War Diary - 504 Company RASC (Infantry Brigade) - 1944

Discussion in 'RASC' started by Tom OBrien, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 January 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Company placed on Field System of Documentation with 2 Ech. and Field Cashier.

    2 – 9 January 1944
    [no entries]

    10/14 January 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    All men of Company interviewed by Personnel Selection Board.

    10 January 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    D.D.S.T. 2nd Army visited Company.

    11-12 January 1944
    [no entries]

    13 January 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    L.C.T. Training on Hythe Mock Up.

    14 January 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Typhus inoculation of the whole Company commenced.
    2 H.E. bombs fell in Company Veh. Park – unexploded.

    15 January 1944
    [no entry]

    16 January 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Team of officers and NCOs carried out training tests of Home Guard Unit at Maidstone.

    9/16 January 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    1 Officer & 2 NCOs attended Airborne Supplies Course at Amesbury.

    17 – 20 January 1944
    [no entries]

    21 January 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Number of incendiary H.E. and anti-personnel bombs fell in vicinity of Company lines.

    22 January 1944
    [no entry]

    23 January 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    All day classification firing on Hythe Ranges.

    24 January 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Range Practice at Brewer’s Wood, near Cranbrook.
    Coy. Commander attended Div. Commander’s study group on Admin. Area.

    25/26 January 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    3 Officers attended a Supply Cadre at H.Q. RASC.

    27 January 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    No. 154 DID consisting of 3 Officers and 33 O.rs attached to this Coy for training.

    28 – 31 January 1944
    [no entries]

    GENERAL Total of 1 Officer & 4 NCOs attended Airborne Supplies Course during month.

    1 NCO attended CSM’s Course & 1 O.R. attended Dvr/Mechs Course.

    The following vehicles have been evacuated during the month:-

    1 x 3 ton Bedford G.S.: 1 x 3 ton Albion Breakdown: 1 x 3 ton Thornycroft B’Down.

    The following vehicles have been received during the month:-

    1 x 3 ton Albion Breakdown: 1 x 3 ton Bedford G.S.: 1 Austin Utility Car:
    1 x Matchless Motor Cycle.

    During the month the Div. RASC has been operating commodity companies, 504 being the Supply Company. The whole Div. less the 130 Bde has been fed through 2 B.B.Ps one at Wassall Farm and at SHORNECLIFFE BARRACKS; the additional supply personnel being attached from other Coys. The work has been carried out with one transport platoon necessitating a reduction in time allotted to training.
    Bruneval and ted angus like this.
  2. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 February 1944 Cranbrook, Kent C.O.: Major H.R. Hall
    Inspection of Company (personnel, equipment and billets) by Divisional Commander.

    2 February 1944
    [no entry]

    3 February 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Officers and N.C.O.s attended lecture – ‘What to do if captured.’

    4 February 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    150 all ranks attended parade at Tenterden on occasion of visit of C. in C. 21 Army Group.

    5 February 1944
    [no entry]

    6 February 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    O.C. attended exercise WYVERN IV.

    7 February 1944
    [no entry]

    8 February 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Skeleton H.Q. and Recce parties attended ‘ADMAR III’.

    9 February 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Company reorganised from Commodity to Composite basis.

    10/11 February 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Two day mine clearing course carried out with Mines Training Set.

    12 – 13 February 1944
    [no entries]

    14 February 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Capt. Armishaw attended senior officers Gas Course at Winterbourne Gunner.

    15 February 1944
    [no entry]

    16/22 February 1944
    Company proceeded to New Forest on Exercise ‘RUFUS II’. Company exercised in move of Adm Area. Co-ordinated drawing of supplies by Composite Companies. Running of A.Ps and P.P.s. Dumping. Composite Platoon attended demonstration of Airborne Delivery of Supplies at Netheravon.

    18 February 1944
    2 O.R.s proceeded on Dvr. Mech. Course.

    23 – 24 February 1944
    [no entries]

    25 February 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Conference on Exercise RUFUS II for all Officers, W.O.s and N.C.O.s.

    26 – 27 February 1944
    [no entries]

    28 February 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    1 N.C.O. proceeded on Adjustment to Rifles for purpose of zeroing Course.

    29 February 1944
    [no entry]

    Vehicle Replacements.

    The following vehicles were received during the month:-
    1 x 3 ton Albion Breakdown.
    1 x 3 ton Bedford W/S Technical.

    The following vehicle was evacuated:-
    1 Matchless Motor Cycle.

    As from 8 Feb 44 the Div. R.A.S.C. has been working on a Composite Company basis again and this company is now operating as an Infantry Brigade Company serving the 129 Inf. bde.
    dbf likes this.
  3. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 March 1944 Cranbrook, Kent C.O.: Major H.R. Hall
    Petrol supplied to Brigade in Jerricans through Pet. Points for 1 month.

    2 – 3 March 1944
    [no entries]

    4 March 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    O.C. attended Corps Study Day.

    5 – 13 March 1944
    [no entries]

    14 March 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Pl. Storemen and Q.M. attended G.1098 packing demonstration.

    15 March 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Coy. allotted Hythe Range for one day for classification shoot.

    16 March 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    One officer attended talk on “Reconstruction” by Lord Woolton.

    17 – 28 March 1944
    [no entries]

    29/30 March 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Coy. carried out shoot at Lillesden Range.


    During the month the Company has concentrated on Weapon Classification and by 31st all men had classified (a) in their personal weapon and (b) rifle. Further training on the Bren gun and PIAT has been carried out. There have been continuous courses in Waterproofing – including wading in 3 feet of water and all drivers of the Company have now had practical experience of waterproofing and wading.
    There have also been a number of periods devoted to training in Mine Clearing and the Mine Clearing training set was available with NCO Instructors from Bde H.Q. on four days.
    The following vehicles have been evacuated or transferred to VRD:-
    1 Matchless Motor Cycle
    17 x 3 ton Bedford 4 x 2
    1 x Albion Breakdown.

    The following replacement vehicles have been received:-
    1 x Matchless Motor Cycle
    3 x 3 ton Bedford 4 x 2
    12 x 3 ton Bedford 4 x 4


    The following officers were posted during the month –

    299634 2/Lt. S.J. Kendall to 714 G.T. Coy.
    204536 Lt. G.E. Baddeley to 723 G.T. Coy.
    299964 2/Lt. C.J. Hill to 1677 Arty. Regt. Pl. RASC.
    Capt. Z. Krejci ctba to this Company on return to Czech. Depot.
    dbf likes this.
  4. Geoff Bryant

    Geoff Bryant Member

    Thanks for all this info Tom, realy interesting. are you able to obtain any more.
  5. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    Hi Geoff,

    Yes, no problem - more to follow for 1944.


    dbf likes this.
  6. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 – 3 April 1944 C.O.: Major H.R. Hall
    [no entries]

    4 April 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Skeleton Company moved out on Exercise – Sabre I – 60 men supplied as enemy.

    5 April 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Leave cancelled.

    6 – 11 April 1944
    [no entries]

    12 April 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Company moved out on Light Scales on Exercise Sabre II.

    13 – 17 April 1944
    [no entries]

    18 April 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    O.C. and W/Shops Officer met Liaison Officer from 2nd Echelon.

    19 April 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    J.U. 88 shot down in Camp Area at 0230 hrs. Two members of crew captured and handed over to police. Operational Waterproofing Kits collected.

    20 April 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    The 2 captured Luftwaffe Officers escorted to London.

    21 – 22 April 1944
    [no entries]

    23 April 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Issue of F.S. Ration U.K. commenced. Company carried out practice in Bren Gun at Hythe New Range all day.

