Exercise walk this Friday will be routed to take in a couple of cemeteries that have CWGC burials within. Personal choice, but more appropriate for me than any pomp and circumstance. I'm eternally grateful to all those folks in the ground all over the world that didn't beat the clock, and paying my respects to them, while still able, will always be an essential journey. Kind regards, have a good one folks, always, Jim.
Here is a blog post on VE Day from our site which references some of the losses in our town of St.Helens:- http://www.sthelensrollsofhonour.co.uk/home
During the Victory parade through Paris a Storch flew over it. Storchs were built in France and after the war a re-engined version was built and sold under a French name.
1945. The Nazi Surrender to Field Marshal Montgomery "Bill Downs broadcasting from Lüneburg, Germany on V-E Day, May 8, 1945 (Photo by Dennis Allen of the British Second Army)"
Just a small part of the cost of Victory in Europe. 5th Camerons casualties from October 1942 to May 1945. Total 1869.
A few bits that may be relevant, no idea on the first photo - a tipsy artistic squaddie and some parachute flares maybe
My dad's souvenir. I'm not sure that it quite compensated for being classified 'Far East 1' . It didn't stop a grateful government from calling many 'Duration of Emergency' servicemen back to fight in Korea either.
8 May 1945 was VE Day – a day of celebration to mark the Allied victory in Europe. It was also a day in which the BBC would try to capture the mood not just of Britain, but of the wider world. As these newly-released archives reveal, however, there was in fact no single ‘mood’ to be captured: joy and relief was mingled with exhaustion, foreboding, and sometimes anger. VE Day
Since it's VE Day. Dug out a copy of the Torygraph from the big box of family stuff. Yes. Etc. etc. We all know this: But commerce goes on. Try Electricity! (But not too much.) And the war might not have been worth winning without biscuits. Some vicar thinks you need Phyllosan, whatever that is. (I bet it had cocaine in it.) And the dog still needs feeding. Wirelesses! They're great! As are sweets! Hmmm. Maybe an eye on the main chance. 'We're still going to need young chaps when the demob happens, Jenkins.' Don't you worry about Japan, young man. That'll all be over soon. And the South Coast opening back up pretty quickly. Babies are still smelly. And car dealers still had an eye on the main chance. They're not going to just build tanks forever. And the crossword to round things off. The point, if point there is: Maybe that the war we're all fascinated by was as much about people as great events (as with any other conflict, I suppose). The ephemera an indicator of that, for those of us that sometimes miss the wider wood while staring at the details of the trees. Anyway. VJ day next. It will indeed all be over by Christmas.