"Tiger Night" - 11th June 1944

Discussion in 'NW Europe' started by Ramiles, Feb 24, 2023.

  1. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

    Last edited: Feb 24, 2023
    PaulE and SDP like this.
  2. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY


    "Tiger Night"

    The Battles for Point 103 and St. Pierre (8th–18th June 1944)

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    50 Div: H.Q. War Diary, D-Day 1944 June

    Extract from 50(N) Div Op Instruction No. 5
    231 Inf Bde area x rds 7868 Pt 110 7768 LA BELLE 7669.
    Sqn 61 Recce Regt reverts Div control and has moved to area just NE BAYEUX. Under comd from 1800 hours W Dgns and attd tps.
    W Dgns. A force constituted as under will hold high around 7971 and rds running NE about BERNIERES - BOGAGE and East about 795718:-
    Comd -Lt. Col. Blair OliphantTps -W Dgns
    107 A Tk Bty (less one tp) (M10 tp)
    233 Fd Coy RE
    one MG Pl 2 cheshires.
    11 Jun
    Brigadier B.B. Walton assumed comd 151 Bde.
    1330 1 Humps at 756715 and 747729.
    1535 8 Armd Bde patrols meet inf and a tk weapons in areas 8769 and 867715.
    1720 5 E Yorks reached sta 8672
    6 Green Howards attacking NE corner of CRISTOT meeting by resistance.
    2030 69 Bde report 7 Green Howards having difficulty in adv. Two coys pinned down.
    2100 231 Bde adv. 2 Devons 7769. 1 Hamps 7571. Enemy reported infiltrating up line of river from 776691 to 70 Northing.
    2153 6 Green Howards heavily involved North of CRISTOT.
    2200 1 tp 102 A Tk Regt switched from 151 Bde to 231 Bde to meet threat of infiltration.
    2300 8 Armd Bde reported heavily engaged.
    69 Bde
    Last light locns:- 5 E Yorks 8607066 Green Howards 8627137 Green Howards 891732 151 Bde unchanged 231 Bde - 2 Devons 75711 Hamps 7769
    WD Jun 44
    50 N Div Int Summ No.1
    App C 50 Div No.2
    11 Jun
    TILLY itself, however, continued to be obstinately defended by the enemy, who had tanks and infantry dispersed in the orchards and among the houses. The main difficulty is detecting the enemy in the thick country round TILLY, where dense hedges and numerous trees make observation a major problem. The enemy is exploiting this advantage to the full in his defensive fighting.
    EAST of the SEULLES, the situation is confused, with enemy snipers still hidden behind our lines, and strong centres of resistance in the villages, particularly FONTENAY-LE-PESNEL where there are some tanks, several A Tk guns and a considerable force of infantry. The wood in square 8768 and the villages CRISTOT and LE MESNIL PATRY are also strongly held.
    The general impression gained from the day fighting is that the enemy is trying to delay our penetration Southwards for as long as possible, in particular along the axis of the two roads leading from BAYEUX to VILLERS-BOCAGE. He is doing this by adopting offensive tactics and taking every opportunity to infiltrate forward with infantry and tanks.
    Further WEST, the enemy has obviously not yet been able to bring up sufficient troops to fill in the gap held by the depleted elements of 352 Div and of 30 Schnelle Bde, between the River AURE and the main road BAYEUX - ST L0; elements of 17 SS Div identified in the area BALLEROY are so far in no great strength and have today been falling back steadily in front of the Americans.
    WD Jun 44 - 11 Jun
    2 Cheshire CO and L0 on way to Pt 103 visited two villages occupied by enemy - no incident.
    11 Pl C Coy moved. from ST LEGER to BUTTE DU GROS ORME 823719. Coy locns unchanged
    Pt 103 a very lively spot.
    WD Jun 44 11 Jun
    Westminster Dgns. - 1400 - 17 Crabs and 2 RHQ Shermans with under comd two tps 6 pdr A Tk, 233 Fd Coy RE as inf, and one p1 MMG whole force under comd warned to move to Pt 112 7871 (Force arrives 1900 hrs).
    2100 — Crabs moved to LA BELLE EPINE in sp of 2 Devon who were overrun. Inf shot into village.
    Cas to enemy 40 K. Own - nil.
    Moved back to Pt 112.
    WD Jun 44 11 Jun
    Westminster Dgns - "A" Sqn.
    WD Jun 44 11 Jun
    Westminster Dgns - "B" Sgn.
    WD Jun 44 11 Jun
    Westminster Dgns - "C" Sgn.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    141st RAC (The Buffs). Harboured for 2 days with the Westminster Dragoons at BRECY 8778. From there they were sent to join 231 Bde of 50 Div. They supported the Hampshires in clearing a thickly wooded area (7570) down to Main rd 7569. The Inf wanted them to stay in the wood for the night. They objected and were eventually allowed to go back. They reached X rds (772) when they received an urgent order to drop trailers and go to X rds (7669) where the Devons were being attacked by enemy armour. This they did and attacked the village LA BELLE EPINE at 2210 hrs on 11 Jun using 75 mm and BESA on the houses. This was successful and the inf re-entered and took possession. Action closed at 0030 hrs and crews returned North to refuel. In the middle of refuelling they were recalled to the X rds (7669) owing to the possibility of a dawn attack by enemy armour.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    74 Fd Regt RA
