A / B vehicles

Discussion in 'Weapons, Technology & Equipment' started by Catherine2, Nov 4, 2022.

  1. Catherine2

    Catherine2 Member

    Hi all
    I’m reading a War Diary from North Africa 1943 time, and it mentions ‘A’ and ‘B’ vehicles - specifically that not enough men in the unit were trained on ‘A’ vehicles. Some men then went on a ‘Tank Course No 1’
    Can anyone tell me the difference between A and B vehicles? And less likely, if anyone knows anything about the course?
    Thank you
  2. Gary Kennedy

    Gary Kennedy Member

    "A" vehicles are listed in bridge classification pamphlets as tanks (all types), scout cars, armoured cars, armoured command vehicles, carriers (all types) and latterly self-propelled artillery pieces and fully tracked artillery tractors.

    "B" vehicles are primarily cars, trucks and lorries, plus wheeled tractors, and special use vehicles such as ambulances and fire engines.

    4jonboy, Chris C and von Poop like this.
  3. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    A Vehicle: Armoured Fighting Vehicle.
    B Vehicle: Softskin, tracked or wheeled. (Might sometimes have a bit of armour, but not really intended for 'front line' use.)
    C Vehicle: Earth-moving, tracked or wheeled. Cranes, tractors, etc.

    Ah, sorry. I see Gary got there first.
    morrisc8 and Chris C like this.
  4. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    Huh, I didn't know there were 'C' vehicles.
  5. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Might be a modern definition.
    Dunno, can't remember & shooting from the hip, but they are a thing.
  6. Gary Kennedy

    Gary Kennedy Member

    Yes, I 'think' "C" vehicles is a postwar term for engineering and plant. I was just going by the contemporary classification pamphlets, the basic outline VP gives is the one I'd usually gone by as well. It can get a little fuzzy as to what's an AFV, in that carriers (Bren, Scout, Universal) are not, and I'm pretty sure I've heard in the past they were not "A" vehicles either, but they were classed as such for bridging purposes. And "B" vehicles I've always tended to think of as softskins too, however the light reconnaissance cars (Humber and Morris) were "B" vehicles and definitely, though only lightly. armoured.

    4jonboy and von Poop like this.
  7. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    Canadian Army lists of A and B vehicles and Other




    4jonboy and morrisc8 like this.
  8. Catherine2

    Catherine2 Member

    Thank you everyone that’s so helpful
    Chris C likes this.

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