Best Ss Unit

Discussion in 'General' started by swd1974, Oct 25, 2005.

  1. swd1974

    swd1974 Junior Member

    Setting aside the meaning of the SS and the crud, for lack of a better term, that they stood for.

    Which SS unit conducted themselves with the most valor in battle? Which unit did more to help Germany on the battlefield over the course of the entire war and why?
  2. plant-pilot

    plant-pilot Senior Member

    Quite a difficult one. Like picking any 'favourite' unit from any force.... US Airborne, Ranger or Marine? British Para, Commando or Infantry?

    A little too subjective to be a real choice of a 'best' unit. So I for one haven't got a clue.
  3. Vabadusjaiseseisvus

    Vabadusjaiseseisvus Junior Member

    (Dessert Fox @ Oct 25 2005, 12:21 PM) [post=40617]Setting aside the meaning of the SS and the crud, for lack of a better term, that they stood for.

    Which SS unit conducted themselves with the most valor in battle? Which unit did more to help Germany on the battlefield over the course of the entire war and why?

    Which SS....
    At first I have to admit that if those valorous grenaders didn´t shut slavians or jews. They helped those one who did it behind the frontline!
    I´m not proud of it!

    But if we write about the most valor Waffen SS unit, then my favorite is Battalion Narva that was part of
    Wiking div.
    They kept off numerous Soviets forces in Izjum. Because of they actions Soviets didnt besieged german
    units in Donbass like they have planed in ``Skotchek``-Rokhossovski was author!!!!
  4. sapper

    sapper WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    Bt reputation and deed there can never be as tough a mob as the 12 SS Panzer Div. The Hitler Youth division they fought on when all was lost.
    I doubt very much if there ever existed a better fighting force than those Murdering scum.
  5. mattgibbs

    mattgibbs Senior Member

    Judgement is the perogative of the victorious so in that sense Sapper is possibly right.

  6. Vabadusjaiseseisvus

    Vabadusjaiseseisvus Junior Member

    (sapper @ Dec 4 2005, 02:29 PM) [post=42621]Bt reputation and deed there can never be as tough a mob as the 12 SS Panzer Div. The Hitler Youth division they fought on when all was lost.
    I doubt very much if there ever existed a better fighting force than those Murdering scum.


    But my favorite is Grenaders of Battalion Narva
  7. GarandGuy

    GarandGuy Member

    My vote definitely lies with the 12th SS. They were fanatical, and fought to the last man. They halted Allied forces at Caen and allowed many more German units to escape over the Rhine before they were annihilated.

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