    24 April 1944
    [no entry]

    25 April 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    O.C. Company attended lecture on Civil Affairs.

    26 April 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    All drivers i/c vehicles attended showing of films ‘Driving, Combined Operations’, ‘Mine Clearing’ and Camouflage.

    18 – 20 April 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    All 3-ton Bedford Lorries exchanged for Ford 4 x 4 (77 Vehicles).
    45 Bedfords transferred to Civilian Firms, remainder transferred to other R.A.S.C. Companys of this Division.

    28 – 29 April 1944
    [no entries]

    30 April 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Painting of entire fleet of vehicles in Olive Green, Drab commenced. Also painting of White Stars on Cab roofs and doors.

    During month further training carried out in Mine Clearing, P.I.A.T. and Gas.
    dbf and 4jonboy like this.
  7. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent C.O.: Major H.R. Hall
    Painting of all Company vehicles continued. Special gas training carried out by Coy.
    A.V. Battledress issued.

    2 – 3 May 1944
    [no entries]

    4 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    A full Company Stand-to practised at midnight (half moon).

    5 – 8 May 1944
    [no entries]

    9 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Detailed inspection by Field Hygiene Section of all Coy. water trailers and truck.

    10 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    MSM Brett posted to Corps Car Coy.
    Work commenced on lowering superstructure to height of 8’6”.
    Work commenced on alterations of head lamps and wiring for change-over of tail lamps.
    Painting of White Stars on vehs. commenced.

    11 – 14 May 1944
    [no entries]

    15 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    All vehicles issued with mine prodders.

    16 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    O.C. attended conference with Movement Control.

    17 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Concentration ordered and 7 days given.

    18 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Extra Jerricans collected 5 per three ton vehicle.

    19 May 1944
    [no entry]

    20 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    All officers of company attended discussion at CRASC on Airborne Supplies.

    21 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Water trucks on loan to Btns of 129 Bde in exchange for trailers, returned to Company.

    22 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Conference of Imprest Holders at Tenterden attended by Capt. Long.

    23 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Winter underclothing withdrawn.

    24 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Waterproofing of vehs. on light scales commenced.

    25 May 1944
    [no entry]

    26 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Waterproofing completed. Inspection of vehicles started.
    Inspection of Small Arms by REME.

    27 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Inspection of Waterproofing and small arms completed.
    Lieut. J.H. Fergusson (261867) posted to 129 Fd. Amb.

    28 – 29 May 1944
    [no entries]

    30 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Film “Sex Hygiene” shown to all personnel of the Coy.
    Distributors of vehs. de-waterproofed and defective rotor arms replaced.

    31 May 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    All Home Details posted to No. 1 Holding Bn.
  8. Geoff Bryant

    Geoff Bryant Member

    Thanks Tom, great info. really appreciated. Two things, although my father was in the 7th Army for last year he must have appreciated the 43rd Wessex as he built our home, a bungalow in 1949/50 and named it Wyvern. No number or road, just Wyvern and the name of the village. Do you know the number of personnel that would have been in the 504 Company RASC?
  9. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    Hi Geoff,

    The War Establishment (i.e. the theoretical strength of the unit) was for 311 other ranks ( 1 WO1, 1 WO2, 1 CQMS, 3 Staff Sgts, 13 Sjts, 24 Corporals and 268 Privates and Drivers) and 9 officers (1 Major, 5 Captains, 3 Lieutenants).


  10. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 – 6 June 1944
    [no entries]

    7 June 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    All officers attended conference [Hastings] on operations in France.

    7 – 9 June 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    All waterproofed vehicles inspected for deterioration in waterproofing.

    10 June 1944
    [no entry]

    11 June 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    295345 2/Lt. Allen posted to this unit from 51 RHU.

    12 June 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Unit put at 6 hours notice to move.

    13 June 1944 Cranbrook, Kent
    Advance Party concentrated.
    Imprest Account closed. Currency drawn.
    Coy ordered by Bde to be ready to move by 0230 hrs 14 Jun.

    14 June 1944
    Coy. at Light Scales proceeded to Marshalling Area Camp, T2, Canning Town. Vehs and personnel marshalled into 3 craft loads. Stage “B” Waterproofing carried out. (One vehicle carried A&Q, APM & 5 ORs and 1 Jeep of 53 Div – this vehicle embarked independently on 15th Jun).

    15 – 16 June 1944
    [no entries]

    17 June 1944
    Coy. commenced embarking in East and West India Docks.

    18 – 20 June 1944
    [no entries]

    21 June 1944
    Coy. disembarked Gold Beach, Courseulles and re-assembled complete at Sommervieux 824816 (Less Advance Party).
    2100 Coy. Commander reported to Div. Commander and ordered to supply all units and detachments of 43 Div. landed until further notice.

    21/24 June 1944
    Division landing and detachments fed by Coy. until own formation RASC arrived. Supplies drawn from No. 2 Roadhead, Bayeux.

    25 June 1944 Vaussieux
    Coy. moved to new Admin Area on concentration of Division. HQ at 854790, Vaussiuex.

    26 June 1944 Vaussieux
    30 r.p.g. issued to 94 R.A.
    2000 Compo packs drawn for whole division to enable unit to carry 3 days supplies. Loads dumped in Coy. location to provide transport.
    2200 100 stretchers and 300 blankets drawn from Corps and delivered to 15 FDS.
    2300 Further 15 r.p.g. delivered to 94 Fd Regt.

    27 June 1944 Vaussieux
    All 25 pdr vehs. replenished.
    1600 A.P. of one amn unit less 25 Pdr from each Coy established 908736.
    1220 18 Compo Packs issued to 14 FDS. Further packs drawn from 52 BSD to bring up 2nd line holding of 440 packs.

    28 June 1944
    Sup. Pt established 1900 hrs for 129 Gp. less Fd. Regts at 914725.
    2300 13 r.p.g. dumped for 94 Fd. Regt.

    29 June 1944
    Two days Compo Packs drawn from 52 B.S.D. Two amn. lorries off loaded to complete this detail and re-loaded on completion.
    2400 Two second line holdings of 25 Pdr smoke dumped for 94 RA.

    30 June 1944
    New A.P. opened at 893701 with second amn unit plus 2 x 4.2 mortar loads at 1430 hrs. Existing A.P. closed at 1530 hrs. AP lorries under shell fire as new AP opened. Three men wounded and taken to FDS and retained. Damage to vehs repaired in unit W/S. Sandbags round pet. tank took shell splinters.
    1415 Sup. Pt established in area of new AP 873701. 247 Compo Packs drawn from 52 BSD and make up total holding to 770 packs.
    2130 Warning Order for move of Admin Area. Recce party despatched.
    2210 648 rds HE and 72 rds smoke 26 Pdr ordered to RV. 876747 by 2300 hrs and then to replenish.

    More to follow next week.


    dbf likes this.
  11. Geoff Bryant

    Geoff Bryant Member

    Thanks Tom, great info. Have a good weekend.
    ted angus likes this.
  12. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 July 1944 Vassieux C.O.: Major H.R. Hall
    One complete 2nd line 25 Pdr ordered to be dumped at guns and a further complete 2nd line drawn and delivered.
    1035 Admin Area moved. Coy now located at 924746 SECQUEVILLE EN BESSIN.
    1215 On arrival [Secqueville] 7 pet and one amn. lorries off loaded and 2 further 2nd line 25 pdr dumped and normal Coy. 2nd line replenished. Total 3 x 2nd lines 25 pdr dumped and 2 second lines held in location.
    Sup. Pt. opened at 875747 at 1430 hrs. Bulk supplies drawn 52 BSD 1600 hrs.

