George Llewellyn JONES

Discussion in 'British Army Units - Others' started by Mavis Williams, Dec 31, 2023.

  1. Mavis Williams

    Mavis Williams Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone,
    I don't know if I am on the right Forum, but I am desparately looking for a clue to a this Serviceman - he is the only possible prospect for a George L. JONES who is remembered on the Hawarden WW2 War Memorial.

    I found this one:-
    Commonwealth War Graves Commission
    JONES, G L (Possible? - George Llewellyn)
    Service Number 1828252
    Died 21/10/1946
    Aged 30
    The Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey)

    Husband of Roma Jones, of Gloucester.

    Location: Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
    Number of casualties: 264
    Cemetery/memorial reference: War Graves Plot B. Grave 10077.

    If this is him, he enlisted on the 10th of July 1941.

    I found this info, but whether it relates to 'Our' G.L. JONES, I don't know.
    George was born in 1916 if he was 30 when he died.

    Deaths Dec 1946 (>99%)
    Jones George 30 Gloucester C. 7b 407

    Possible marriage of George L JONES & Roma SMITH:-

    Surname First name(s) Spouse District Vol Page
    Marriages Sep 1945 (>99%)
    Jones George L Smith Gloucester C. 6a 1098
    Smith Roma Jones Gloucester C. 6a 1098


    Is this G.L. JONES on the 1939 Register?

    1939 Register (Taken on the 29th September 1939)
    Jones Household (3 People)
    Kendricks Field,Fixed Caravan Laurels Ferry Lane , Hawarden R.D., Flintshire, Wales
    George Jones 16 Dec 1888 Male Master Tailor Married 12 1
    Margaret J Jones 12 Oct 1889 Female Unpaid Domestic Duties Married 12 2
    George L Jones 13 May 1913 Male Tailor Single 12 3

    I apologise if I have asked for help with this before, but any information would be greatly appreciated.
    Kindest regards,
    Mavis Williams
  2. CL1

    CL1 116th LAA and 92nd (Loyals) LAA,Royal Artillery

  3. Mavis Williams

    Mavis Williams Well-Known Member

    Thank you CL1, I saw that on the CWGC website on his page, but it wouldn't let me download or save, so thanks so much. I need to connect him to Flintshire at least, if not Hawarden. I will keep on looking, I have been trying off and on for years.
    Thanks again, Mavis
  4. CL1

    CL1 116th LAA and 92nd (Loyals) LAA,Royal Artillery

    4jonboy and Deacs like this.
  5. Deacs

    Deacs Well i am from Cumbria.

    I'm getting Gloucester for this chap.
    Jones burial.jpg Jones will.jpg Jones recruitment.jpg
  6. Deacs

    Deacs Well i am from Cumbria.

    I'm gonna go for this chap Mavis.
    Service Number: 1133646
    Regiment & Unit/Ship
    Royal Artillery
    111 Field Regt.
    Date of Death
    Died 20 April 1943
    Age 20 years old
    Buried or commemorated at
    VII. A. 17.
    • Country of ServiceUnited Kingdom
    • Additional Info Son of Joseph and Hannah Louisa Jones, of Bagillt, Flintshire.
    Name Gwilym L Jones
    Gender Male
    Marital Status Single
    Birth Date 20 Nov 1922
    Residence Date 1939
    Address Isfryn
    Residence Place Flint, Flintshire, Wales
    Occupation Artificial Silkworker
    Line Number 44
    Schedule Number 164
    Sub Schedule Number 3
    Enumeration District Zmcl
    Borough Flint
    Registration district 619/3
    Inferred Father Joseph Jones
    Inferred Mother Hannah L Jones
    timuk likes this.
  7. Deacs

    Deacs Well i am from Cumbria.

  8. Mavis Williams

    Mavis Williams Well-Known Member

    Thank you CL1 and Deacs, I think that you are right about George Llewellyn coming from Gloucester, cannot see any connection to Hawarden, Deeside, Flintshire and Gwilym Lloyd Jones could be a better chance of being, perhaps, the better possibility.
    I will try the CWGC and see if they have anymore iinformation.
    Happy New Year, by the way and thanks again.
  9. travers1940

    travers1940 Well-Known Member

    Hi Mavis

    Gwilliam Jones looks like a good shout.

    I don't have the time to post it at moment, but I found a report of George Llewlyn Jones's funeral in the British Newspaper Archive Index, which names his widow, parents & sisters. This ties up with an entry in the 1939 Register for High Street, Gloucester where he is living with his parents & sisters. Nothing found links him to North Wales/Cheshire.

