Visit to Trieste & Venice

Discussion in 'All Anniversaries' started by Ron Goldstein, May 18, 2007.

  1. Ron Goldstein

    Ron Goldstein WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    Whilst doing a bit of YOUTUBE Googling this morning I came across this short film of the tramway that does the trip from Trieste itself up the mountainside to Opicina.

    During the year and a bit that we were stationed at Opicina we used to use this cable car/tram at least twice a week to take us down from our barracks at Opicina to the fleshpots of Trieste.

    Watching this film just now was nostalgic with a capital C :)


    One sobering thought................
    As someone who is of what is referred to as "advancing" years, I have no-one who served in Trieste with me to share these memories withbut, and here's a positive thought, you, my reader :)

    Attached Files:

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