed it! :D
  10. Totalise

    Totalise Junior Member

    Thank you as well, by the way.
    Don Juan likes this.
  11. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member

    Blimey it's a LVT 3. I have seen videos of them training in Wales and Northern Ireland but didn't know that LVT 3's were used in NWE only 2's and 4's.


  12. Ewen Scott

    Ewen Scott Well-Known Member

  13. Totalise

    Totalise Junior Member

    The caption to that photograph rather unhelpfully contradicts the text above it which suggests LVT's didn't arrive until LATE summer 1944. Anyone know for sure which is correct?

    Assuming it is an LVT, who would have operated it and what would it likely have replaced in the landing tables? My best guess is that the photo was taken shortly after 09:30.

    I have somewhere a veteran account stating he landed a Terrapin, or a Weasel on Gold Beach on D-Day - a Terrapin being another possibility for this vehicle. I can't remember which of the two it was and, for the life of me, neither can I find it at the moment.
  14. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    I found this document in WO205/151 which I thought might be of interest:

    Axehead amphibians.JPG

    There might be more in the Canadian files.


    Totalise and Ewen Scott like this.
  15. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    Oh, and just a bit later:

    Axehead Amphibians 2.JPG


    Totalise and Ewen Scott like this.
  16. Totalise

    Totalise Junior Member

    "It is probable therefore that the existing allotment for NEPTUNE..."

    A fascinating find, first written evidence of LVT's in Neptune I've seen. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Ewen Scott

    Ewen Scott Well-Known Member

    Terrapin is always possible. I came across this film from Aug 1943 demonstrting one.

    Which "Weasel"? The M29 had a very limited amphibious capability due to its low freeboard. The M29C was the fully amphibious version but it didn't enter production until May 1944 so couldn't have been around for D-Day given transport times from the USA. The latter was sometimes referred to as the Water Weasel. As far as I can see their first use was at Walcheren on 1 Nov 1944.
  18. DannyM

    DannyM Member

    "Which "Weasel"?

    1451 M29 were shipped from the US to the UK in May 1944.

    Some were issued in time for Normandy. There is footage of one on an LCT on the way to Sword Beach and a couple of others are mentioned in different threads on the forum.

    141 M29C were shipped to the UK in June 1944.


  19. Ewen Scott

    Ewen Scott Well-Known Member

    Of the 4,476 M29 built between Sept 1943 and May 1944 plus a batch in Nov 1944, Britain and the Commonwealth received an eventual 1,158.
    Of the 10,647 M29C built between May 1944 and Aug 1945 Britain and the Commonwealth received 1,930. 90 M29C were built in May 1944 (plus 635 M29) and 560 in June.
  20. Trux

    Trux 21 AG Patron

    I am very interested to see that some hard evidence of LVTs being used on the Normandy beaches. It has long been rumoured but I could never find any mention in the great pile of war diaries I obtained and studied.

    The M29 Weasel is clearer. A fair but unkown number were used on the British beaches. They were certainly issued to RE Field Companies of the Beach Groups, one document suggests three per company to replace Lloyd Carriers which had been issued for beach use. I only know of two photos and only one has visible markings so it is difficult to know how widespread their use was. Perhaps it is time to open a new thread for Weasels. The US used large numbers but in tactical roles.

    Last edited: May 16, 2021
    Chris C likes this.

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