Army Medical Service Questions

Discussion in 'RAMC' started by medic054, Jul 23, 2018.

  1. medic054

    medic054 Member

    Hi all, just a few questions regarding medical provision in the British army during the second war:
    1. Is it true that an infantry battalion medical officer's orderly would hold the rank of lance-corporal (albeit with no command over those not engaged on medical duties)?
    2. What were the responsibilities of the MO's orderly?
    3. Did the medical orderly attached to an infantry battalion carry specific medical equipment and if so what? Was it just a shell dressing bag or more advanced medical equipment.
    4. Were the infantry battalion medical orderlies RAMC troops attached to the battalion or battalion troops who had been trained as an orderly? By extension of this, what insignia did a medical orderly wear, that of the RAMC or that of the battalion they were assigned?
    Thanks in advance.

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