    2 July 1944 Secqueville
    Complete 2nd line 25 pdr HE only sent to RV. On replenishment 3 vehs sent up to AP (special loading 2 x 200 rds HE and 1 x 128 HE and 72 smoke).
    Supp. Replenishment at 52 BSD. Sups issued at Comp. Pt 893701 1430 hrs.
    Pet. Replenished at 131 Pet. Depot (4050 galls).
    1730 Two empty sup vehs and 2 offloaded amn lorries despatched to 180 W/S Park Coy. RE to collect Dannert Wire and Picquets and deliver to 129 Bde H.Q.
    1900 Div. B.B.P. opened for splitting to Bde bulk.

    3 July 1944 Secqueville
    Balance of 2nd line sent up to A.P. to bring up to complete 2nd line all natures.
    Seven empty pet and sup lorries sent to CAD to collect one complete 2nd line 25 pdr and return and lie up in 54 Coy location.
    Final position 1 x 2nd line at AP, 1 x 2nd line on wheels at 54 Coy.
    1 x 2 line dumped in Coy. location.
    1130 Brigade BBP operated in Coy. location.
    1430 Sups. Replenished at 52 B.S.D.

    4 July 1944 Secqueville
    Sups. Div. bulk broken down to Bde bulk.
    1130 Sups issued to Units in Admin. Area.
    1300 Enemy aircraft engaged with L.M.G.
    1430 2 “B. Ech” vehs plus 4 Coy. vehs proceeded to Comp. Pt. and issued sups for consumption 5th plus one days reserve for all units of Bde Gp (less 94 RA).
    1600 Sups replenished in transport provided by Corps.

    5 July 1944 Secqueville
    Sups. Div. bulk broken down to Bde. bulk.
    1200 A.P. relieved by 54 Coy.
    1300 Hexamine tablets drawn for the Division.
    1500 B Ech lorries used for supplies to Comp. Pt.
    1600 Sups. Replenishment at 52 B.S.D. Pet. replenished to full 2nd line holding at 505 Coy.

    6 July 1944 Secqueville
    Sups. Div. bulk broken to Bde. bulk.
    1150 480 rounds 4.2” Mor and 1800 rds 3” Mor. delivered to 214 Bde. RV M.R. 906679. Amn. vehs off loaded and B Ech vehs used to carry out this detail.
    1500 Comp. Pt opened. Sups. Replenished at 52 B.S.D.
    1615 Comp. Pt closed.

    7 July 1944 Secqueville
    Sups. Div. bulk broken to Bde. bulk.
    1120 12 Amn. Lorries off loaded and with 3 pet and sup vehs proceeded to collect 7500 rds of 3” Mor. and 3000 rds 4.2” Mor. from BAD.
    1130 Bde. B.B.Pt for units in Admin. Area.
    1500 Bde. sups at Comp. Pt.
    Sups. Div. bulk drawn from 52 B.S.D.
    1800 1800 rds 3” Mor. delivered to 214 Bde.
    1830 7500 rds 3” Mor. delivered to 129 Bde.
    1900 Div. bulk broken to Bde. bulk.

    8 July 1944 Secqueville
    B Ech provided 9 x 3 ton for issue and drawing of sups.
    1430 Sups. replenishment at 52 B.S.D. and 150 NAAFI packs drawn. On return bulk broken to Bdes.
    1530 Sups and a P.P. of 6 vehs sent to new Comp Pt. at 918703. Small quantity of bread issued to Bns, 8 Mx., Fd. Amb, Fd Coy and A/Tk Bty.
    1830 1230 rds of 4.2 Mor delivered to 129 Bde.
    1930 1230 rds of 4.2 Mor delivered to 130 Bde.
    2200 P.P. closed.

    9 July 1944 Secqueville
    Orders received for this Coy. to lead the Bde 2nd line of 25 Pdr and to proceed with lorries of 54 and 505 Coy to RV 918681. Nine pet and sup. lorries used for this purpose.
    A further 17 Lorries offloaded and proceeded to CAD to load 25 Pdr and return to R.V.
    Injured cow slaughtered by order of DAAG 43 Div. Carcass sent to DDST 8 Corps.
    1500 Sups Issue – 3 x 3 ton with sups sent forward to Comp. Pt. P.P. of 6 vehs established at same time and location.
    Sups replenished at 52 B.S.D. Pet replenished at 21 B.P.D.
    1500 1800 rds 3” Mor H.E. delivered to 918681 for 214 Bde.
    1830 2800 rds 4.2 Mor delivered to 130 Bde.
    1930 300 rds 4.2 Mor delivered to 129 Bde.

    10 July 1944 Secqueville
    AP established area 918658 at 1000 hrs consisting of 2 Amn. units less 25 Pdr.
    1st unit from this Coy. consisting of 8 Normal vehs plus 4 special loaded vehs of 3” and 4.2” Mor and 75 Grens.
    2nd unit provided by 54 Coy consisting of 8 normal vehs plus 8 attached Corps Tps vehs from 506 Coy with 17 Pdr and 3” Mor.
    The whole point controlled by this Coy.
    Recce carried out for possible forward move of i unit.
    1600 Sups. 3 B Ech vehs to Comp. Pt with supplies.
    Sups Replenishment. The coy co-ordinated drawing and transport for replenishing at 52 B.S.D.
    1800 The Amn. Unit of this Coy. moved forward to new A.P. M.R. 965645.
    2030 Warning order for dumping of 25 Pdr.
    2225 Orders received for 25 Pdr dumping. 8 vehs (5 from B Ech and 3 from Coy) proceeded to fill with 25 Pdr HE at CAD.

    11 July 1944 Secqueville
    8 vehs from 54 and 505 similarly loaded reported to this location and all 24 vehs taken by this Coy to RV 947683 by 0500 hrs.
    0700 2 vehs sent with 1 veh of 506 Coy to fill with 750 rds of 4.2 Mor.
    Sups. 3 B Ech vehs to Composite Pt. This Coy. co-ordinated drawing and transport for replenishment supplies.
    1315 Second A.P. under mortar fire. 1 L/Cpl. Issuer killed and 2 drivers wounded. 1 veh burnt out. Ordered to withdraw to original location.

    12 July 1944 Secqueville
    Sups. 504 Coy. co-ordinated transport for drawing bulk.
    1500 Sups. Issue. 3 B Ech vehs with sups to Comp. Pt.

    13 July 1944 Secqueville
    Second line of 4.2 Mor made up – special Corps authority.
    1300 This Coy co-ordinated drawing of sups from 62 B.S.D. 817828.
    One 3 ton Chevrolet collected from 8 Corps OFP to replace burnt out veh.

    14 July 1944 Secqueville
    Present AP closed at 1000 hrs. This Coy. supplied one amn. Unit plus 3” Mor. load to new AP at 938683 operating under command of 505 Coy.
    1300 Sups. 504 co-ordinated draw and subsequently broke down from Div. to Bde bulk.
    Sups. Issue. One days sups and hexamine tablets to all units. 3000 lbs bread drawn.

    15 July 1944 Secqueville
    6 vehs sent to BAD to draw 1500 rds of 4.2 Mor.
    0845 4 vehs loaded 3” Mor proceeded AP.
    Sups. 504 co-ordinated drawing and tpt.
    1500 Officer of this Coy. took 14 vehs (6 of 504, 4 B Ech and 4 54 Coy) to 15 BAD to draw 1500 rds 4.2 Mor Smk and 300 rds 3” Smk. Through an error on part of Corps H.Q. this should have read H.E. and the above were subsequently returned to 12 Corps Amn. Dump at 0700 hrs on 16th.

