Kapelche Veer Monuments

Discussion in 'Canadian' started by Sailormannn, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. Sailormannn

    Sailormannn Active Member

    Just noticed on Google that the monuments at Kapelche Veer have been removed. The article below explains that several of the copper plaques were stolen and it was decided to temporarily remove the remaining bronze plaque.

    Diefstal herdenkingsplaten bij Kapelsche Veer dwingt gemeente tot weghalen oorlogsmonument

    Does anyone know if the memorial has now been restored or when or if it will be. Sad to see sites like this vandalized; hope they find however is responsible.
  2. 51highland

    51highland Very Senior Member

    What it should look like. Taken 2012.

    Attached Files:

    JohnS, Sailormannn, dbf and 1 other person like this.
  3. Buteman

    Buteman 336/102 LAA Regiment (7 Lincolns), RA

    Sailormannn likes this.

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