    Regt complete at SUMMERVIEU.
    WD Jun 44
    Notts Yeomanry (Sherwood Rangers)
    11 Jun
    47 FD Regt RA
    Attack on CRISTOT by Green Howards supported in afternoon - attack not successful.
    Own position shelled by air burst from 88 mm guns, and attacked at 1900 hrs by Tiger Tanks.
    Six Tigers reported carrying out attack. Difficulty in engaging owing to ground and closeness of own troops.
    RHQ and Bty positions machine gunned - several casualties resulting. Attack drawn off at dusk and position restored.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    86 Fd Regt RA. 341 Bty in support of 56 Inf Bde under comd 7 Armd Div.
    2014 - 341 OPs reported counter attack coming north through TILLY-SUR-SEULLES: later reported surrounded. Numerous regimental targets were fired on areas of TILLY and by night 2 Glosters had managed to withdraw and OPs were in.
    1800 - 2 Essex supporting 22 Armd Bde were counter attacked by Panther Tanks and Infantry. At 2000 Major E. Scammell reports being attacked by flame thrower.
    2330 - Major E.G. Scammell with 2 Essex reported "position desperate, few men; any orders“ Capt R.D. Turnbull rallied the infantry he could find and then riding a collapsible bicycle, cycled through the enemy lines to obtain help for wounded and to report on the situation.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    25 AA Regt
    82 Bty def div only on line VAUSSIEUX 8578 to LA VALLIERE 8074. BHQ 847784. Engaged two ME 109.
    233 Fd Coy RE. Pls move fwd under comd 4/7 DGs as part of BLAIR FORCE and dig in on high ground 7971.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    295 Fd Coy RE. Tac HQ moved to ST AMATOR. Coy placed under comd 2 Devon as inf (not to be used as aslt tps). 2 Devon were directed on LA BELLE EPINE. During take over at br 780699, enemy attacked and inf withdrew. Some RE were captured.
    (Coy task was to hold AVRE brs to present infiltration from East)
    Pl withdrew to TRUNGY.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    81 Assault Sqn RE. ST SULPICE - 0530 - 6 AVRE under comd Devons 151 Bde advanced from ST AMATOR ref 784760 to LA BELLE EPINE ref. 769691. Released and returned to harbour 1230 hrs.
    1100 - 4 AVRE moved to HQ 7 Armd Div nr BLARY ref 805760.
    1705 - The 4 AVRE with 7 Armd Div under comd 7 Glosters attacked TILLY-SUR-SEULLES. One AVRE had trouble with gear box and became out of action. Remaining three got into TILLY. Capt Davis on right had his vehicle put out of action by enemy A Tk weapon at X rds in centre of TILLY. Lt Boulter on the left with two AVRE. One AVRE proceeding towards Church in ST PIERRE east of TILLY was hit by enemy action and burned out. Crew all missing.
    2100 - Lt Boulter withdrew with infantry withdrawal and took with him the crew of Capt Davis AVRE.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    HQ 8 Armd Bde
    SRY patrolled South and SE of Pt 103, located enemy tks and overran two enemy coy localities South of Pt 103.
    1600 - 4/7 DG and 69 Bde made unsuccessful attack on CRISTOT. 1900 - Hy mortaring of posns. Enemy tks work to SE, West and North of Pt 103 and shell. 8 DLI attacked in ST PIERRE. 2330 - Enemy withdraw under smoke.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    SRY. A Sqn was sent out to work on the left flank up to Pt 102 in order to have observation on the main JUVIGNY - FONTENAY Rd. C Sqn had orders to move South from ST PIERRE but were held up by enemy tanks and A Tk guns.
    1700 - The enemy counterattacked with tanks, some of which broke through the positions. Furthermore, a few worked round to the West of Pt 103 where Bde HQ had established itself.
    The DLI were holding ST PIERRE and that night we formed a circular compact leaguer round what remained of the Inf.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    4/7 DG. In the afternoon the Regt supported an attack by the 6 Green Howards on CRISTOT, a village about a mile to the East of Pt 103, with the intention of gaining position of Pt 102, another dominating feature. The country was very close for tanks and long close and thick hedges made it impossible to see the enemy who inflicted severe casualties on the Infantry. A very sticky time.
