Trying to find anyone who might know where the 2/5th Leicestershire Regiment were in Italy late September 1944. I'm looking into Lt Thomas Theo Hopkins, 295725, a former school teacher from Ibstock who died 23rd September. I know he is buried at Coriano Ridge War Cemetery if that helps pinpoint them and I know the 2/5th were a Territorial Battalion along with the 1/5th as they were in WW1.
War diary entries (Lt. Hopkins being lost is mentioned on the second page, just before the 23rd, if you make it out): The objective of A and C Companies was the village of Camerano, but they were stopped short by I./ Pz. Gren. Regt 200 of 90. Pz. Gren. Division. The original map is here - Cesena | Digital Archive @ McMaster University Library. Google Maps - Google Maps, Camerano is bottom left.
Thank you Frank, the one erected at the time will probably go in the book however the Historical Society archives would certainly appreciate a copy.
Email me through my website and I will send it from my phone when I am there in April. Regards Frank
More info from 139 Infantry Brigade, with a bit more detail. The initial defenders were from I./ Grenadier Regiment 817 from 356. Infanterie-Division. According to this account, I./ Pz. Gren. Regt. 200 launched a tank supported counterattack.