2/5th Leicestershire September 1944

Discussion in 'Italy' started by VicInIbstock, Jan 15, 2025.

  1. VicInIbstock

    VicInIbstock Member

    Trying to find anyone who might know where the 2/5th Leicestershire Regiment were in Italy late September 1944.
    I'm looking into Lt Thomas Theo Hopkins, 295725, a former school teacher from Ibstock who died 23rd September. I know he is buried at Coriano Ridge War Cemetery if that helps pinpoint them and I know the 2/5th were a Territorial Battalion along with the 1/5th as they were in WW1.
    zO Hopkins.jpg Hopkins T.jpg
  2. Gary Tankard

    Gary Tankard Well-Known Member

    War diary entries (Lt. Hopkins being lost is mentioned on the second page, just before the 23rd, if you make it out):



    The objective of A and C Companies was the village of Camerano, but they were stopped short by I./ Pz. Gren. Regt 200 of 90. Pz. Gren. Division.

    Screenshot 2025-01-17 000136.png

    The original map is here - Cesena | Digital Archive @ McMaster University Library.

    Google Maps - Google Maps, Camerano is bottom left.

    Screenshot 2025-01-17 001047.png
  3. minden1759

    minden1759 Senior Member

    I am in that Cemetery in Apr.

    Would you like a photo of the headstone?


    4jonboy and VicInIbstock like this.
  4. VicInIbstock

    VicInIbstock Member

    Thank you Frank, the one erected at the time will probably go in the book however the Historical Society archives would certainly appreciate a copy.
  5. minden1759

    minden1759 Senior Member

    Tony56 likes this.
  6. Gary Tankard

    Gary Tankard Well-Known Member

    More info from 139 Infantry Brigade, with a bit more detail. The initial defenders were from I./ Grenadier Regiment 817 from 356. Infanterie-Division. According to this account, I./ Pz. Gren. Regt. 200 launched a tank supported counterattack.




    minden1759 and 4jonboy like this.

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