    16 July 1944 Secqueville
    Sups. 504 co-ordinated drawing and transport at 62 BSD. 3000 lbs bread drawn.
    Sups Issue. 3 lorries from “B” Ech to Comp. Pt.
    556 rds 4.2 Mor sent to the AP by 1200 hrs and this with 144 rds already held to be reserved for exclusive use of 129 Bde.
    10 vehs (from “B” Ech) ordered to R.V. with 10 vehs from 505 Coy at 12 Corps Amn dump to draw 4500 rds 25 Pdr smk. At 5 [??] Corps dump 5 of these vehs returned owing to shortage of this nature. The loaded vehs under command of this Coy proceeded to RV 918682 by 1400 hrs for delivery to 94 and 179 RA.

    17 July 1944 Secqueville
    Sups. 504 Coy co-ordinated drawing and transport at 62 BSD.
    Sups. 3 vehs from B Ech for issue at Comp. Pt.
    1830 6 vehs (B Ech) ordered to stand by for troop carrying.
    2200 Troop carrying order cancelled.

    18 July 1944 Secqueville
    Sups. 504 co-ordinated drawing and transport from 62 B.S.D.
    Sups. Issue 3 vehs from B Ech for issue at Comp. Pt.
    1210 500 rds 4.2 Mor and 25 Pdr Red Smk drawn from 12 CAD, latter sent forward to AP.
    1300 Orders received for no L.A.A. and S.A.A. fire on enemy aircraft to be opened 5000 yds behind the front line.

    19 July 1944 Secqueville
    400 rds of 4.2 Mor Smk drawn for AP for exclusive use 129 Bde.
    Sups. 504 Coy co-ordinated draw of compo packs and bread.
    Sups. Issue 3 vehs from B Ech to Comp. Pt.
    1800 This Coy. supplied 1 Offr and 1 OR for Div. Residue Control Point.

    20 July 1944 Secqueville
    Coy. Residue (less 2 x 3 ton lorries) arrived at location with 41 O.Rs.
    Sups. Coy co-ordinated drawing and transport from 62 BSD.

    21 July 1944 Secqueville
    1670 Arty Pl. RASC came under command 43 Div. and attached to this Coy. (serving 6 Fd. Regt).
    Sups. Coy. co-ordinated drawing and transport from 62 BSD.
    500 rds 4.2 Mor drawn from CAD. Special delivery to AP of 666 rds of 2” Mor Smk.
    1200 1670 Arty Pl. delivered 2 x 2nd lines 25 Pdr H.E. One to 505 Coy and one to 54 Coy.
    All 2nd line holding of 40 mm H.E. taken to CAD 12 Corps and exchanged for 40 mm T11.

    22 July 1944 Secqueville
    505 Coy delivered to 1670 Arty Pl. 720 x 25 Pdr H.E. and 40 Smk and total holding of the Pl. brought up to 3120 H.E. and 336 Smk, loaded in two serials.
    1100 2000 rds 4.2 Mor Smk from 15 BAD collected and held.
    1400 2000 rds of 20 mm HE collected from 12 CAD and delivered to 110 LAA.
    Sups. Supplies now operated entirely through BBPs in Coy. location & delivered to B Ech. who then went up as maintenance train.
    1 Sgt and 5 dvrs arrived from 105 Rft. Sec.

    23 July 1944 Secqueville
    7000 rds 20mm collected from 12 CAD and held.
    1715 Warning Order received for move of Admin Area.

    24 July 1944 Secqueville
    Recce reps reported to H.Q. Admin Area.
    Sups 504 Coy. coordinated draw from 61 B.S.D.
    1100 Instructions received to collect 2 replacement vehs.
    1415 Admin Area to move 25th and not 26th.
    1600 P.P. to open at M.R. 937683 open from 1800 to 2200 hrs.
    2000 Complete 2d line of 25 Pdr sent to each of 505 and 54 Coys.
    Sups. Drawn for Div. in 13 vehs provided by this Coy.
    Instructed to take on charge all amn. brought by residue.

    25 July 1944 Loucelles
    Coy. moved to Div. Concentration Rest Area.

    26 July 1944 Loucelles
    Sups. 14 vehs sent to draw Div. supplies at 61 B.S.D. – fresh rations.
    1230 B.B.P. opened for sector.

    27 July 1944 Loucelles
    Sups. 504 co-ordinate drawing of sups.

    28 July 1944 Loucelles
    All surplus amn. returned to CAD.
    1200 Div. Comdr. addressed all ranks of Admin. Area.

    29 July 1944 Loucelles
    Sups drawn from 156 DID at 151 FMC.
    147 SP Regt with 459 RASC Pl. came under command 43 Div. and RASC Pl. attached to this Coy. Arrived with 180 r.p.g. 5 loads of pet. and supplies.
    1707 Warning order for move of Admin Area received.
    1800 2 serials of 3” Mor sent for attachment to 505 AP.

    30 July 1944 Loucelles
    2500 rds 4.2 Mor. H.E., 1000 rds 4.2 Mor smk collected from 151 FMC and together with 1000 rds already held delivered to AP (505 Coy).
    0725 Holding of 504 rds 25 Pdr smoke ordered to R.V. with DAQMG at Ducy Ste Marguerite.
    0750 10 vehs sent to FMC to collect 25 Pdr smk and R.V. at X rds 742694.
    0900 Attd Arty Pl. ordered to send 165 r.p.g. to 147 Fd. Regt.
    1500 Coy. moved to new location Trungy – 765705.
    1800 Sups drawn from Div. BBP at 505 Coy. location.
    Ordered to collect 2500 rds 4.2 Mor H.E. and deliver to A.P.
    7 vehs sent to 151 FMC to replenish pet.

    31 July 1944 Trungy
    3200 rds 25 Pdr H.E. only ordered to R.V. with 94 Fd. Regt. at 0630 hrs 742694 and replenish.
    0630 Collected 2000 rds 25 Pdr smk from 151 FMC.
    1025 2000 rds 25 Pdr smk ordered to RV at 1115. 1200 for 94 RA and 200 for 147 RA and then to proceed to collect 3000 rds 25 Pdr smk. 2500 to be held surplus 500 to replenish 2nd line (15 vehs).
    1125 4 lorries ordered to RV with 54 Coy to collect 1000 rds 4.2 Mor.
    1230 BBP and PP opened 771709.
    1620 2 x 2nd line 25 Pdr HE only ordered to RV at 1630 hrs for 94 RA (130 rpg).
    1645 A further 9 vehs (6 x 200 and 3 x 120 rds) ordered to R.V.
    2210 Coy. ordered to send 5 vehs with 5 from each of 3 other Coys to collect a total of 4000 rds 25 Pdr smk and to RV at 0530 hrs 1 Aug.
    ted angus likes this.
  13. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 August 1944 Trungy
    4000 rds 25 Pdr smoke collected from 151 FMC and sent to RV 742694.
    1130 BBP opened in “B” Ech. P.P. in same location.
    1330 5 vehs sent to replenish sups.
    1350 Orders from CRASC to load all Coy. holding of 25 Pdr smoke at 200 rds per vehicle. 3 vehs of attached Pl. to offload HE and load 200 and load 200 rds smoke at FMC.
    1800 All available smoke ordered to RV at 1800 hrs.
    1800 Div. BBP opened.
    1900 Holding of smoke made up to W.E.

