Royal Navy Awards

Discussion in 'The War at Sea' started by brithm, May 29, 2023.

  1. Hugh MacLean

    Hugh MacLean Senior Member

    Leading Telegraphist Peter Malcolm Goodyear was awarded the D.S.M. for service aboard HMSm SAFARI - gazetted 6 July 1943.

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  2. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

    Award Cross of Valour (Polish) Petty Officer Athole Graham Coning, Royal Navy HMS Griffin for rescuing Polish troops from Nazaire [1940]

    Gloucester Citizen 5th March 1942
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2023
    Hugh MacLean likes this.
  3. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

    Award Distinguished Service Medal Temporary Petty Officer Cook Cecil Roy Smith, (P/MX.51629) Narvik & Malta

    The King has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the Celebration of His Majesty's Birthday, to approve awards show below, for outstanding zeal, patience and cheerfulness and for never failing to set an example of wholehearted devotion to duty, without which the high tradition of the Royal Navy could not have been upheld.

    Derby Daily Telegraph 16th March 1945
    Hugh MacLean likes this.
  4. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

    Award Distinguished Service Medal Acting Able Seaman Cyril Doggett (D/JX.190979)

    Derby Daily Telegraph 16th March 1945
  5. Hugh MacLean

    Hugh MacLean Senior Member


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  6. Hugh MacLean

    Hugh MacLean Senior Member

    DEMS gunner aboard ss KENNETH HAWKSFIELD - Chief Engineer was called Richard Spencer Dring who also received an MBE(Civ). His DSM was awarded in 1945 when he was not ascribed to a ship but it would be for that action in 1942.

    brithm likes this.
  7. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

    Award British Empire Medal (Military) Able Seaman James Johnstone, rescue H.M.S. Hardy (R08)


    Falkirk Herald 7th October 1944

    Hardy, ship loss
    ANKERS, Reginald W, Able Seaman, D/JX 170256, MPK
    BRYAN, Gordon H, Ordinary Seaman, D/JX 417493, MPK
    CARTER, Harold G, Ordinary Seaman, D/JX 566389, MPK
    CHAMBERS, Clifford, Ordinary Seaman, D/JX 565859, MPK
    DAWSON, Raymond H, Writer, D/MX 122554, MPK
    DONLAN, Thomas, Ordinary Seaman, D/JX 552138, MPK
    GARTSIDE, Fred, Leading Cook (S), D/MX 66465, MPK
    GREATBANKS, Reginald, Able Seaman, D/JX 306054, MPK
    GREAVES, John T, Electrical Artificer 4c, D/MX 102291, MPK
    HAMLETT, George, Able Seaman, D/SSX 25668, MPK
    HARDWICK, Clifford, Ordinary Seaman, D/JX 419364, MPK
    HAWTHORNE, Joseph, Ordinary Seaman, D/JX 417579, MPK
    HENSON, James V, Ordinary Seaman, D/JX 418893, MPK
    HOWIE, Thomas G, Ty/Act/Leading Stoker, D/KX 103879, DOW
    JOHNSON, Arthur J, Leading Seaman (Pens), D/J 16173, MPK
    JOHNSON, Bernard, Ordinary Seaman, D/JX 417552, MPK
    JONES, Henry L, Ordinary Seaman, D/JX 369895, MPK
    LEE, Robert, Ordinary Telegraphist, D/JX 402047, MPK
    LITTLE, George A, Ty/Petty Officer, D/J 101838, MPK
    LORD, James A, Ty/Act/Leading Seaman, D/SSX 22927, MPK
    MALES, Frederick J, Petty Officer, D/JX 132022, MPK
    MCHUGH, Michael J, Ty/Supply Petty Officer, D/MX 61196, MPK
    MELLIN, Maldwyn J, Stoker 1c, D/KX 138697, MPK
    MURRELL, John W, Able Seaman, D/JX 369066, MPK
    NEEDHAM, Patrick J, Act/Able Seaman, D/JX 198409, MPK
    ROYALES, James, Act/Able Seaman, D/JX 368601, MPK
    SMITH, Albert G K, Ordinary Seaman, D/JX 417195, MPK
    SMITH, Arthur S, Able Seaman, D/JX 304425, MPK
    SMITH, Sydney T, Ordinary Telegraphist, D/JX 387322, DOW
    SMYTH, Joseph P, Able Seaman, D/JX 132396, MPK
    STEVENS, Raymond D, Stoker 1c, D/KX 137794, MPK
    STUART, Granville, Able Seaman, D/JX 418315, MPK
    TAYLER, Douglas T, Able Seaman, D/JX 419163, MPK
    THOMAS, Sidney J, Able Seaman, D/JX 366897, MPK
    TUCKWELL, Charles E, Ty/Act/Petty Officer (Pens), D/J 115434, MPK
    Hugh MacLean likes this.
  8. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

    Hugh MacLean likes this.
  9. Hugh MacLean

    Hugh MacLean Senior Member

    He received a Commendation gazetted 9 November 1943 for services when the CLAN MACPHERSON was torpedoed and sunk on 1 May 1943.
    His second Commendation gazetted 21 December 1943 for services when the HALIZONES was bombed on 27 July and sank on 30 July 1943.

    Roy Martin and brithm like this.
  10. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

    Leading Supply Assistant Joseph Henry Green, Mentioned in dispatches "courage, skill and determination in pressing home a successful attack on the Japanese naval base at Sabang"

    Huddersfield and Holmfirth Examiner 4th November 1944
    Hugh MacLean likes this.
  11. Hugh MacLean

    Hugh MacLean Senior Member

    LSA Joseph Henry Green was awarded a Mention in Dispatches for Operation Crimson in 1944 while serving aboard the destroyer HMS QUALITY.

    brithm and timuk like this.
  12. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

    Able Seaman Peter Parkinson, Mentioned in Dispatches "for courage, resolution and skill while serving in anti U-boat operations."

    Huddersfield and Holmfirth Examiner 9th December 1944
    dbf and Hugh MacLean like this.
  13. Hugh MacLean

    Hugh MacLean Senior Member

    AB Peter Parkinson was awarded a Mention in Dispatches for service aboard HMS STATICE on 6 July 1944.

    Checking online I can find that on the 6 July 1944 HMS STATICE was involved in a convoy attack off Beachy Head, "U-678" was lost to Canadian destroyers "Ottawa" and "Kootenay" and British corvette "Statice". (

    dbf likes this.
  14. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

    D/MX 50355 Chief Engine room Artificer William Smith awarded DSM "...for courage,, resolution and skill in operations against U-boats." (Banff) HMS Bligh(?)

    Aberdeen Weekly Journal 28th September 1944
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
    Hugh MacLean likes this.
  15. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

    Lieutenant Anthony Foster Collett, Royal Navy HMS Unique awarded Distinguished Service Cross for "courage and skill in successful submarine patrols"

    Cheltenham Chronicle and Gloucestershire Graphic 29th November 1941
    Hugh MacLean likes this.
  16. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

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  17. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

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  18. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

    Lt-Cmdr. J.F. Smyth, R.N.R. awarded OBE

    2nd May 1945 Liverpool Echo
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  19. Hugh MacLean

    Hugh MacLean Senior Member

    Temporary Commission RNR under T124 Articles in 1939. Long service during both world wars.
    Survivior of the loss of BRITTANIC in 1916.

    T/LtCdr(E), HMS PRINSES ASTRID in 1945 when awarded OBE.

    brithm likes this.
  20. brithm

    brithm Senior Member

    Stoker James Dewair Philiban Mentioned in Despatches
    Stirling Observer 27th April 1943

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2024

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