In Regards To The Closing Of The Germans/americans Vs Russia 1945

Discussion in 'General' started by GarandGuy, Dec 10, 2005.

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  1. GarandGuy

    GarandGuy Member

    I don't see how the thread was a 'political discussion'. I see posts all the time condemning Nazi Germany for its way of government and the atrocities it committed, but one isn't allowed to condemn communism and the atrocities the Soviet Union committed? To the victor goes the spoils I suppose, but I believe the thread was no different from many others I have seen and should be reopened.
  2. sapper

    sapper WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    Close it for me.. Why? For no other reason than this was an attack on a sovereign state, and a former ally in the war against Hitler. We may not like the way they conduct their affairs, but that is their business ,and no one elses.

    To advocate the rearming of Hitlers thugs to attack that former friend is to say the least...Stupid. IT would be well to remind those that do not like Russia, that they lost I think 6 million in that fight, had they not fought as the did ...Then it may have taken that number of western soldiers lives.

  3. angie999

    angie999 Very Senior Member

    I closed the thread mainly because it was not about the role of the Soviet Union in WWII, but about the emergence of the cold war post-war politics.

    If any member particularly wants to discuss this, they could join the American THC forum, but many of the established members there are probably a bit sick of the subject and will not welcome it again.
  4. jimbotosome

    jimbotosome Discharged

    (sapper @ Dec 11 2005, 04:47 AM) [post=42976]Close it for me.. Why? For no other reason than this was an attack on a sovereign state, and a former ally in the war against Hitler. We may not like the way they conduct their affairs, but that is their business ,and no one elses.

    To advocate the rearming of Hitlers thugs to attack that former friend is to say the least...Stupid. IT would be well to remind those that do not like Russia, that they lost I think 6 million in that fight, had they not fought as the did ...Then it may have taken that number of western soldiers lives.

    Sapper, didn't Russia brutally invade Poland with Germany but war was declared on Germany alone? I believe it was called Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact. Russia also signed a 10 year non-aggression pact, and if Hitler had not broken it, Russia would have probably have declared war on Britain and help take it out. In addition, unprovoked, Russia invaded Finland too. Didn't Russia murder two and a half more of their own people (15 million) than Germany did theirs?

    I believe Germany was also a sovereign state and perhaps we should have had the same respect to not intrude on how they conducted their affairs by that same logic. But then again so where Poland and Finland sovereign states. The inference from that is that you seem to believe as long as you were or will be a one time ally (again term used loosely) in the war all of your brutal sins including aiding in starting of the war in the first place, are forgiven and you can do what you want to mankind? After reading what you posted, I am so incredibly astonished that I would really like to know in your own words, exactly what were you fighting for?
  5. angie999

    angie999 Very Senior Member

    Can I remind everyone that the discussion is closed. If it continues here, it will be necessary to close this topic too.
  6. smc66

    smc66 Member

    In war you do not necessarily get the chance to choose your allies.

    I think the whole thing can be summed up in a Churchill quote from a speech in Parliament announcing the German invasion of Russia.

    "If Hitler invaded hell, I'd consider making a pact with the devil."

    Lastly, the Germans themselves, particularly Himmler, were trying to split the Allies by attempting to negotiate only with the West. There is no way on earth any of the great powers would have even considered it.
  7. angie999

    angie999 Very Senior Member

    This thread was started by someone who wanted to comment on my decision to close the original thread. Fair enough.

    But it continues to be used to post comments on the original topic, so as I said, it beomes necessary to close it.
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