AIRBORNE ARTILLERY The Royal Artillery provided specially equipped and trained units for the airborne role. This page includes the Headquarters RA in the Airborne Division plus Air Landing Regiment RA, Forward Observer Unit RA (airborne), Air Landing LAA Battery, Air Landing AT Regiment and Air Landing AT Battery. Also included are Airborne Engineers but these are incomplete. AIRBORNE FIELD ARTILLERY Headquarters RA, Airborne Division. War Establishment I/115/2. January 1945 Headquarters Air Landing Regiment RA. War Establishment 1/165/2. April 1944 Air Landing Battery. War Establishment 1/163/3. April 1944 Air Landing Light Regiment. War Establishment 1/167/1. January 1945 Forward Observer Unit RA (Airborne). War Establishment 1/166/1. June 1944. Forward Observer Unit RA (Airborne). War Establishment 1/166/2. February 1945. HEADQUARTERS RA, AIRBORNE DIVISION War Establishment I/115/2 with an effective date of January 1945 Brigadier, Commander RA Brigade Major Staff Captain Captain Intelligence Officer Warrant Officer Class I Clerk RA clerks section serjeant clerk RA clerks section clerk trained in artillery staff duties 2 X batman 4 X batman driver driver mechanic motorcycle orderly bombardier QM and MT dutyman Attached Chaplain Medical Officer RAMC Captain REME instructor APTC Transport 3 X motorcycle 1 X car 4 seater 4 X 2 open 3 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 3ton 4 x 4 GS 3 X lightweight trailer 1 X water trailer Motorcycle 1 orderly Motorcycle 2 Chaplain Motorcycle 3 Captain REME Car 4 seater 4 X 2 open instructor APTC, batman driver, clerk 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Brigadier, Intelligence Officer, clerk, batman driver Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Brigade Major, Staff Captain, clerk, batman driver Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 Medical Officer RAMC, batman, batman driver Tows a trailer 3ton 4 X 4 GS bombardier QM and MT dutyman, batman, driver mechanic Tows a water trailer Carries a Bren lmg Note: The car 4 seater 4 X 2 open carries the note that ‘until this vehicle is available a car 4seater 4 X 4 will be issued in lieu’. This suggests that the car is not the normal Humber Tourer which was readily available. HEADQUARTERS, AIRLANDING LIGHT REGIMENT RA War Establishment 1/165/2 with an effective date of April 1944 Lieutenant Colonel – Commanding Officer Major – second in command Captain, Adjutant Subaltern Quartermaster Regimental Serjeant Major Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant duty serjeant bombardier 12 X gunner (including 4 X lance bombardier) including: 1 X batman 4 X batman driver 2 X driver IC 2 X medical officers orderly (trained as driver IC) 2 X orderly 1 X storeman 12 X tradesman including: 5 X battery surveyor 1 X serjeant clerk RA 3 X clerk (including two trained as driver IC) 1 X driver mechanic 1 X serjeant storeman, technical 1 X vehicle mechanic Medical Officer RAMC instructor APTC 3 X cooks ACC (including 1 for officers mess.) Total 38 When the headquarters is commanding three light batteries the following additional personnel are allotted. 1 X staff serjeant 2 X serjeant 1 X lance serjeant 3 X bombardier 4 X lance bombardier All the above will be repair tradesmen. Vehicles. Airborne 8 X motorcycle 1 X car 2 seater 7 X jeep 5 X lightweight trailer non airborne 1 X car 2 seater 1 X car 4 seater 1 X 15cwt GS 3 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS 1 X water trailer In addition to personal weapons the following were allocated 1 X Bren lmg 1 X 2” mortar, airborne 2 X signal pistol Headquarters Motorcycle 1 Major, second in command Motorcycle 2 vehicle mechanic Motorcycle 3 battery surveyor Motorcycle 4 Regimental Serjeant Major Motorcycle 5 instructor APTC Motorcycle 6 orderly Motorcycle 7 orderly Motorcycle 8 orderly Car 2 seater Lieutenant Colonel, batman, clerk (trained as driver IC) This vehicle must be a light utility for use as a command vehicle. As this War Establishment is dated May 1944 it must be the one actually used in NW Europe. There is no indication that it is for base use, on the contrary it is specifically listed as being airborne. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 duty serjeant, batman driver, seat for Commanding Officer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Adjutant, serjeant clerk, clerk, batman driver Tows trailer with office equiment 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 Subaltern, 2 X battery surveyor, Tows a trailer with survey stores 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 Quartermaster, Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant, batman driver Tows a trailer with quartermaster stores 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 Medical Officer, 2 X medical orderlies Tows a trailer with medical stores 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 2 X cook, driver mechanic Tows a trailer with cooking sets and rations. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 7 2 X battery surveyors. Carries survey stores Non Airborne. Note that these are classed as non airborne and not as base only. The tactical nature of the vehicles and the specialist loads they carry suggest that the vehicles were intended to join the unit by sea or land as soon as possible. 2 seater car batman driver For the use of the second in command. 4 Seater car 4 X 4 (Heavy Utility) clerk (trained as driver IC) Office and Command vehicle. 15cwt truck GS serjeant technical storeman, cook, Carries rations Tows a water trailer 3ton 4 X 4 GS driver IC Carries Quartermaster stores 3ton 4 X 4 GS driver IC Carries MT stores 3ton 4 X 4 GS 3 X storeman Carries petrol and anti gas stores. Air Landing Battery War Establishment 1/163/3 with an effective date of April 1944 Personnel Major 3 X Captain 8 X subaltern 3 X Battery Serjeant Major battery quartermaster serjeant signal serjeant 8 X serjeant, gun number 1 42 X tradesman including bombardier clerk (trained as driver IC clerk (trained as driver IC) 23 X driver operator 9 X driver mechanic equipment repairer 2 X gun fitter technical storeman 4 X vehicle mechanic 126 non tradesman (including 14 X bombardier) 8 X ammunition number 12 X batman 4 X command post officers assistant 24 X driver IC 40 X gun number 4 X Gun Position Officer Assistant. 5 X Observation Post Assistant 5 X orderly 22 X signaller storeman water dutyman Transport 62 X folding bicycle 17 X motorcycle 11 X lightweight motorcycle 38 X car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 X light tank 32 X lightweight trailer non airborne 1 X car 2 seater 3 X 15cwt 1 X 15cwt water 4 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS Weapons in addition to personal weapons. 5 X Bren lmg 3 X 2” mortar (airborne) 10 X signal pistol 8 X pack howitzer Organisation. Battery Headquarters Folding cycle 1 water dutyman Folding bicycle 2 storeman Folding bicycle 3 batman Folding bicycle 4 batman Folding bicycle 5 batman Folding bicycle 6 batman Motorcycle 1 Battery Serjeant Major Motorcycle 2 battery quartermaster serjeant Motorcycle 3 signalman serjeant Motorcycle 4 observation post assistant Motorcycle 5 vehicle mechanic Motorcycle 6 orderly Motorcycle 7 orderly Motorcycle 8 orderly 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Major, 2 X driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Captain, signaller, 2 X driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 Subaltern Command Post Officer, 2 X command post officers assistants, 2 X driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a trailer with Command Post equipment. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 Subaltern Assistant Command Post Officer, command post officers assistant, 2 X driver operator Carries a wireless set 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 3 X signaller, driver IC Carries a hand cable layer and cable reels. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 command post officers assistant, 2 X clerk Tows a trailer with office equipment 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 7 technical storeman, equipment repairer, vehicle mechanic, driver IC Tows a trailer with vehicle mechanics tools. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 8 2 X cook, driver IC Tows a trailer with cooking sets and rations. Light tank driver operator, driver mechanic. Note that the personnel listed will often not fit into the vehicles and are presumable carried in the trailer. It is known that some signal trailers had seats for the signallers and that the wireless sets were carried in the trailer rather than in the vehicle. However jeep 2 has a crew of four, two wireless sets and no trailer. Non Airborne vehicles Car 2 seater driver IC Battery Commanders car 15cwt truck GS 1 driver IC Carries petrol 15cwt truck GS 2 driver IC Carries cooking set and rations 15cwt truck GS 3 driver IC Carries fitters tools 15cwt truck water driver IC 3ton 4 X 4 GS 1 driver IC Carries QM stores 3ton 4 X 4 GS 2 driver IC Carries ammunition 3ton 4 X 4 GS 3 driver IC Carries ammunition 3ton 4 X 4 GS driver IC Carries anti gas stores. Troop There were two troop which were identical and each of which had two sections of two guns to give a total of eight X 75mm howitzers. Folding bicycle 1 batman Folding bicycle 2 batman Motorcycle 1 Battery Serjeant Major Motorcycle 2 gun fitter Motorcycle 3 signaller Motorcycle 4 observation post assistant Motorcycle 5 observation post assistant Motorcycle 6 gun position officers assistant Motorcycle 7 gun position officers assistant Motorcycle 8 orderly 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Captain, 2 X signaller, driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Subaltern, 2 X driver operator Carries wireless set Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 2 X signaller, driver IC Carries a hand cable layer and cable reels. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 2 X signaller, driver IC Carries a hand cable layer and cable reels. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 2 X cook, vehicle mechanic Tows a trailer Section 1 Folding bicycle 1 batman Folding bicycle 2 serjeant (gun number 1) Folding bicycle 3 serjeant (gun number 1) Motorcycle signaller 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Subaltern, 2 X driver operator Carries wireless set 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 driver mechanic Tows a trailer Tows a 75mm howitzer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 2 X ammunition numbers, driver mechanic Tows a trailer Tows a 75mm howitzer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 driver IC Tows two trailers 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 driver IC Tows two trailers 10 X gun numbers travel in the 5cwt cars 4 X 4 (jeep). The organisation table does not assign them to specific vehicles but jeep 2, 4 and 5 each have three spare seats and jeep 3 has one spare seat. Section 1 Folding bicycle 1 batman Folding bicycle 2 serjeant (gun number 1) Folding bicycle 3 serjeant (gun number 1) Motorcycle signaller 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Subaltern, 2 X driver operator Carries wireless set 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 driver mechanic Tows a trailer Tows a 75mm howitzer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 2 X ammunition numbers, driver mechanic Tows a trailer Tows a 75mm howitzer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 driver IC Tows two trailers 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 driver IC Tows two trailers 10 X gun numbers travel in the 5cwt cars 4 X 4 (jeep). The organisation table does not assign them to specific vehicles but jeep 2, 4 and 5 each have three spare seats and jeep 3 has one spare seat. AIRLANDING LIGHT REGIMENT RA War Establishment 1/167/1 with an effective date of January 1945 This was a new War establishment table which superseded War Establishment 1/163/3 (headquarters Airlanding Light Regiment RA) and 1/165/2 (Airlanding Light Battery RA). Apart from combining the two previous establishments this new organisation recognised that Airborne troops were no longer raiding forces but may be required to stay in the front line for much longer periods than previously planned for. Lieutenant Colonel – Commanding Officer Major – second in command 3 X Major Captain, Adjutant 6 X Captain 26 X Subaltern Quartermaster Regimental Serjeant Major Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant 9 X Battery Serjeant Major 3 X battery quartermaster serjeant 3 X signalling serjeant survey serjeant duty serjeant 24 X serjeant No1 of gun 6 X artificer or gun fitter 6 X battery surveyor clerk RA clerks section 9 X clerk 25 X driver mechanic 72 X driver operator 3 X equipment repairer serjeant technical storeman 3 X storeman technical 13 X vehicle mechanic 33 X technical assistant 32 X ammunition numbers 23 X batman 19 X batman drivers butchery dutyman 72 X driver IC 120 X gun numbers medical officers orderly 12 X orderly 4 X storeman 66 X signallers 4 X sanitary dutyman 4 X water dutyman Attached Medical Officer RAMC 4 X nursing orderly armourer serjeant REME Instructor APTC 4 X officers mess cook ACC serjeant cook 3 X corporal cook 23 X cook Vehicles. 36 X folding bicycle 92 X motorcycle 4 X car 2 seater 2 X car 4seater 4 X 4 123 X jeep 3 X 15cwt water 28 X 3ton 4 X 4 123 X lightweight trailer 1 X water trailer Headquarters Motorcycle 1 survey serjeant Motorcycle 2 vehicle mechanic Motorcycle 3 orderly Motorcycle 4 orderly Motorcycle 5 orderly Motorcycle 6 duty serjeant Motorcycle 7 serjeant storeman, technical Motorcycle 8 serjeant instructor APTC Car 2 seater Quartermaster, batman driver 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Commanding Officer, subaltern, driver IC. Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Major Second in Command, driver IC Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 Medical Officer, medical officers orderly, batman driver Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 Subaltern survey officer, 2 X battery surveyors Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 lmg number, 2 X battery surveyors Tows a trailer Carries a Bren lmg 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 clerk, 2 X battery surveyors Tows a trailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 7 serjeant armourer, clerk, batman driver. Tows a trailer Carries a PIAT 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 8 Adjutant, serjeant clerk, driver IC Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 9 Regimental Serjeant Major, clerk, driver mechanic Tows a trailer Although no longer listed as such the following are not airborne. 