    2 August 1944 Trungy
    BBP opened with P.P.
    Div. BBP opened and fresh rations issued. Final position of sups held.
    2 days reserve and days fresh for issue 3 Aug.
    7 vehs replenished petrol.
    2230 Ordered to send forward to RV 728532 7800 rds HE (65 rpg) for 5 Fld Regts 24 vehs of 504 and 16 of attached Arty Pl. plus supercharge from 54 Coy.
    RV at 2359. Vehs to replenish from forward C.A.D.

    3 August 1944 Trungy
    Gun RV reported under shell fire. One veh. of attd Pl. hit.
    1130 Sector BBP opened. 5 vehs to replenish sups.
    1600 PP established 728532 open from 1600 – 2100 hrs.
    1700 Div. BBP opened.
    2000 18 vehs obtained by dumping all commodities except amn to RV at 15 BAD with 72 other vehs of Div. RASC to draw and dump amn at Fwd CAD.

    4 August 1944 Turngy
    BBP opened at 1130. 1 days FS ration. 5 vehs for sups and 7 for pet replenishment at 151 FMC.
    1830 Div. B.B.P.
    1830 Holding of Gun AP. manned by one Pl. of this Coy. and attached Arty Pl., adjusted as follows – 504 Coy. 24 x 200 HE and 3 x 200 smoke 25 Pdr.
    Arty. Pl. 16 x 200 HE and 8 x 200 smoke 25 Pdr.
    1945 R. Gp. assembled 727633 for move of Admin Gp.
    2230 O.C. attended “O” Gp. Admin Area.

    5 August 1944
    BBP opened.
    1600 PP opened at 728532 and closed at 2100 hrs.
    1800 Coy. moves to new location M.R. 716622.

    6 August 1944 La Vitardiere
    7 vehs ordered to load 25 Pdr HE and despatched to Gun. R.V.
    1130 B.B.P. opened. 5 vehs to draw bulk sups.
    1600 6 vehs took 1500 rds 4.2 Mor H.E. to A.P.

    7 August 1944 La Vitardiere
    BBP opened. Replenishment – 5 for sups and 3 vehs for pet.
    1800 Recce group ordered to R.V. at M.R. 716488.
    1820 25 Pdr now to be drawn from 152 FMC.

    8 August 1944 La Vitardiere
    O.C. attended Adm. Area “O” Gp.
    0915 4 vehs supplied for rfts.
    1100 BBP opened with P.P. Replenishment – 5 vehs for sups.
    1600 Coy. moved to new location at BREMOY 725482.
    Transport situation. Total task vehs 60. Detached at Gun RV 30. Rfts 4. AP (with mortar) 6. P.O.W. 5. Loaded sups and reserve rats 8. Loaded pet 7.

    9 August 1944 La Vitardiere
    B.B.P. opened. 4 vehs sent for replenishment of sups.
    1330 4 vehs supplied for carrying reinforcements to Adm. Area.
    1700 3 vehs to R.V. 739469 for Troop Carrying.
    5 x 3 ton to collect 25 Pdr H.E. from 152 FMC and report to Gun R.V.

    10 August 1944 La Vitardiere
    B.B.P. with P.P. in Coy. location.

    11 August 1944 La Vitardiere
    B.B.P. with P.P. in Coy. location. Replenishment – 5 vehs for pet.
    1600 P.P. established at 801449 closing 2100 hrs.
    2000 984 rds 4.2 Mor. Smk returned to 152 F.M.C.

    12 August 1944 La Vitardiere
    12 vehs ordered to stand by for 25 Pdr Smoke.
    1100 B.B.P. opened.
    1530 12 vehs ordered to 152 FMC to fill with 25 Pdr Smoke and proceed to R.V.
    1800 Div. B.B.P.

    13 August 1944 La Vitardiere
    “B” Pl. 459 Coy. RASC came under command and were established at the Gun R.V.
    1100 B.B.P. and P.P. opened.

    14 August 1944 La Vitardiere
    Gun R.V. moved and opened at 821448 at 1000 hrs.
    1100 B.B.P. and P.P. opened.
    Company holding of dannert wire (1 roll per vehicle) made up.
    1930 Div. B.B.P.

    15 August 1944 La Vitardiere
    B.B.P. and P.P. opened.
    1200 Warning Order of move of Adm. Area. Coy. now converted to 25 Pdr Coy. only but Composite Pl. still responsible for maintaining Bde Sector with Sups and Pet.

    16 August 1944 La Vitardiere
    2 Pls loaded 25 Pdr moved forward to Gun AP. Attached Pl. 459 Coy left command and reported to 50 Div.
    1100 B.B.P. opened.

    17 August 1944
    Coy. moved to new location CAUVILLE M.R. 867436.
    1230 B.B.P. opened.
    Surplus amn collected from Gun area.

    18 August 1944 CAUVILLE
    B.B.P. opened.
    All second line of 25 Pdr dumped and 30 vehs loaded with surplus amn collected from guns and together with 30 loads on Gunner vehs returned to 153 FMC MR 820448.
    1 Pl. of 30 vehs reported to O. i/c Salvage Centre 152 FMC.

    19 August 1944 CAUVILLE
    1 Pl. 30 vehs reported to 152 FMC to move C.R.C. to new area 805446.
    1100 B.B.P. opened.

    20 August 1944 CAUVILLE
    B.B.P. and P.P. opened.
    1730 40 vehs ordered to stand by for R.E. bridge carrying detail.
    2100 40 vehicles called forward and proceeded to BAYEUX.

    21 August 1944 CAUVILLE
    39 vehs returned from R.E. detail not required.
    All Coy. in location. All 2nd line loads dumped.
    1100 BBP and PP opened.
    2230 10 vehicles ordered to load Bn. bicycles and convey to BAYEUX. 5 vehs to 130 Bde for the same purpose.

    22 August 1944 CAUVILLE
    41 vehs (36 loaded 25 Pdr HE and 5 loaded 25 Pdr Smk) to be held ready to move independently.
    1000 Recce Gp. ordered.
    1100 B.B.P. and P.P. opened.
    1600 Coy. moved complete to 957305.

    23 August 1944
    BBP opened.
    17 x 3 ton vehs loaded 25 Pdr detached to 505 Coy. and 17 505 Coy vehs loaded SAA attached to this Coy.
    2200 Coy. moved to St Hilaire nr Brieuse M.R. 051121.

    24 August 1944
    3000 rds 25 Pdr HE returned to 154 FMC and 2000 rds smoke drawn.
    Div. now organised into 3 special groups. This Coy. being attached to 214 Bde (less 1 Btn).
    0900 This Coy. drew one extra days compo packs.
    1400 Composite Pl. personnel of this Coy. operated 505 Coy. B.B.P.
    1400 Forward and rear P.Ps opened at M.R. 40346 142157 closing at 1800 hrs.
    1730 Coy. moved in support of new Bde Gp (No. 2) to location at CROISILLES loaded as follows 5400 rds 25 Pdr HE, 1400 Smoke, 14 loads SAA and 2040 x 14 man packs and 14400 galls petrol. Sups and Pet carried in 17 vehs of 54 Coy, 14 of 506 Coy plus 10 attached from 496 Army Tpt Col.

    25 August 1944
    B.B.P. with P.P. opened for 214 Bde.
    1200 3 vehs of pet. detached to 130 Bde.
    1400 Company moved to Le Plessis Hebert arriving at 2200 hrs.

    26 August 1944 LE PLESSIS HEBERT
    B.B.P. and P.P. opened at 214 Bde H.Q.
    0800 12 vehs loaded 25 Pdr Smoke sent to 505 Coy.
    0920 27 vehs having off loaded 25 Pdr HE proceeded to Army Roadhead at RUGLES to collect 25 Pdr HE and smk.
    1200 Gun A.P. established at M.R. 385693 with 7 vehs smk and 14 H.E.
    4 vehs plus 5 vehs of 505 Coy. sent to replenish Pet at 155 FMC.

