New Resource Field Service Pocket Book - Abbreviations 2017-08-11

Authorized abbreviations - British Army

  1. papiermache likes this.
  2. papiermache

    papiermache Well-Known Member

    Few of my regiment and corps abbreviations as used in my spreadsheets of Far East units (1941 formations, mostly Malaya and Singapore) accord with the specified abbreviations.

    According to the pamphlet reproduced on this site my 5BH or 5B&H should be " 5 BEDFS HERTS", 2 CAMBS should be 2 CAMB, 4 RNR should be 4 NORFOLK, thus dropping the "Royal", which must have irked. "Bedfs" is almost impossible to pronounce, unless in jest.

    The abbreviation for the County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters) (TA) is "Sharpshooters" which is scarcely an abbreviation, and the only SS in the official list is SSM, or "staff or squadron, serjeant-major", because the South Staffordshire Regiment is partially reduced to S STAFFORDS. Perhaps SS was going too far.

    An excellent resource, thanks for posting it.
  3. Sheldrake

    Sheldrake All over the place....

    This September 1944 document seems to have much the same abbreviations as appeared in the abbreviations in FSR Pam 2 orders and Inter communication 1938 . Is there a Staff Duties guru out there who can explain what differences were introduced during the war years?

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