    About 2030 there was a threat from enemy tanks in the SW. These tanks were numbered about 9 and were Tigers and Mk IVs. They approached Pt 103 feature and started to shoot it up.
    The Regt after this unsuccessful evening returned to Pt 103. B Sqn lost 7 tks,
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    24 L. A Sqn sp an attack on CRISTOT.
    Pt 103 hy shelled in the evening.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    231 Inf Bde. - 0800 - 2 Devons advancing down rd BAYEUX - TRUNGY are proceeding without much opposition. 1 Hamps advancing down rd BAYEUX - SUBLES report SUBLES captured.
    1300 - 1 Hamps reach area of LA BUTTE 7470.
    2 Devons reach area of LA BELLEEPINE and push forward coy south area of LES ORAILLES 765665.
    1900 - Enemy with tks start working between 2 Devons posns from and West.
    2200 - 14 tks penetrate posn and cause confusion.
    26 RCT send small force to cover X rds (? LA BELLE EPINE). 2300 - 2 Devons restore sit with coy counter attack, tho' enemy penetrate and hold woods at 7869.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    1 Hamps
    Bn captures BERNIERES BOCAGE and est itself SW of the village.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    2 Devons - 0610 - Bn moved off with intention of capturing village of TRUNGY and cross roads at LA BELLE EPINE. Axis of advance main road. Bn advances South and reaches LA BELLE EPINE X rds which were reported clear (0832 hrs).
    1943 - Bn disposes itself round them 18 counter attacked by tks and inf and driven off.
    2220 - Sp by tks bn counter attacks and takes the x rds once more.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    1 Dorsets. - 1700 - 6 Green Howards pass thro' to attack CRISTOT.
    2030 - Enemy put in hy counter attack with tanks and inf.
    Green Howards meet the inf but tks attack C and D Coys.
    5 E Yorks move up to 857708.
    Attack beaten off.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    56 Inf Bde. - 1530 - 2 Glos attack TILLY with 4 CLY and take half the village, meeting there enemy tks and a tk guns.
    2 Essex attack VERRIERES wood.
    2 SWB make contact on all brs down to LA BELLE EPINE with 50 (N) Div.
    131 Bde take over 56 Bde task.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    2 Essex. 0800 - Bn were still in posn area of Pt 112 (7971). 1200 - Bn attacked VERRIERES wood which it captured but was counter attacked by tks and flamethrowers and suffered many cas.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    2 Glosters. Bn cleared BUCELLS and went on to attack TILLY. There the fighting became so confused that the bn was withdrawn to the high ground North of the village. Intention was for 131 Bde to pass thro' and finish the task.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    2 SWB. - 0100 - Established fighting patrol bridge 785707.
    0950 - Bn reaches but cannot capture LA BELLE EPINE (?).
    2230 Bn moved into pivot posn area BUCEELS.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    HQ 151 Inf Bde
    Situation at last light: All quiet, no engagement with the enemy during the day.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    6 DLI
    Quiet day.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    8 DLI Sp by SRY.
    In the evening the bn attacked by enemy tks and one coy overrun.
    WD Jun 44
    69 Inf Bde. - 0830 - Bde HQ move to 858728. Locations of Bns and Coys at this time are:
    5 E Yorks Bn HQ851704,A Coy 855703B Coy 854706C Coy 850700D Coy 8537006 Green Howards Bn HQ863734,A Coy 866728B Coy 863727C Coy 863732D Coy 8667327 Green Howards Bn HQ891732A Coy 889729B Coy 891729C Coy 888728D Coy 890728
    50 (N) Div Op Instr No.6 was received giving 69 Bde the task of holding firm base in the present bn areas from incl Pt 103 8570 to Wood 892731.
    1800 - 7 Green Howards report sixty enemy and three vehs at 885724.
    The relief by 5 E Yorks or 1 Dorsets is planned to take place during the evening and completed under cover of darkness.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    5 E Yorks. - 0900 - Bn took over 1 Dorset posns on Pt 103 area. Handover complete at 1130 hrs. 4/7 DG in support of bn.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    6 Green Howards. - 1300 - Although the Bn was not in direct contact with the enemy, much enemy movement was reported and notic- ed along the Bde front.
    WD Jun 44
    11 Jun
    7 Green Howards.
    Patrolling and sniping: bn in same area.

