Help identifying uniform

Discussion in 'General' started by bunman, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. horsapassenger

    horsapassenger Senior Member

    I think the way that these details have posted from the website is a bit confusing. If you look at the site it reads more like this:

    07.03.1942 commissioned, The Hampshire Regiment [emergency commission]

    26.05.1943 transferred, Parachute Regiment - Army Air Corps

    (09.1944) Second-in-Command, B Company, 11th Parachute Battalion (Arnhem [killed in action])

    This is the website:

    1st British Airborne Division officers -- D

    All the best..........:)

    Douglas was promoted to the rank of Acting Captain on 9th February 1944

  2. bunman

    bunman Junior Member


    Thanks for the wealth of information provided. Here is where I have got to:

    - photo of my grandfather may be John S. Douglas
    - uniform in the photo confirms the rank of Capt
    - uniform also suggests staff officer
    - I believe my grandfather was in Cairo (or nearby) at some point, need to check whether this could have been with the Hampshire regiment (prior to transfer to Parachute regiment)
    - the photo that I have appears to have been taken/developed in Rome - how is this possible if rome was only liberated in June 44 and John was in Melton Mowbray then Arnhem?
    - my grandmother was a physiotherapist. I have been told by one person that she was in the Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps and by another that she was in the Red Cross. Both have said she was in Cairo. I have her war medals and she has the Defense Medal, the War Medal and the Italy Star but nothing for North Africa

    I am a bit stuck on what to do next. Thoughts:

    - contact Airborne Assault Museum in Duxford to see if they have any photos of John S. Douglas that I can compare to mine
    - try and find out for certain where my grandmother served (not sure how) and work out whether she was near Melton Mowbray in May 1944, when my mum was conceived! and when/where she was in Italy

    Any other ideas?


    PS As I mentioned in one of my first posts, I didn't know much about Market Garden before I started researching my photo a few days ago. I went out and bought A Bridge Too Far Yesterday and I guess i'll be up til 1am again reading it tonight :smile:
  3. Steve Mac

    Steve Mac Very Senior Member

    Hello Dan,

    Did you explore the 'photo' tip from airborne medic at Message #8?

    On page 30 of Who was Who at Arnhem there is a photo of some of the officers of the 11th Btn and if the wording is correct Captain Douglas is third from right in the second row......there does appear to be some resemblence.....

    I don't know if the Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps and/or the Red Cross had service records for your grandmother, or indeed whether she had a service number, but I think you must establish where she was stationed/situated before you can move on to investigate Captain Douglas. After all, she is the one that you know you are related to and you have no such certainty at present regarding Captain Douglas.

    There will be no easy fix on your research. You will need to follow each thread of the lead until you can prove or disprove them. Not an easy task Dan, but I wish you well.


  4. Paul Pariso

    Paul Pariso Very Senior Member

    On page 30 of Who was Who at Arnhem there is a photo of some of the officers of the 11th Btn and if the wording is correct Captain Douglas is third from right in the second row......there does appear to be some resemblence.....

    I've looked at the pic AM mentions and unfortunately there are 9 ID's given, but there are only 8 men in the row in question??
    However, as he says, there is a resemblance to the guy third from the right and this would APPEAR to be named as Douglas. Unfortunately the picture is very small and it doesn't copy too well but here's my effort.
    Maybe the full size version is held at Duxford??

    All the best..........:)

    Attached Files:

  5. bunman

    bunman Junior Member

    Thanks very much Paul,

    It's not a dead cert is it...

    I will go ahead and contact Duxford.

  6. Paul Pariso

    Paul Pariso Very Senior Member

    Thanks very much Paul,

    It's not a dead cert is it...

    I will go ahead and contact Duxford.


    No problem Dan, let us know how you get on,

    All the best..........:)
  7. Combover

    Combover Guest

    I know this may seem quite trivial but the unit your Grandmorther was more likely to be in was the QAIMNS - Qeen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service.
  8. bunman

    bunman Junior Member


    Thanks for the correction. Do you know whether there will be a service record if she was in QAIMNS? And, if so, how I could find her service number?

  9. Combover

    Combover Guest

    There certainly will be a service record as they tended to follow the troops around. A significant number were killed on D-Day so it is highly likely that they would have had service records relevant to where they were.
  10. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    Hi Dan,

    She will have a service record. You don't need and service number to apply for her records although it can help if known. You just need proof of death and a date of birth along with next of kin approval.


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