African American soldiers based in UK during WW2

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by gtwomey, Sep 13, 2008.

  1. Yes, unfortunately, all his information did not help, because, from NARA to MoD, including National Archives, inform that there is no information regarding any of troops/areas/codes.
  2. Richelieu

    Richelieu Well-Known Member

    It may save others from going over the same ground and Phil Grinton’s useful work may not be familiar to others.

    When you say codes, do you mean the Modified British System coordinates that Phil provided?

    e.g. wA6250
    The "Coordinates Translator"
    Sandra Almeida and dbf like this.
  3. Hi, for instance:'
    17 Special Service Company, 3 Platoon * Yorkshire, East Riding WA6250'

    There is nowhere I could find any record of any of the above, when I got in touch with NARA, with MoD, with National Archives, with veterans organisations, etc.
    Phil did an outstanding work, I just don't know where else I can find records.
    All troops signalled with the '*' mean that these are Black troops, but even when I got in touch with archives, libraries, heritage organisations, military organisations and even the big WW2 Facebook groups.... silence.
    Not a word, a name, a photo... nothing.
    I have rearranged Phil's information by areas, instead of Yorkshire, for instance, Hull, Penistone, Potters Hill, etc.
    But, again, nothing.
    Where is the information about all those men and women?
    Was it burned?
    Did it when under the pile of documents and with decades to spare, no one cared to dig in?
    Where are the records for Black troops in Yorkshire, Newcastle and even County Durham?
  4. Wg Cdr Luddite

    Wg Cdr Luddite Well-Known Member

    Hi Sandra.
    It could just be that the British Military (unlike the US) did not have an official colour bar, so would have had no means of recording the ethnicity of soldiers.
    US soldiers would just be referred to as US soldiers.
    Sandra Almeida and CL1 like this.
  5. Hi, Phil Grinton published a list using the '*' to identify the Black troops. Some of the people I have found along the way had their ethnicity recorded, but they were just outside of the areas I am looking for. That list has, at least 64 Black troops. Why were they deleted from records... I have no idea!

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