108145 A D C FRANCIS, Welsh Guards

Discussion in 'The Brigade of Guards' started by dbf, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Personal Number: 108145
    Rank: Lieutenant
    Name: A D C FRANCIS
    Unit: Welsh Guards

    London Gazette :

    London Gazette : 2 July 1946
    The undermentioned Lts to be Capts 1st July, 1946.—
    W. G'ds
    A. D. C. FRANCIS (108145)

    London Gazette : 18 April 1947
    W. G'ds
    Capt. A D. C. FRANCIS (108145) resigns his commn., 17th Apr. 1947, retaining the rank of Capt.

    London Gazette : 8 April 1949
    W. G'ds.
    Capt A. D. C. FRANCIS (108145) (late W. G'ds.) to be Capt., 1st Jan, 1949.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
  2. Guy

    Guy Looker-upper

    Alec David Charles FRANCIS
    10th April 1920 St. George Hanover Square, London - 21st November 1993 Cirencester, Gloucesetershire
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