D137857 Private Gaetan LACROIX, Fusiliers Mont-Royal: 11/12/44, Action & Field Grave help

Discussion in 'Canadian' started by Kurt Johnson, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. Kurt Johnson

    Kurt Johnson Active Member

    Mod edit: moved from Help appreciated, 153rd Brigade in Beers,NL

    Hey -- I am editing a Canadian student's life story on a private, Gaetan Lacroix (#D137857) with the Fusiliers Mont-Royal. He came over to Northwestern Europe and joined up with his infantry unit on November 2, 1944 Service records stated he was wounded on November 28. He died on December 11, 1944. He was buried in temporary cemetery at "Beers 6849"

    Anyone know what battle would this have been for the FMR regiment???

  2. klambie

    klambie Senior Member

    Appears FMR and 6 Cdn Bde were on the E. bank of the Maas, roughly between Mook and Middelaar at this time. Little major activity, mostly patrolling, small attacks to capture PW etc as was typical across the Canadian front S and E of Nijmegen throughout the winter.

    Speculate he was likely evacuated to a hospital facility nearer Beers prior to his death.

    Don't know of the FMR war diary online. Here's the 6 Bde diary which will give you a bit of a sense:
    War diaries : T-12002 - Héritage
    Message log a bit deeper in that file has a bit more detail:
    War diaries : T-12002 - Héritage
  3. Jan2000

    Jan2000 Active Member

    Very interesting indeed. I believe I have the FMR diaries somewhere, I am going to take a look for you later this week.
    I do not know of any hospital facilities near Beers, however there was an aid post in Cuijk.
    Kurt Johnson likes this.
  4. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    Follow up to Kevin’s info. Message Log seems to indicate one casualty on the 28 One man in an OP

    17thDYRCH, Kurt Johnson and stolpi like this.
  5. klambie

    klambie Senior Member

    After looking at his file, I see the one entry on his wounding, but nothing to corroborate. Especially after an extended period in hospital (presumably), strange not to see something related to those medical units, any notification telegram other than his death, etc. Possibly a red herring, but do you have any other information confirming he was wounded 28 Nov? I'll try to give it another closer look.

    And no FMR death I can find on 28 Nov on CWGC. If that is the incident, possible he was the one originally reported dead.
    17thDYRCH and stolpi like this.

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