BEF Issued Maps

Discussion in '1940' started by Drew5233, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    I've read in quite a few books of a regular problem regarding navigation and the quality/lack of maps.

    I can now see why there was such a problem-This map was issued by 2 Div in lieu of proper 1:25,000 maps.

  2. cameronlad

    cameronlad Member

    Judging by the ink and colour it looks like an old gestetner-type stencil copy. From memory, they were copied by sketching onto a paper stencil, then manually printed on a small desktop printer by staff either at an HQ or by mobile printing units.
    But, you're right, the detail is so rudamentary it must have been almost hopeless to work with. As handy as a chocolate teapot. So much for British intelligence in those days - unlike German units who were all issued with detailed maps based on years of meticulously collecting European tourist guides.
    Footnote: The hand-drawn tracing of the QOCH map you posted (re the La Bassee area) is quite accurate in terms of scale and layout, even if detail is less so. I used my photoshop software to reproduce it as an overlay on a modern map. Almost kiss perfect.
  3. Earthican

    Earthican Senior Member

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