    27 August 1944 DOUAINS
    Coy. moved to new location MR 390606. Sup. and Pet vehs attd from 54 and 506 Coy. returned to parent Coys.
    1 NCO and 5 men detached to 155 FMC for captured vehs.
    35 lorries obtained by dumping amn sent to RUGLES to assist in moving and stocking new 156 FMC. Gun A.P. continued to operate with 25 vehs. Gunners collecting in own transport.

    28 August 1944
    One Pl. 459 Coy RASC came under command – load 4400 rds 25 Pdr HE, 400 smk and 184 AP.
    24 vehs sent to replenish 25 Pdr.
    Attached Pl. ordered to dump its load of 4400 rds HE and return to BAYEUX first light 29 Aug.

    29 August 1944
    Holding of 25 Pdr now 17000 rds. Arrangements made for 50 Div. to take surplus.

    30 August 1944
    34 lorries continued to be detached for moving FMC.
    25 Pdr holding reduced to 9000 rds HE and smk increased to 2800 rds.

    31 August 1944
    Surplus 25 Pdr returned to 156 FMC.
    This Coy. together with B Ech ordered to form 4 Pls. each of 30 vehs for moving FMC forward. Each Pl. self contained commanded by an officer.
    2 Pls. found from 504 Coy. All 2nd line loads dumped.
    ted angus likes this.
  14. Geoff Bryant

    Geoff Bryant Member

    Thanks Tom, a lot more detail now.
    Merry Christmas
  15. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 September 1944 Nr. Pacy 390686 C.O.: Major H.R. Hall
    1st Platoon of 34 vehicles moving C.C.S. to BEAUVAIS.
    0900 2nd Platoon ordered out to 156 FMC. All 2nd line loads dumped.

    2 September 1944 Nr. Pacy 390686
    No. 2 Platoon returned from No. of Beauvais and ordered to report again to 156 FMC at 1230 hrs.
    4 further platoons each of 30 vehicles came under command. Vehs provided as follows – 3 Pls 129 and 130 Bde B. Ech and 1 Pl. 54 Coy. RASC. These Pls held at the disposal of CRASC 30 Corps for moving FMC forward.

    3 September 1944 Nr. Pacy 390686
    Coy. moved to TILLOY near 158 FMC, SW of Amiens with 6 Tpt Platoon under command.

    4 September 1944 Tilley (MR M9744)
    Pls engaged in moving 158 FMC to 159, north of ARRAS.

    5 September 1944 Tilley
    Pls engaged in moving 158 FMC.
    1730 Coy. H.Q. moved to FARBUS M.R. 5007, N.E. of ARRAS. Platoons now moving 159 FMC from near THELUS to West of BRUSSELS.

    6 September 1944 Farbus
    Platoons moving 159 FMC to 160 FMC.

    7 September 1944 Farbus
    Company moved to GRIMBERGEN, North of Brussels.

    8 September 1944 Grimbergen (MR 6364)
    2 Pls and 4 Pls attached working under orders of 30 Corps CRASC moving FMC.

    9 September 1944 Grimbergen
    All Pls in location on maintenance and interior economy.

    10 September 1944 Grimbergen
    Pls continuing under instructions of 30 Corps CRASC.

    11 September 1944 Grimbergen
    Pls still working under 30 Corps RASC. All transport of 130 Bde left command and reported to 505 Coy at 1900 hrs.

    12 September 1944 Grimbergen
    All 2nd line transport ordered to report to area VERNON to collect 2nd line loads. 2 Pls and 7 vehs of 3 Pl left at 2230 hrs.

    13 September 1944 Grimbergen
    Informed by CRASC 30 Corps that vehs should not have been sent to VERNON. Too late to cancel.

    14 September 1944 Grimbergen
    Pl. ordered to load 20,000 galls petrol and whole Coy. to move.

    15 September 1944
    Coy. moved to new location M.R. 139777 TESSENDERLOO. All first line tpt ordered to return to parent units. 20,000 galls of pet. dumped in location and P.P. opened for whole of 43 Div. Rationed allowance.
    21 vehs left for 160 FMC to load 40,000 rations.
    Warning Order to expect 60 loads of 25 Pdr and 20,000 galls pet from DUKW Coy.

    16 September 1944 TESSENDERLOO 139777
    DUKW Coy arrived with 2nd line amn. Also second DUKW Coy. with smoke.

    17 September
    Coy organised into 2 groups for operation “GARDEN”. First group of 22 vehs (13 HE and 9 smk loaded 280 rds) in support of 112 RA left location to join Regt. at 1200 hrs.
    Remainder of Coy. load 27 loads HE, 10 loads smk and 1 Col. smk in support of 179 and 94 RA and moved to new location 370890 near BOURG LEOPOLD at 1830 hrs.

    18/19 September 1944 OVERPELT 370890
    Coy. in location.

    20 September 1944
    Coy. preparing to move on 30 Corps March table to ARNHEM in Group IX.
    1000 O.C. and Recce Officer left to join Div. Recce gp. to proceed ahead to recce new Admin area and to establish Report Centre in Arnhem.
    Coy. put at 2 hrs notice to move.
    Coy (less 1 Pl) ordered to move out at 2055 hrs. Halted en route for 9 hrs.

    21 September 1944
    Coy. moved forward with objective ARNHEM. Continued all day en route. Reached EINDHOVEN 1800 hrs.

    22 September 1944
    Arrived area Nijmegen 0300 hrs. Joined O.C. and main recce party.
    1200 Coy. re-grouped and moved into location 645598 outside NIJMEGEN.
    Gun A.P. established in same location for supplying 3 Fd. Regts. No arrangements for replenishment.

    23 September 1944 Nr Nijmegen 645598
    Informed by CRASC that DUKW Coys engaged on Tp. carrying and also loaded 25 Pdr were making dumps South of WAAL River and replenishment would take place here.
    100 r.p.g. issued to 179 and 94 R.A.
    P.M. Vehs engaged on collecting 25 Pdr from 6 dumps (left by DUKWs) of which Guards Armd Div. drew 2400 HE and 960 Smk.

    24 September 1944 Nr Nijmegen
    Further dumps of 25 Pdr collected. One Pl. ordered to stand by for POW detail. Pl. carried Btn of Polish tps to location near ARNHEM.

    25 September 1944 Nr Nijmegen
    Gun A.P. continued open.

    26 September 1944 Nr Nijmegen
    All loads ordered to be dumped and all available ordered to proceed to 161 FMC BOURG LEOPOLD to load 25 Pdr or failing that such other items as are available.
    1800 60 vehs left for BOURG LEOPOLD complete with F. Gps to recce ahead of column in view of recent interruption by the enemy.

    27 September 1944 Nr Nijmegen
    Main body of convoy arrived back loaded 25 Pdr. 19 vehs collecting smk proceeded on from 161 FMC to LOUVAIN. 2000 rds only collected. Remainder of vehs loaded 4.5 and 5.5. Gun A.P. continued open.

    28 September 1944 Nr Nijmegen
    Smoke vehs arrived back.

    29 September 1944 Nr Nijmegen
    All loads ordered to be dumped and Pls held available for moving 161 FMC BOURG LEOPOLD to 162 FMC WYCHEAN, nr NIJMEGEN.
    0630 1 Pl. left for BOURG LEOPOLD with FMC load.
    Gun A.P continued open.