    NORMANDY 1st Bn The Dorsetshire Regiment (an extract from "Three Assault Landings")

    8th Battalion Durham Light Infantry Report, 1944 June

    5th Bn East Yorks - has...

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    8th Armoured Brigade HQ


    Re. Sunday 11th June 1944... 11d6m1944...

    4th7thRDG War Diary...
    Pt 103
    The morning was quiet except for occasional mortaring. In the afternoon the Regt supported an attack by the 6 Green Howards on CRISTOT, a village about a mile to the East of Point 103, with the intention of gaining position of Point 102, another dominating feature. Prior to this attack "B" Sqn and the C.Os in his tank, made a recce in force of the approaches to the village and point 102, and met considerable opposition from hidden snipers and machine gunners who seemed to be in every hedge. However there were no casualties to us. For the attack the Infantry went in 11/6/44 The Regiment rematwo Coys up with "B" Sqn supporting on the right and "C" Sqn on the left. The Infantry crossed start line at 1720 hrs and soon met opposition in the way of machine gunners and snipers. The country was very close for tanks and long close and thick hedges made it impossible to see the enemy who inflicted severe casualties on the Infantry. A very sticky time. The left hand Sqn reached the objective but the infantry could not get in further than the outskirts of the village and had to withdraw after a lot of casualties. "B" Sqn on the right got into the outskirts of the village but bumped into anti-tank guns and lost 7 tanks and casualties which included "B" Sqn 2 i/c (Capt R.J.F.Abel) and Lieut. G.G.R.Moore. About 2030 there was a threat from enemy tanks in the SW. These tanks were numbered about 9 and were Tigers and Mk.IVs. They approached Point 103 feature and started to shoot it up and this caused apparently, considerable disorganisation among those there and a number of casualties to other units occurred. Tanks then moved off Eastwards and as darkness began to fall one was seen moving from out Artillery barrage, going in the direction of CRISTOT with out Infantry and two carriers all on the same road. The Regt after this unsuccessful evening returned to Point 103. When attack by Green Howards had failed our fwdtrp were withdrawn after Green Howards had come back to S.P.C.O. of Green Howards asked if we could try to help wounded to get out from fwd positions and also others who were pinned down. 2 i/c was unable to get wireless touch for covering fire so took Blenhein back alone to where wounded were. As he got there three Germans fired from about 50 yds range, and he used his Sten from the turret, accounting for one of them. He and his gunner then dismounted and loaded wounded on to tank, the dead body of C.O. of 5 E.Yorks and also some unwounded men who had not been unable to move until the arrival of the tank, being pinned down. As he got back into the turret two more Germans raised themselves on the bank as if to fire. A quick burst of Sten was put down and subsequently kept up as the tank withdrew. (The turret could not be traversed on account of the wounded on the outside). All the men aboard were brought safely back and this action also enabled another 15 men to get away who would otherwise not have been able to move. The M.O. (Capt. S.C.H. Hood) did particular brave and noble work in helping to deal with the numerous casualties.
    ---- x ---- x ----
    The 24th Lancers - War Diary has...
    Pt 103
