What sighting telescope was fitted to the 17 Pounder M10 that equipped some RA Anti tank batteries

Discussion in 'Armoured' started by Sheldrake, Jul 24, 2023.

  1. Sheldrake

    Sheldrake All over the place....

    I am trying to find out what Telescope Sighting was fitted to the 17 Pounder M10 SP in 1944-45.

    RA Notes No 14 from early 1944, Para 799 headed 17 Pounder SP M10. dated from early 1944, describes the successfull converrsion, fitting a 17 Pounder Mk II into the cradle. There are six sub paras detailing the modifications, including boring out the cradle by 2/10" to fit the 17 pounder, adding a muzzlebrake and counter weight. There is no mention of the sighting telescope.

    Para 800 lists modifications to the 3" GMC M10 applied as a result of (British) user experience, and a comment that many ofmthese changes are also applicable to the 17 pounder M10 SP. The first two points listed are:-

    i Filling a British Dial sight and sight clinometer (which is to the right of the gun in the 3 inch GMC)
    ii A new sight bracket for the No 51 sight (illuminated) with an open sight.

    There is a thread on the Historic military history forum which claims that the sight is a Mk 43 - as per the Sherman c (Firefly)
    17 pdr gun sight

    Now the No51 Sight reticule is simply a set of cross hairs with graticule for adjustments for line. .
    Telescope sighting No 51 Mk 1 S.jpg

    While the Telescope sighting No 43 ML Mk 3/1 has range graticules for HE APC and APCBC rounds. This is from a 1945 manual on Tank telescope in the Bovington archives
    , Telescope sighting no.43 x 3 ML Mk3 and  3-1 from manuall.jpg
    As you can see if has a range graticule for a co-ax MG and HE - which looks like the sight for a Sherman Firefly. Looking at sighting telescopes offered for sale there is another version of the Mk 43
    Mk Telescope sighting no.43 x 3 ML Mk 3 -1.jpg
    This would make more sense for a 17 pounder M10 SP.

    The HMVF forum mentioned that the RA and RAC had a different approach to sighting. The RAC set the sights using graticules in the telescope, while the RA applied a range using a range drum fixed to the sight bracket ..


    This sounds sensible, but I can't seem to find photos of a range drum attached to the 17 pounder in the M10. It can't use the same sight bracket as the towed gun. Surviving examples have a telescope in the turret front. Am I missing something?

    Any viewes on which is the correct telescope and graticules?
  2. Temujin

    Temujin Member

  3. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    Last edited: Jul 25, 2023
  4. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    I thought I may as well post all the sheets on this subject, in case others are looking for like information on other equipment


    Source: War diaries : T-12746 - Héritage
  5. Sheldrake

    Sheldrake All over the place....

    Thanks chaps! Confirmed that its the Telescope Sighting No51 - so there must be a range drum on the 17 Pounder Mk II installed in the M10
  6. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    This is info for the towed gun...

    Incidentally we need to distinguish between the sight and the telescope. It seems the range drum was a component of the sight, and the telescope was mounted in the sight. The "No 43... Mk 3 and 3/1" would be a Mk 3 or 3/1 sight, with the No 43 telescope installed, I think.




    (So I can now relate the diagram and your photograph of the towed gun)

    Somehow when I looked at this earlier in the month I did not quite understand it all. Now it is crystal clear!

    PS I don't think the 5/1 was installed until after the war. You have probably come across range equivalences being calculated in summer of 1944 for the use of DS ammunition? If not I have a reference.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2023
  7. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    This is what is said about the M10 17 pr at the end of the book.

  8. tankbarrell

    tankbarrell Junior Member

    The post war armament pamphlet specifies the No 43 sight. Whilst the No 51 does require a sight mount with a range drum, this does not preclude using the No 43 sight, you would just have to be careful not to adjust the sight and that also assumes it's a No 43 x 3 ML. The M denotes Moving graticule. Most sights were available as a x1.9 fixed graticule, though the lower magnification would be detrimental in this case.
  9. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    Hi tanjbarrell, which booklet do you mean? The equipment would have been different after the RAC took over anti tank duties in 1950. But possibly you mean earlier than that?
  10. tankbarrell

    tankbarrell Junior Member

    Hi Chris, not it is 1952 and part of RAC equipment. That might be the reason for the change, that hadn't occurred to me! Perhaps the change was made simply because it was a better sight and was already part of RAC equipment.
    Chris C likes this.
  11. Don Juan

    Don Juan Well-Known Member

    RA M10 17 pounder SP's were fitted with the 1.9x No.41 Sight, as I posted previously here.

    There was much resentment that the RA sights were inferior to the RAC's.
    Chris C likes this.
  12. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    The RAC changed the telescope when they took over the Archer (at the same time), fwiw. And yes, I think both better and part of RAC equipment. I believe it could be switched between x3 and x6 magnification.

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