    30 September 1944 Nr Nijmegen
    2nd Pl. left for BOURG LEOPOLD to collect 25 Pdr.
    Fd. Regts collected 65 rpg in own transport.
    1700 Coy. moved to location near RATENBURG MR 555606.
    dbf likes this.
  16. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 October 1944 Batenburg 555606
    1 Pl. away detached to 30 Corps moving F.M.C.
    2nd Pl. unloading F.M.Cs at 162 F.M.C. and engaged for the remainder of the day in transferring 25 Pdr. holding to new location of Gun A.P. at 555605. Gun A.P. in old location closed at 0900 hrs and re-opened new location same time.
    All holdings of 25 Pdr H.E. issued to Fd. Regts.

    2 October 1944 Batenburg 555606
    Gunners collected further 4500 H.E. from 162 F.M.C. under supervision of this Coy. Coy. drew 1500 rds H.E.
    1200 2nd Pl. ordered to report to Bourg-Leopold, CRASC 30 Corps for movement of F.M.C. All 60 load carriers of this Coy. now employed with F.M.C. and all amn. stocks dumped at Gun A.P. in Coy. location.
    2000 Warning Order. Officer to stand by to collect DUKWS and collect and deliver 5000 H.E.

    3 October 1944 Batenburg 555606
    During night 2.3. Release for 9000 rds H.E. of which 6800 were delivered either to Fd. Regts or fwd A.P. by use of 505 Coy tpt, DUKWS & Gunners tpt.
    Balance of 9000 rds delivered to guns. 2 Pls at 161 F.M.C.

    4 October 1944 Batenburg 555606
    By use of Div. RASC tpt and Gunners tpt 12240 rds H.E. were delivered.
    2 Pls at 161 F.M.C.

    5 October 1944 Batenburg 555606
    2 Pls at 161 F.M.C.

    6 October 1944 Batenburg 555606
    2 Pls at 161 F.M.C.

    7 October 1944 Batenburg 555606
    Warning by W/T that enemy parachutists had dropped in vicinity Grave and S.E. Nijmegen. Re-disposition and strengthening of guards. “B” Ech. provided NCO and 6 men to patrol amn. dump.

    8 October 1944 Batenburg 555606
    2 Pls at 161 F.M.C.

    9 October 1944 Batenburg 555606
    2 Pls at 161 F.M.C. – 1 Pl. returned to Coy. location.

    10 October 1944 Batenburg 555606
    Coy. moved to new location at BIJSTERHUIZEN 642615. 2nd Pl. returned from F.M.C. detail.

    11 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    Both Pls in location. Intensive maintenance and general interior economy following long period of L of C transport work.

    12 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    Men bathed – maintenance and general repairs by Workshops.

    13 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    1 Pl. ordered to M.R. 595605 H.Q. 157 Bde of 52 Div. carrying petrol and troops under orders 30 Corps.

    14 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    Maintenance. Interior Economy and entertainment.

    15 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    60 tons of coal and coke drawn from Swifts Factory, Nijmegen for issue to Div. at 7 lbs per man.

    16 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    Gun A.P. continued open in location. Coal and coke issued at B.B.P.
    Officers and Sgts addressed by Corps Commander.

    17 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    12 Lorries reported to 30 Corps for conveyance of welfare material to Antwerp. 48 hrs leave commenced to Antwerp and Brussels.
    Issue of rum.

    18 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    4840 rds H.E. 25 Pdr drawn from F.M.C. to make up holding.
    Rum issue. Firing of personal weapons commenced.

    19 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    One Pl. of 30 vehs. reported to C.A. detachment, Elst north of Nijmegen for conveyance of civilian evacuees to Eindhoven and Nistelrode.

    20 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    2 NOCs attended lecture by War Office Expert in Demobilisation plans.
    2400 rds 25 Pdr H.E. delivered to 94 Fd Regt.
    Owing to veh. Park becoming impassable through mud W/S Pl. and one M.T. Pl. moved to area HEIDE PARK in Nijmegen. Gun A.P. also moved with entire holding of 25 Pdr. amn.

    21 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    25 Pdr. replenished at 162 F.M.C.
    Night patrol training.

    22 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    Move of amn. to new Gun A.P. completed. Beer Point for Div. operated.
    Night patrol training.

    23 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    Captain of this Company reported to Div. H.Q. to carry out detailed recce of covered accommodation in Nijmegen.
    30 vehs reported to C.A. detachment Eweijk for conveyance of civilian refugees to Nistelrode. Gun A.P. continued open.

    24 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    Gun A.P. open.

    25 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    21 vehs left for Heuseden Zolder, Belgium to collect 60 tons of coal for distribution to Div. units.

    26 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    30 vehs of 1 Pl. reported to CRASC 30 Corps Hechtel for carriage of 25 Pdr.
    Warning Order to have Pl. standing by for evacuation of civilians.
    1905 Civilian evacuation detail cancelled but 2 Pls now to stand by for attachment to 30 Corps.

    27 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    1 Pl. attached 30 Corps CRASC.
    Special detail to deliver 2400 rds H.E. to each 94 Fd. Regt and 112 Fd. Regt. Immediate refill and a further 2400 rds drawn to make up 2nd line holdings. Amn. delivered through R.V. at 1400 hrs M.R. 701585. 1000 Super carts also released from F.M.C.

    28 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615

    1 Pl. attached 30 Corps. 2nd Pl. standing by for 30 Corps.
    1000 R.V. with 179 Fd Regt and 94 Fd Regt with super carts, 15 r.p.g. and 10 r.p.g. respectively.
    1000 29 vehs from 129 Bde arrived to carry out amn. details while Pls are detached.
    1100 2nd Pl. reported to CRASC 30 Corps Hechtel.

    29 – 31 October 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    Gun A.P. open with 1 Pl. of 30 vehs from Div. sources.
    2 Pls of Coy. attached 30 Corps CRASC for third line duties.
    dbf likes this.
  17. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 November 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    2 Pls attached 30 Corps.
    A.B.C.A. on release plans held in all Pls.
    Further training in firing of P.I.A.T. and personal weapons.

    2 November 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615

    3 November 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    Capt. H.J. Long (85905) promoted A/Major and posted to HQ Second Army Tps.

    4 November 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    PIAT firing on range.

    5 November 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    N.T.R. Training continues.

    6 November 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    25 pdr amn collected from R.A. dump.

    7 November 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    Capt. J.A. Jones (194031) reported to this Company and was taken on strength.
    Firing of personal weapons on the ranges.
    Two tpt. platoons returned to location from L of C duties under 30 Corps.

    8 November 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    Divisional transport returned to parent units.
    Canadian Recce Party reported to this unit and O.C. attended “O” Group for pending move of Company.

    9 November 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    Coal detail carried out for Division – 18 x 3 ton loads.

    10 November 1944 Bijsterhuizen 642615
    Company moved to new location at NEERHAAEREN 561587.

    11 November 1944 Neerhaeren 561587
    Company in new location. Men in billets. Training commenced.

    12 November 1944 Neerhaeren 561587
    O.C. attends C.O’s conference. N.T.R.

    13 November 1944 Neerhaeren 561587
    Dumping programme of 25 Pdr 125 r.p.g. Coal issued to Brigades.

    14 November 1944 Neerhaeren 561587
    Dumping programme continued 175 r.p.g.

    15 November 1944 Neerhaeren 561587
    3000 rds smoke (25 Pdr) issued to 94 Fd. Regt. 100 r.p.g. to each Regt.
    120 tons of coal delivered and dumped in Coy. location ready for issue on 16 Nov.
    Second line amn. replenished.