    11/6/44 The Regiment remained in positions defending the perimeter of Pt 103 during the day. ‘A’ Sqn supported an attack on Cristot, a village to the West of the position and an account of this action will be found at Appendix A. In the late evening at approx. 2130 hours, the Regiment was subjected to heavy machine-gun and HE fire from enemy tanks and SP guns believed to be situated on the high ground North of Fontenay. This attack continued until last light and in the meantime the Regiment, which deployed on the perimeter, returned the enemy’s fire with equal vigour.
    ---- x ---- x ----
    SRY - War Diary
    11th June 1944
    Each Sqn in the Regt had to play a ??support?? role. “A” Sqn was sent out to work on the left flank up to Pt.102 in order to have observation on the main JUVIGNY – FONTENAY Road. The country was incredibly close and snipers made all Crew Comds keep their heads down and observation was more difficult.
    C Sqn had orders to move South from ST. PIRRE but were held up by enemy tanks and Anti-Tank guns. “B” Sqn remained in reserve with RHQ in the centre of ST. PIERRE. During the morning the enemy shelled ST. PIERRE heavily and a direct hit on RHQ tanks killed Major Laycock (acting C.O.) Capt. George Jones the Adjutant and Lieut Lawrence Head the I.O. Capt McCrait, Recce Tp Ldr who had landed from England that day and Sgt Towers Sigs Sgt, had a miraculous escape, but both were wounded. At 1700 hrs the enemy counter attacked with tanks, some of which broke through the positions furthermore a few worked round to the West of Pt.103. where Bde H.Q. had established itself. Major Biddle. Bde Major was wounded and had to be evacuated.
    Brigadier Caucroft received a small piece of metal in his leg but remained commanding the Bde. The D.L.I. were holding ST. PIERRE and that night we formed a circular compact leaguer around what remained of the Inf. We expected a counter attack throughout the night and nobody got any sleep at all. Major Mitchell had his tank knocked out just before forming close leaguer and when he eventually returned with his crew after midnight it was a great pleasure as we had heard no word from him since his tank was knocked out.

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    147th Essex Yeomanry June 1944, War Diary » Normandy War Guide


    "Supported fighting patrols of 4/7 Dragoon Guards and Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry in morning.
    Attack on CRISTOT by Green Howards supported in afternoon - attack not successful.
    Own positions shelled by air bursts from 88mm guns, and attacked at 1900 hours by Tiger Tanks.
    Six Tigers reported carrying out attack. Difficulty in engaging owing to ground and closeness of own troops.
    RHQ and Battery positions machine gunned, several casualties resulting.
    Attack drawn off at dusk and position restored.
    Quiet night - no alarms."

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    Normandy 1944 - Has...

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    IWM pictures currently catalogued as 11d6m1944...

    Find an object | Imperial War Museums






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    IWM Audio

    Martin, Peter Lawrence de Carteret (Oral history)
    Reel 6 - 9mins - Earlier events - 9d6m1944? knocking out of SRY tanks. Airburst shelling of Allied positions on Pt.103. 10mins - "Tiger tanks" cruising forwards from the South, attacking Point 103. 13m30 Brigadier Caucroft. 16m - 11d6m1944 - attack on Cristot. 17m Dusk of 11d6m1944 - German attack on Point 103. 18m - WAC Anderson, 24th Lancers, arm in a sling etc. Tiger Night - "quite an unpleasant little battle". 19m relieved. German - Tigers & Panthers.