    There is a death registration for George L. Jones (the tailor) born 1913 in the 1980's at a reg dist just outside Rhyl, and his baptism is also online.

    Hope to post details tomorrow.

    Deacs likes this.
  10. travers1940

    travers1940 Well-Known Member


    1828252 JONES, George LLewllyn
    As promised this data I think clears him as the man on your memorial. He was born in Gloucester in 1916, lives there in 1939 & marries there post war & I have

    From the Gloucester Citizen 24 Oct 1946
    . DEATH* JONES —October 21, George Llewellyn, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Jones. 30. High St., Gloucester, and loving husband of Roma (nee Smith), passed away after short Illness at City General Hospital. Gloucester, aged 30 years. Faneral servicc Friday at ...

    From the Gloucester Citizen 29 Oct 1946
    ... St. Paul s Church, the Rev C Simpson officiating The interment followed at the Cemetery. The principal mourners were: Mrs. Roma Jones (widow), Mr. and Mrs. S. Jones (father and mother), Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones (brother and slsCer-ln-law). Misses Iris, Doris ...
    Results for 'roma' | Between 1st Oct 1946 and 31st Oct 1946 | South West, England | Location | British Newspaper Archive

    In another death announcement in the papers his widow thanks staff at Gloucester Military Hospital.

    1939 Register - 30 High Street, Gloucester
    Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 17.38.15.png
    Image courtesy of

    For completeness and for anyone visiting this post in future for this soldier his service number confirms that he enlisted in the Royal Artillery on 10 July 1941. In early 1946 he transferred from the Royal Fusiliers to the Queens Royal West Surrey Regiment. The QRWSR Register of Transfers In has a pencil note saying 2/5th. If this refers to him being posted to that battalion of the regiment they were in Italy when the Germans surrendered and until disbandment in May 1946 served at Venice & then Trieste.
    5th Bn The Queen’s Royal Regiment

    Last edited: Jan 2, 2024
  11. travers1940

    travers1940 Well-Known Member


    George L JONES - born 1913 - living 1939 at Kendricks Field, Hawarden RD

    This is his possible baptism at Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthen & Cardiganshire in 1913 Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 18.17.26.png

    and probable death registration

    Name George Leslie Jones
    Death Age 75
    Birth Date 15 May 1913
    Registration Date Jan 1989
    Registration district Rhuddlan
    Inferred County Clwyd
    Volume 24
    Page 675

  12. Mavis Williams

    Mavis Williams Well-Known Member

    Thank you Travers, you always go the extra mile! I have been through the Hawarden Grammar School Admissions Register and thought I had found a few possibles, but only came up, in the end, with George Jones, born 29th December 1912, Albert Place Connah's Quay, he entered the school on the 29th of September 1924, but he returned to his Elementary School on the 24th of July 1925 and there is a note to say he was deceased. His father was a Boat engineer. and the note 'Dec'd' may have meant his father, but I know that the school did note when a pupil died. Perhaps that was why he went back to Elementary School.
    Thank you once again for your help, the negatives are important, as they help eliminate.
  13. travers1940

    travers1940 Well-Known Member

    Gunner Gwillym LLoyd JONES

    He gets a mention in the index of the British Newspaper Archive:

    .. children and struck a telegraph post. In April her husband. Guardsman Ferciyal Lloyd, was killed in action in Tunisia, and three weeks later her nephew. Gunner Gwillym Lloyd Jones, of Bagillt, died of wounds in Tunisia. ..
    Liverpool Echo 03 July 1943.
    Results for 'gwillym lloyd jones' | British Newspaper Archive

    The 1939-1945 Army Roll of Honour gives the additional information that GwIllym was born & resided in Flintshire.

    There is a Gwillym Lloyd JONES on the Bagillit War Memorial that Clwyd Family History Society have recorded as the person being researched here.

    At nearby Holywell both Guardsman Percival LLOYD & an unidentified Gwilym JONES are recorded.
    Holywell | Clwyd Family History

    JimHerriot and Jacobr like this.
  14. Mavis Williams

    Mavis Williams Well-Known Member

    I have relooked at the War Memorial and his first name is George then initial L. JONES, and Bagillt is too far away from here I would think, although Iknow people moved through the years.
    Thank you so much Travers, you are always there to help and I must thank you for the past help you have given me.
    Kindest regards, Mavis

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