Hello from across the Channel (and 2000 km beyond)

Discussion in 'User Introductions' started by Richādo Böhm, Jan 24, 2024.

  1. Richādo Böhm

    Richādo Böhm New Member

    Hi, I'm from Bulgaria, a country in the Balkans. It's the poor one, if that helps narrow it down. We were de jure in the Axis, but didn't fight on the Eastern Front --- or any front, for that matter. So I can't say I've the fortune of having any relatives in WW2.
    Right now I'm interested in Operation Barbarossa as a whole. And while I'm here, I might as well show this off: [​IMG]
    A friendly meeting between Greek and Bulgarian soldiers hiking near the border, 1930s. Source is https://www.lostbulgaria.com/#. Fascinating little site; however, I dislike all the damn watermarks. It's all in Bulgarian, but Google Translate should do the trick.

    Anyways, I figure I'd also share I'm conversational in German. Don't know if it'll prove to be of use.

    Zum Wohl :cheers:
  2. Dave55

    Dave55 Atlanta, USA

    Hello and welcome to the forum.
    JimHerriot and Richādo Böhm like this.
  3. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Welcome to the forum.

    The last Bulgarian member I can remember was many years ago.
    Quite a character.
    JimHerriot and Richādo Böhm like this.
  4. 4jonboy

    4jonboy Daughter of a 56 Recce

    Hello and welcome to the forum.

    JimHerriot and Richādo Böhm like this.
  5. Richādo Böhm

    Richādo Böhm New Member

    Thanks for the welcome messages, everyone.
    You know, people with their nationality in their username tend to be quite the characters in general. Especially Eastern Europeans, doubly so with the Balkans.
    Owen and JimHerriot like this.
  6. Redd

    Redd Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum!
    Richādo Böhm likes this.

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