    Mole, Ronald William (Oral history)
    Reel 2 - 11/6/1944; German tank counter-attack at Point 103 : 5.30mins. Mentions "5 Tigers" on Point 103 that were either knocked out or retreated.

    Branson, Philip Bernard (Oral history)
    Reel 3 - c730mins - events on Point 103 on Tiger Night, 11d6m1944.

    Richardson, Thomas Anthony (Oral history)
    Reel 2 - c8m joins up with 8th Armoured Brigade. 845m meets Panzer Lehr at Point 103. Eventually relieved after 5 days.

    Osgerby, Reginald (Oral history)
    Reel 2 - 18m 9d6m1944 Point 103. 19m Squadrons sent out on Patrol. Recce troop mainly being used to find and return casualties. 21m "Panthers and Tigers" vs. Fireflies. Hitler Youth. 22m German snipers vs. Tank commanders.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2023
    SDP likes this.
  3. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY


    Friday 9th June 1944

    Saturday 10th June 1844

    Sunday 11th June 1944

    "During the day there were four strong enemy counterattacks on St. Pierre and Point 103, the last one at 10.30pm" p91 of "None Had Lances".


    7pm - 8pm "2nd Attack" - Normandy 1944



    11pm "Enemy attacks died down"

    Monday 12th June 1944
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2023
    SDP likes this.
  4. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

  5. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

    Re. Some Allied losses on 11th June 1944 in the Point 103 area... (nb. more to add in edit)

    Search Results | CWGC

    Royal Armoured Corps, 24th Lancers





    Royal Armoured Corps, 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards







    Royal Armoured Corps, Nottinghamshire Yeomanry




    Dorsetshire Regiment, 1st Bn.

    Search Results | CWGC










    Nb. the record below also records the date of death as 14d6m1944...


    Durham Light Infantry, 8th Bn.

    Search Results | CWGC


























    East Yorkshire Regiment, 5th Bn.

    Search Results | CWGC










    MAJOR JAMES HUMPHREY FERRIS DIXON, Service Number: 92241... https://www.cwgc.org/find-records/f...-details/2338709/james-humphrey-ferris-dixon/








    LIEUTENANT JOHN LAVERACK SYKES, Service Number: 287781... https://www.cwgc.org/find-records/find-war-dead/casualty-details/2339311/john-laverack-sykes/



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    Royal Engineers


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    Last edited: Feb 27, 2023
    SDP likes this.
  6. Sheldrake

    Sheldrake All over the place....

    PaulE, Juha, SDP and 1 other person like this.
  7. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

    There's perhaps an error here...

    Most of the actual record records the date of death as 14d6m1944, rather than the date 11d6m1944 that the "current" online info shows...


    Service Number: 5728343
    Regiment : Dorsetshire Regiment, 1st Bn.
    Date of Death : Died 11 June 1944
    Age 24 years old
    Buried or commemorated at HOTTOT-LES-BAGUES WAR. CEMETERY II. E. 3. France
    Country of Service : United Kingdom
    Additional Info : Son of Arthur Charles Toogood, and of Florence Matilda Toogood, of Leytonstone, Essex.

    Screenshot_20230224-213236_Samsung Internet.jpg
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2023
  8. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

    Online records and items concerning the 12th SS on the 11th June 1944 seem to deal more with events further east, around Rots etc.

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    12. SS in the battle of Rots (Normandy) 11th June 1944 - Axis History Forum


    --- x ---

    Various book references via Google books...

    The 12th SS

    The Reaper's Harvesting Summer

    Surrender Invites Death

    --- x ---

    Re. Panzer Lehr - Lehr 11 June 1944 - Google Search

    Panzer IV, Medium Tank


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    --- x ---

    Currently, as far as I can see, there is relatively little that covers losses that occurred to the Axis powers around Point 103 on the 11th June 1944.

    --- x ---

    Some references currently say that the Germans "must have lost many tanks" and "suffered significant casualties".

