anyone know about trench art

Discussion in 'General' started by adam180, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. adam180

    adam180 Senior Member

    anzio ring.jpg

    anzio ring2.jpg [/ATTACH]Hello everyone
    can anyone tell me about this ring i bought on ebay. it was advertised as trench art from ww2.
    cheers adam
  2. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    Hi Adam,

    Welcome to the forum, as for your ring I think I would be stating the obvious so I'll wait for the experts :)
  3. adam180

    adam180 Senior Member

    hello drew
    when i decided to buy the ring i thought it had almost no chance of being what it is masquerading as.
    the seller only sold military items.
    and most important of all i liked it.
    all the best adam
    ps you did make it sound like your not even a expert and you thought everybody knew.
    never mind it cost me a couple of rounds of drinks at most
  4. adam180

    adam180 Senior Member

    hello again drew
    in your profile i see your into bikes. my mate is into bikes as well and he has just got his self a aprilia.
    could you tell me if it is the same aprilia i come across looking into anzio?
    cheers adam
  5. adam180

    adam180 Senior Member

    [​IMG]Hello all
    I thought i would share with you something different, Mrs Adam180's cousin is a medium in her spare time, and she gave her this ring in a envelope, but not feeling it though it.
    This is what she got from it in her exact words.
    Film clips - diverse journeys.
    Huge sense of moral duty coming from owner.
    Very moral person.
    Suffered mentally.
    Still alive but old mentally diminished.
    Back to roots.
    Different languages spoken in younger life.
    Charlie Abbott.
    European Austro/Croat.
    Handed from one person to another.
    Dramatic life - now wouldn't belive he had the life he did.
    NOT IN ENGLAND. (it was in capitals on the paper).
    Dunkirk big part of journey.
    Family in Brugge.
    Can't speak of adventures.
    Staple steet.
    Now i am not a big believer in the after life etc, and a lot of people might think its mumbo-jumbo, but its at least a different angle on something, (that had a lack of experts stating the obvious lol) and i wanted to share it with you.
    Now the facts the hole is 19mm (3/4"), a silver colour, with some wear revealing a gold/brass colour underneath, its heavy and feels hard.
    please dont feel the need to comment as i am mainly just putting it out there.
    all the best Adam.
  6. Passchendaele_Baby

    Passchendaele_Baby Grandads Little Girl

    oohh... :spooky:... freaky...

    Good luck with your search adam, now o have to get back to the land of penguin animations

  7. Donnie

    Donnie Remembering HHWH


    Have you ever tested your missus' cousins ability? I.E. Could you get an object with no name on it (though you no its history) and see what she comes out with? always open minded (not a believer) but willing to learn new things.

    It could be quite interesting,

  8. adam180

    adam180 Senior Member

    Hello Donnie
    I like you am a non believer, but if i get a chance i will try what you suggested.
    Knowing the cousin myself before and after her getting these "powers" i couldn't think of anyone more down to earth.
    But a bit of thought will have to go into what i give her, because she knows what I'm into.
    I will keep you posted.
    I was hoping to get something from the description i gave more, ie is there a shell size 19mm etc.
    all the best Adam
    ps Just had a look at your site, its a nice way for them blokes to be remembered.
    Are the Creeds part of your family?
  9. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    hello again drew
    in your profile i see your into bikes. my mate is into bikes as well and he has just got his self a aprilia.
    could you tell me if it is the same aprilia i come across looking into anzio?
    cheers adam

    I take it you mean the Factory ?

    Unfortunately I can't tell you.....I just ride my bike, I'm not a biker as in someone who is into them in a big way.

  10. adam180

    adam180 Senior Member

    Hello Andy
    I take it you mean the Factory ?
    Yeah the factory is the Aprilia Factory as far as i know.
  11. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    Wouldn't know mate :unsure:
  12. Donnie

    Donnie Remembering HHWH

    Are the Creeds part of your family?

    They are mate, you connected to the Creeds?

    Donnie.......glad you liked my site...:D
  13. adam180

    adam180 Senior Member

    Afraid not Donney
    But i would have been proud to be one of Creeds, they did there bit by the looks of it.
    There is no army history in my family, apart from my 2 grandads in the war.
    And only one joined under his own steam, the 1st buckinghams (TA), then 7th Ox & Bucks).
    He is to blame for me getting into all this army stuff lol.

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