158916 Christopher Monro THOMAS, MC, North Irish Horse

Discussion in 'North Irish Horse' started by dbf, Oct 25, 2020.

  1. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Personal Number: 158916
    Rank: Second Lieutenant
    Name: Christopher Monro THOMAS
    Unit: North Irish Horse

    London Gazette : 6 December 1940
    The undermentioned Cadets, from Sandhurst O.C.T.U. (R.A.C. Wing), to be 2nd Lts. except as otherwise stated. 1940:—
    N. Ir. Horse.
    Christopher Monro THOMAS (158916).

    The KING has been graciously pleased to approve the following immediate award's in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in Italy: —
    The Military Cross.
    Lieutenant (temporary Captain) Christopher Munro Thomas (158916), North Irish Horse, Royal Armoured Corps (Cranham Rectory, Glos.).
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2020
  2. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Last edited: Oct 27, 2020
    Guy and minden1759 like this.
  3. Guy

    Guy Looker-upper

    Screenshot 2020-10-28 at 19.50.28.png
    The Citizen 26th August 1944
    dbf likes this.

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