    --- x ---

    There doesn't even seem to be a consistent view as to which German units were involved in attacks on 11d6m1944 on Point 103, as both Panzer Lehr and the 12 SS seem to be mentioned and it's perhaps largely due to attacks having been launched from the South East, from nr. Fontenay-Le-Pesnel as well as simultaneous attacks coming from the West from Tilly-sur-Seulles into St.Pierre.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024
    SDP likes this.
  9. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

    The chapter "Tiger Hill" here... Normandy 1944

    Covers the events on 11th June 1944, first re. Cristot and the Green Howards / 4th/7th RDG, then later events on Point 103, due to the German counterattack from Fontenay-Le-Pesnel.

    -- x --

    There's a reference to a "Sergeant Park"... Normandy 1944


    Currently... ? Search Results | CWGC

    But... https://www.cwgc.org/find-records/find-war-dead/casualty-details/2339143/ronald-cecil-parker/ seems a possibility.

    --- x ---

    There's a reference to a Pte. Cawley - Normandy 1944

    Screenshot_20230225-093611_Samsung Internet.jpg

    The London Gazette, I think, has Cawley

    Page 4049 | Supplement 36679, 29 August 1944 | Lond...


    Whilst... the "Gawley" here, below, is a typo/transcription error... not seen on the citation...

    Recommendation for Award for Gawley, John Rank: Private Service No: ... | The National Archives


    "Confusions" - etc ;-) I've tried to figure it out and edit to correct... :)
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2023
    SDP likes this.
  10. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

    Re. Allied vehicles lost on 11d6m1944, in the vicinity of Point 103...

    Vehicle losses seem to be dealt with relatively vaguely in the majority of the existing online reports.

    Typically numbers approximating to around a half dozen seem to be given, currently, for each of the Regiments of the 8th Armoured Brigade. Equivalent to around two troops to each Regiment and around 18 or so - in total - for the 8th Armoured Brigade.
  11. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

    In terms of Axis vehicle losses, things - currently - seem to be even more vague.

    There are reports of German tanks being hit, and German tanks being knocked out, but generally these reports do not go much further. It is said that "the "Fireflies" (17-pdr Shermans) made good shooting" - but numbers are not elucidated.

    There's an instance here on p131 - Normandy 1944

    ...of "one" Panzer IV - "casualty as the German pressed forward" however the crew were able to drive the Panzer back - so that after repairs it "resumed its career".
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2023
  12. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

    Re. 17pdr Shermans / Fireflies on Point 103, on the 11d6m1944...


    The 8th Armoured actually landed in Normandy with relatively few Fireflies. The 4th7thRDG and the SRY had fewer 17pdr Shermans than the 24L as the 4th7thRDG and SRY "DD" Squadrons were not (prior to D-Day) equipped with them, and the x5 each that the 4th7thRDG and SRY had were landed with their 75mm Sherman Squadrons.

    The 24L had 3 x Firefly troops, each of 3 Fireflies in each of it's "A", "B" and "C" Squadrons. The remaining 3 Fireflies for the 24L were in each of "A", "B" and "C" Squadron's fighting "HQ" troop...


    Firefly losses, by the 8th Armoured Brigade, prior to 11d6m1944, are hard to assess from current online information as are losses that occurred actually on Point 103 during events on 11d6m1944 itself.

    Records for 13d6m1944 do exist and from 6d6m1944 to 13d6m1944 the 4th7thRDG seem to have lost x2 Fireflies, the 24L x6 and the SRY x3.

    "Seem to" - since in theory this number could be higher - if replacement 17pdr Shermans had arrived and also been quickky lost, or "lower" if subsequent repairs were able to return damaged 17pdr Shermans to the 8th Armoured Brigade.

    x11 (2,6,3) is half of the initial x22 (5,12,5).

    Replacing 8th Armoured Brigade, Firefly losses during June 1944 did seem to occur...


    ...albeit only to a very limited extent, 4th7thRDG "rising" from x3 to x4, and SRY from x2 to x5 - although unfortunately it's hard to tell now - from what very limited sources there seem to be - whether these were "brand new" replacements or damaged vehicles that had subsequently been repaired and returned to service. The 24L themselves might have had Firefly replacements during this period, however overall the 17pdr 24L Sherman numbers fell from x6 to x5, possibly due to losses incurred during fighting in the Tessel Wood area around 25d6m1944.

