67th Field Regiment in Palestine (1st Inf Div)

Discussion in 'Royal Artillery' started by Uncle Target, Dec 13, 2023.

  1. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

    The Regiment left Italy after a late Christmas celebration near Perugia, then took a slow cattle truck train ride in snow to Taranto.
    They boarded a French ship to Palestine where the food and accommodation was atrocious, landing in Haifa, being met by Major Kerr and the advance party.

    The time was spent training with the infantry, building up strength for a return to Italy.
    However the war ended before they were due to return.

    Men were gradually returned home in small groups, even alone at times. with no home coming parades.
    The Regiment was camped in various locations from Haifa to Sinai, Damascus and finally Fayid, a large RAF Camp in Egypt.
    The equipment was cleaned, checked and handed over to the Regular Forces.
    The Division was largely a Regular Army unit, it stayed in the middle east for a number of years.
    The territorial units came home.
    IMG_6942c.jpg Tom Averill Capt.jpg
    IMG_6942d.jpg The Gordons on exercise.jpg
    266 Bty BC and NCO's.jpg Salute Fayid.jpg
    Fayid march out 1946.jpg
    (Photoraphs Courtesy Mennell Family Collection)
    (Averill Family Collection)
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023

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