My Grandfather (a Chindit) Charles Turner

Discussion in 'User Introductions' started by Kristen Lucey, Nov 23, 2023.

  1. davidbfpo

    davidbfpo Patron Patron


    Something not to overlook: check this website for the Service Number - easy and before today not seen here. Then checking his name is a little more difficult, the site's search facility is simple, so I used "charles" + "turner" and went through the responses. Again, he is not known here before today.
    Kristen Lucey likes this.
  2. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Here's the link to Timuk's previous post re TAR 204 Kristen, and ab64's images of said TA regulation section from the 1936 edition of the regulations. Fine work by both of these chaps, for which they deserve full credit.

    Discharged Para 204 (6) a) KRs 30/4/42

    Kind regards, always,

    Kristen Lucey likes this.
  3. Kristen Lucey

    Kristen Lucey Member

    Jim, you are brilliant thank you for this. Going to read it all now. Thank you to Timuk and ab64 for all their hard work. I had no idea this wonderful group was in existence, quite brilliant. I can not thank you all enough.
  4. Kristen Lucey

    Kristen Lucey Member

    Hey Jim - just had a brief look at the Para 204 and seems to be used for misconduct and being released from duty for such. The reason why this has made me giggle is that, as my PDF document suggests, when he was posted at Sandringham he used to go AWOL and thumb his way back to Bolton to go and see my Gran who was very pregnant with my Aunt! Perhaps he was caught for this and dismissed... hence the re-enlistment in 1940 to the KOSB. And hence the 2 service numbers?
    JimHerriot likes this.
  5. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    There's also an "age at enlistment" related paragraph within 204 too Kristen.

    Whatever the reason (hopefully when you receive your grandfather's records the particular paragraph sub-section will be listed) it can't have been more than a "minor" thing else they wouldn't have had him back in 1940, no matter how desperate things were for the country at the time!

    Kind regards, always,

    Kristen Lucey likes this.
  6. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    All speculation on my part Kristen, but having had the magnifying glass on the TA RA attestations book entry it may be "204 (l)", and an entirely innocent "without fault" termination of engagement.

    I have no idea how long the engagement periods (years) on enlisting into the TA in 1933 were.

    Four years (discharge 27/3/37) may possibly just have been "time served", maybe.

    Anyway, enough speculating from me. Hopefully the clued up TA Regs folks will look in and set things straight.

    Kind regards, always,

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2023
    Kristen Lucey likes this.
  7. Kristen Lucey

    Kristen Lucey Member

    Thanks Jim - I appreciate that extra work you put in there. Do you think once I receive the records I can upload them to this thread for you all to have a nosy at? I suspect it will be several months before that happens, especially given that they are in transit from one Archive to another!
    JimHerriot likes this.
  8. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Of course Kristen, post up any information that comes to light, but only if you want to and are happy to.

    And for the future, forum member Tullybrone is a dab hand at interpreting service record entries.

    Good luck, and I hope you don't have to wait too many months for your grandfather's records.

    Kind regards, always,

  9. Tullybrone

    Tullybrone Senior Member

    Hi Jim,

    Thanks for your kind words re service record interpretation.

    They were 4 year enlistment periods in TA (and pre 1920 TF and pre 1908 Militia).

    Think Kristen really needs to wait for NA to release her gf service record. We’ve all seen new members posting on here and immediately diving down various rabbit holes and going on a wild goose chase (mixed metaphors) before having sight of the service records.

    JimHerriot likes this.
  10. GerryXXV

    GerryXXV New Member

    I don't come on the forum much and during a search (KOSB) found your post.

    A quick search of the KOSB enlistment books confirms the previous service number of 827714, Charles actually transferred to the Royal Scots Fusiliers (R.S.F.) on the 12th June 1943.

    You should find out more from his service records when they arrive, I have attached a scan of the page insert to confirm the R.S.F. Transfer.


    Attached Files:

    JimHerriot and bamboo43 like this.
  11. Skoyen89

    Skoyen89 Senior Member

    Hi Gerry

    Just a quick question following up on your post #30 - where did you find the KOSB enlistment books? Are they online? I'm often helping people whose relatives served with them in India/Burma and this would be a great additional source.

    JimHerriot likes this.
  12. GerryXXV

    GerryXXV New Member

    I am the museum officer at the KOSB museum, Berwick-upon-Tweed. The enlistment books are not available online at the moment although they have been digitised.

    We do provide a research service, if anyone is interested they can go to the link below:
    Family Enquiries – The King's Own Scottish Borderers

    4jonboy and JimHerriot like this.
  13. Skoyen89

    Skoyen89 Senior Member

    Thanks Gerry,
    JimHerriot likes this.

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