New girl

Discussion in 'User Introductions' started by Joanne Hattersley, Feb 5, 2024.

  1. Hi everyone.
    Just joined you all here. I recently discovered my grandads navy service record so have been starting some research. He even saved the paper!!!

    I have a passion for ww2 history in particular Easy company. (American paratroopers)and have written about and interviewed many people in relation to this.

    Now it’s my grandad. I want to learn about him. He passed 34 years ago.

    Attached Files:

    bofors likes this.
  2. Redd

    Redd Senior Member

    Hi Joanne - welcome to the forum!
    Joanne Hattersley likes this.
  3. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

    Hello and Welcome Joanne.
  4. Dave55

    Dave55 Atlanta, USA

    Welcome to the forum.
  5. bamboo43

    bamboo43 Very Senior Member

    Welcome Joanne. Looks like you are making some headway already in understanding your grandfather's service.
  6. Certainly am. Everyone’s been so helpful. I’ve applied to the MOD as well to get more info.
    bamboo43 likes this.
  7. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

    "I have a passion for ww2 history in particular Easy company. (American paratroopers)and have written about and interviewed many people in relation to this".

    More of this later maybe?

    Stay with Grandad for now.
    Joanne Hattersley likes this.
  8. 4jonboy

    4jonboy Daughter of a 56 Recce

    Hello and welcome to the forum.

    Joanne Hattersley likes this.
  9. ‘my WW2 Easy company’s been a passion for a while. I’ve interviewed vets families, actors from Band of brothers, crew, writers etc.

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