    16 November 1944 Neerhaeren 561587
    Collected 2000 rds Smk. and 120 rds yellow smoke.

    17 November 1944 Neerhaeren 561587
    “A” and “B” Tpt Pls moved to forward area. Gun A.P. open at M.R. 755622. 3600 rds dumped at Guns.

    18 November 1944 Neerhaeren 561587
    “Buzz-bomb” fell near location. 6800 rds H.E. dumped at Guns.
    8 x 3 ton vehicles on P.O.W. detail. Small arms inspection by REME.

    19 November 1944 Neerhaeren 561587
    Several “buzz-bombs” passed over Company location.
    Dumping 100 r.p.g. for 94 Fd. Regt.

    20 November 1944 Neerhaeren 561587
    2000 rds H.E. issued to each of 94 and 179 Fd. Regts.

    21 November 1944 Neerhaeren 561587
    3200 rds H.E. 3000 rds Smk and 128 rds red smk issued to R.A.

    22 November 1944 Neerhaeren 561587
    Coal for Div. dumped in Coy. location (266000 lbs).
    W/Shops Officer attended conference with 2 i/c.
    6960 rds H.E. and 864 rds smk issued to R.A.
    Five drivers despatched to HQ Main 30 Corps to drive “WEASELS”.
    Warning Order to move Coy. H.Q. at first light received at 1800 hrs.
    Orders received to move Coy. H.Q. at 1140 hrs 23 Nov. 44.

    23 November 1944
    Coy. H.Q. moved to new area Leewstak 755622.
    9434 rds H.E. and 2504 rds smk drawn and a total of 11984 rds H.E. and 2400 rds smk dumped at Guns.

    24 November 1944 Leewstak 755622
    5000 rds H.E. drawn from 163 F.M.C. and kept in Gun A.P.

    25 November 1944 Leewstak 755622
    2400 rds H.E. delivered to R.A.

    26 November 1944 Leewstak 755622
    Warning Order for “Wyvern Company”.

    27 November 1944 Leewstak 755622
    Two officers and 25 O.rs reported to 505 Coy. from this Coy. to form part of the “Wyvern Company”.
    2400 rds H.E. delivered to each of 94 and 112 Fd. Regts.

    28 November 1944 Leewstak 755622
    40 x 3 tons coal collected and dumped in 54 Coy RASC’s location.
    4800 rds H.E. collected from 164 F.M.C.
    Reported that enemy parachutists had been dropped in the area.

    29 November 1944 Leewstak 755622
    30 vehicles left for L of C work with 30 Corps.

    30 November 1944 Leewstak 755622
    dbf and Owen like this.
  18. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    1 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    Div. Commander visits Company. O.C. visits Platoon on L. of C.

    2 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    Warning Order received that 40000 rds 25 pdr H.E. and SMK are to be dumped in this Company’s location.

    3 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    12,000 rds HE delivered by Corps Transport. 12,000 rds HE dumped at Guns.

    4 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    CMIT Inspection begins. Amn – 14,400 rds HE dumped at Guns.
    13,480 rds HE dumped at Location by 3rd Line Transport.
    O.C. on leave.

    5 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    Amn dumping continues. 5280 rds HE dumped at Guns.

    6 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    O.C. returns from 48 hrs leave.

    7 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    12 vehicles on coal detail to 54 Coy RASC.
    12 vehicles return from coal detail.

    8 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    10,000 rds 25 pdr SMK collected from 164 FMC. 3rd Line Transport delivers 20,000 rds 25 pdr SMK to Gun A.P. 3,500 rds 25 pdr SMK delivered to 94 Fd Regt and 5000 rds SMK delivered to 112 Fd Regt. RA collected 5,400 rds 25 pdr HE from Gun A.P.
    One Platoon 30 vehicles returned to location from L of C detail.

    9 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    30 vehicles report to R.Es. 4800 rds 25 pdr HE delivered to Guns.
    10,400 rds 25 pdr SMK issued to RA and 52 Div.
    7200 rds 25 pdr HE collected from 164 FMC.
    15,200 rds 25 pdr SMK collected from 164 FMC.

    10 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    7200 rds 25 pdr HE collected from 164 FMC.
    4800 rds 25 pdr SMK collected from 164 FMC.
    12,000 rds 25 pdr HE delivered to Guns.
    3200 rds 25 pdr HE drawn from A.P. by Guards Armd Div.
    1000 rds 25 pdr SMK drawn from A.P. by Guards Armd Div.
    30 vehicles return from R.E. detail.

    11 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    2880 rds 25 pdr HE delivered to 112 Fd Regt.
    30 vehicles report to 52 Div for Troop Carrying and collect 5000 rds 25 pdr HE on their return.

    12 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    12 vehicles report to 54 Coy for coal detail.

    13 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    8 vehicles report to 506 Coy for Petrol detail.

    14 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    Warning Order received to backload. 12,000 rds 25 pdr per day to A.R.H. from Gun A.P.
    7480 rds HE and 3912 rds 25 pdr SMK backloaded.

    15 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    22,008 rds 25 pdr HE and 20,674 rds 25 pdr SMK returned to A.R.H.

    16 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    19,081 rds 25 pdr HE and 5574 rds 25 pdr SMK returned to A.R.H.
    Backloading of 25 pdr Amn completed.

    17 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    Warning Order for Recce Parties received. 10 x 3 ton lorries to report to S.A.A.P.
    Recce Parties leave for new area.

    18 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    58 x 3 ton lorries leave on Weasels carrying detail.
    O.C. attends C.Os conference.
    2nd Recce Party leaves for RV at HQ R.A.S.C.

    19 December 1944 Leewstak 755622
    Warning Order to move to new area received.
    58 x 3 ton lorries return from Weasel detail.
    27 Ors transferred to Infantry.

    20 December 1944
    2nd Line Amn loaded.
    Coy moves to new area – GENCK. M.R. 442652.

    21 December 1944 Genck 442652
    Gun A.P. of one platoon opens at M.R. 408507 WERM
    Recce Party which left on 17 Dec returns to company location.

    22 December 1944 Genck 442652
    Recce Party leaves for new area. Warning order received of probable move of Adm Area on 23 Dec 44.

    23 December 1944 Genck 442652
    Probable move of company on 24 Dec 44.

    24 December 1944
    Company moves to new area M.R. 320605 HASSELT. All men in billets.

    25 December 1944 Hasselt 320605
    Xmas dinner arranged for men of the company. C.O. visits the company.

    26 December 1944 Hasselt 320605
    Field Marshal Montgomery visits Coy H.Q. and leaves cigarettes for the men of the company.

    27 December 1944 Hasselt 320605
    Recce Party leaves for new area but returns as move is postponed.
    Gun A.P. closed 1330 hrs.

    28 December 1444 Hasselt 320605
    Recce Party leaves for new area. Company expected to move on 29 Dec 44.
    1200 rds 25 pdr HE delivered to 112 Fd Regt.

    29 December 1944
    Company moves to new area M.R. 614655 STEIN.
    C.O. visits the company in the new area.

    30 December 1944 Stein 614655
    Gun A.P. opens at M.R. 612652.

    31 December 1944 Stein 614655
    Inoculations completed to date.
    dbf and Owen like this.
  19. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    That's all I've got unfortunately, anyone have details for 1945?


  20. Geoff Bryant

    Geoff Bryant Member

    Thanks Tom, thats far more info than I thought I would get and great for anyone else looking. Would have been nice to have had January 1945 as thats when dad was transferred to the 67 Company in 7th Army and may have mentioned it and why. Never mind another time. once again thanks.
    Tom OBrien likes this.

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