    Typically 17pdr Shermans get referenced as having worked in Armoured Brigades at levels of "one per troop". For June 1944 their low numbers in the 8th Armoured Brigade would have precluded this - so assessing them as "being there" as one in each troop would have required something like 36 Fireflies rather than the 22 (6d6m1944) and subsequently 11 (by 13d6m1944) and 14 (by 27d6m1944).
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2023
  13. Sheldrake

    Sheldrake All over the place....

    Part of the DSO citation for Lt Bramald see link in post #6 says he directed the fire of a firefly from outside. Any idea which regiment this might have been?
  14. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

    I've definitely thought about this. I'll put what I know, I think, into a separate thread. Short answer is I don't currently know. The possibilities aren't too open though, given just how few Fireflies that there actually were there.

    Given his name was William Sherwood Brameld, I'd be surprised if it was one of the SRY's Fireflies, as it would have been written up by a Journalist perhaps.

    Anthony Cotterell was attached at this point to the SRY, although his reporting seems to go up to 9d6m1944 then skips ahead a bit over the next few days.

    It might have been one of the 24L's Fireflies, possibly one of their "C" Squadron ones, from Bertram Garai's troop. Bertram Garai was wounded whilst his Troop was there so perhaps one of his Troop's Fireflies was available to be directed by another officer at that instant...

    Garai, Bertram Henry (Oral history)



    Not sure why the final section for the 10th June 1944 has been "XXX'd" out. I think quite a large part of it can still, just about, be made out however.

    This is what I can currently, just about, make out in the X'd out bit...

    "On 10th June during a second enemy attack on the position he exposed himself to heavy fire selflessly and gave orders and encouragement to all. CO 8 ??? writes of Lt. Brameld's conduct on the day. I have rarely seen such energy drive and forcefulness in a junior officer. ??? extremely? everywhere encouraging and directing infantry, tanks and his own gunners alike. His appreciation? was always sound and he was of immense help in a situation which at one time looked a bit sticky. I feel that Lt. Brameld's conduct was outstanding enough to be brought to the notice of higher authority.
    From personal observation and ??? reports ???
    Lt. Brameld displays neither fear nor concern for his own safety and his greatest aim is to get at the enemy and ??? there? with him.
    His ?(conduct)? since landing is one long series of outstanding actions which cannot be too highly commended or ???"

    -- x --

    Last edited: Feb 26, 2023
    Sheldrake and davidbfpo like this.
  15. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY


    For 11d6m1944... Search Results | CWGC

    147 Essex Yeomanry

    References Herbert James Broom - They Stand Beside Us


    Screenshot_20230227-215851_Samsung Internet.jpg


    Service Number: 899874
    Regiment : Royal Artillery, 147 (The Essex Yeomanry) Field Regt.
    Date of Death : Died 11 June 1944
    Age 28 years old
    Buried or commemorated at TILLY-SUR-SEULLES WAR CEMETERY. I. J. 8. France
    Country of Service : United Kingdom
    Additional Info : Son of William and Florence Broom, of Colchester, Essex; husband of Joan Frances Broom, of Colchester.


    Service Number: 14361705
    Regiment : Royal Artillery, 147 (The Essex Yeomanry) Field Regt.
    Date of Death : Died 11 June 1944
    Age 32 years old
    Buried or commemorated at TILLY-SUR-SEULLES WAR CEMETERY. I. K. 4. France
    Country of Service : United Kingdom
    Additional Info : Son of Frederick and Martha Nevitt, of Malpas, Cheshire.


    -- x --

    Dorsetshire Regiment


    Is already listed above at : "Tiger Night" - 11th June 1944

    -- x --

    Search Results | CWGC - These are "the same day" but quite a different area, so presumably whilst also commemorated at a similar time at Bayeux, these are unrelated to the 11d6m1944 battle on Point 103.

    Last edited: Feb 27, 2023
  16. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

    8th Armoured Brigade War Diary - 11d6m1944...

  17. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

    8th Armoured Brigade War Diary - 12d6m1944...


    8th Armoured Brigade account - 12d6m1944...


    Last edited: Jun 12, 2024

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