Bren carrier on the Ypres - Comines canal
This is an abandoned RSF carrier metres away from the narrative below. I dont believe it's the one in the script, but perhaps one that was also hit whilst climbing the bank in the same place. The retreat takes place through the woods in good order, whilst the Bren gun carriers form a rear guard, protecting them like loyal dogs. The last carrier is now on the road back to the collapsed bridge, its mission finished it accelerates to top speed. It goes past the burning artillery convoy and hooks into the fields and down the slope. It heads down to the ford of the "Pitch menu", its caterpillar tracks loosing grip on the loose stones, the tracks then bite the mud on the bank and it begins to rise again. They have almost made it, however the Hunters have finally seen it from their positions along the base of the Bluff. A burst of machine gun fire hits the driver, the carrier zig zags into the old bridge structure; it swerves, overturns and catches fire. A few metres away, in their trenches in the woods, the Scots Fusiliers are unable to stop this tragedy. They rush to rescue the crew before they are burned alive.
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