Discussion in 'Royal Artillery' started by gmyles, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. gmyles

    gmyles Senior Member


    HQ 202 Sub Area - DAA&QMG (Salonika)

    MID – Gazetted 23 June 1945.

    MBE – Gazetted 13 Dec 1945


    WO 373/74/582

    This officer has been my DAA & QMG since Oct 1944 and has done most excellent work consistently throughout this period. He has never spared himself and very largely due to his initiative and personal effort this HQ successfully completed with the task of forming, opening for ops and taking under command 3 District M.L. Greece all during the very difficult times preceding the ELAS period. Maj Greene has done excellent work outside his own job in assisting in the opening up and running of the Salonika Officers Club and other welfare activities both for officers and other ranks. He has also done much to promote discussion groups etc. amongst units. Despite considerable service abroad this officer by his unflagging energy at this difficult period combined with his popularity with all ranks is rendering splendid service.

    Brig. D.C. Butterworth
    Comd. 3 Dist ML (G)

    Unfortunately, the month in 1945 it which it was passed for approval is illegible.


    But the MID is annotated on the citation as being awarded on 21/06/45 so this suggests that it may have been passed sometime after that date.

    He sadly died In Salonika just 5 days later on 25 June 1945 an re-Buried at Pharelon War Cemetery 07/04/1946.

    Could the timing of the MBE award be somehow connected to his ill-health? Could you get a MBE posthumously?

    Has anyone any idea how he may have died?

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2024
    dbf likes this.
  2. gmyles

    gmyles Senior Member

  3. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Shame the date isn't legible

    I don't believe it - or any grade of the Order - could be, though others might prove me wrong. As far as I'm aware, during WW2 only recommendations for Mentions along with VC/GC could be initiated after death.

    I've seen awards gazetted after death but they weren't posthumous awards in the sense that the process was instigated before death occurred.

    See dates in this example:
    - Action took place / recommendation instigated in July 1944
    - KIA / MC recommendation passed on 11/08/1944
    - MC Gazetted on 19 October 1944 https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/36753/supplement/4786/data.pdf with notation "since killed in action" (Subsequent deaths weren't always noted in LG but there are examples in practically every relevant issue of wartime LG)

    Screenshot 2024-01-20 at 15.12.30.png
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2024
    gmyles likes this.
  4. gmyles

    gmyles Senior Member

    Hi Dbf

    Yes, I also thought about the absence of a 'since died' text in the LG MBE listing nearly 6 months after he died.

    Example from https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/37521/supplement/1669/data.pdf


    I have also seen stamps added to citations allowing a casualty status to be annotated.

    Found his probate on FMP


    Only news item I have found on FMP too


    His original SN suggests he was commissioned from RASC.

    4jonboy and dbf like this.

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