4 Seater car 4 X 4 (Heavy Utility) driver IC) This vehicle for the use of the Commanding Officer 4 Seater car 4 X 4 (Heavy Utility) batman, batman driver This vehicle for the use of the Second in Command 3ton 4 X 4 GS 1 Regimental Quartermaster Serjeant, storeman, driver IC Carries Quartermaster stores 3ton 4 X 4 GS 2 storeman technical, sanitary dutyman,driver IC Carries MT stores 3ton 4 X 4 GS 3 butchery dutyman, 3 X cook ACCC, water dutyman, driver IC Carries cooking sets and rations 3ton 4 X 4 GS 4 batman, lmg number, driver IC Carries Petrol Carries a Bren lmg 3 X Battery Organisation. Battery Headquarters Motorcycle 1 Battery Serjeant Major Motorcycle 2 signalman serjeant Motorcycle 3 vehicle mechanic Motorcycle 4 orderly Motorcycle 5 orderly Motorcycle 6 orderly Motorcycle 7 technical assistant RA Motorcycle 8 technical assistant RA Motorcycle 9 technical assistant RA Motorcycle 10 technical assistant RA Car 4 X 2 light utility Cook ACC, batman driver This vehicle for the distribution of cooked food 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Major, 2 X driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Captain, 2 X driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 Subaltern Command Post Officer, technical assistant, 2 X driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 Subaltern Assistant Command Post Officer, technical assistant RA, 2 X drive operator Carries wireless set Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 2 X signaller, driver IC Carries a hand cable layer and cable reels. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 clerk, nursing orderly, driver IC Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 7 2 X signallers, batman driver Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 8 2 X ammunition numbers, sanitary dutyman, batman driver Tows a trailer Carries a Bren lmg Carries a PIAT Note; The ammunition numbers also man the Bren gun. 15cwt truck water water dutyman, driver IC 3ton 4 X 4 GS 1 3 X ammunition number, 3 X batman, driver IC Carries ammunition Carries a PIAT 3ton 4 X 4 GS 2 3 X ammunition number, 3 X batman, driver IC Carries ammunition Carries a PIAT 3ton 4 X 4 GS 3 2 X ammunition numbers, batman, driver IC Carries petrol Carries a Bren lmg 3ton 4 X 4 GS 4 battery quartermaster serjeant, clerk, storeman, driver IC Carries Quartermaster stores 3ton 4 X 4 GS 5 storeman technical, equipment repairer, vehicle mechanic, driver IC Carries MT stores. 3ton 4 X 4 GS 6 corporal cook ACC, 2 X cook ACC, driver IC Carries cooking sets and rations. Troop There were two troops which were identical and each of which had two sections of two guns to give a total of eight X 75mm howitzers. Motorcycle 1 Battery Serjeant Major Motorcycle 2 signaller Motorcycle 3 signaller Motorcycle 4 signaller Motorcycle 5 vehicle mechanic Motorcycle 6 technical assistant RA Motorcycle 7 technical assistant RA Motorcycle 8 technical assistant RA Motorcycle 9 artificer or gun fitter 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Captain, 2 X driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a trailer Carries a PIAT 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Subaltern Gun Position Officer, 2 X driver operator Carries wireless set Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 2 X signaller, driver IC Carries a hand cable layer and cable reels. Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 2 X signaller, driver IC Carries a hand cable layer and cable reels. Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 cook, batman driver Tows a trailer Carries a PIAT Section 1 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Subaltern, signaller, 2 X driver operator Carries wireless set Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 serjeant, 2 X gun numbers, driver mechanic Tows a trailer Tows a 75mm howitzer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 serjeant, 2 X gun numbers, driver mechanic Tows a trailer Tows a 75mm howitzer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 3 X gun number, driver IC Tows a trailer Carries a Bren lmg 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 3 X gun number, driver IC Tows a trailers Carries a Bren lmg Section 2 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Subaltern, signaller, 2 X driver operator Carries wireless set Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 serjeant, 2 X gun numbers, driver mechanic Tows a trailer Tows a 75mm howitzer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 serjeant, 2 X gun numbers, driver mechanic Tows a trailer Tows a 75mm howitzer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 3 X gun number, driver IC Tows a trailers Carries a Bren lmg 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 3 X gun number, driver IC Tows a trailers Carries a Bren lmg Forward Observer Unit RA (Airborne) War Establishment 1/166/1 with an effective date of June 1944. War Establishment I/166/2 was sufficiently different to be shown in full below. Major, Officer Commanding 18 X Captain, Forward Observation Officer (Airborne) Subaltern, Intelligence Officer 1 X serjeant observation post assistant 15 X tradesman including 1 X clerk 12 X driver operator 1 X technical storeman 1 X vehicle mechanic 58 X non tradesman including 9 X batman 1 X batman driver 5 X driver IC 6 X observation post assistant 44 X signaller The tradesmen and non tradesmen include 1 X lance serjeant 6 X bombardier 7 X lance bombardier 51 X gunner All personnel may be parachutists. Vehicles 36 X folding bicycle 12 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 X 15cwt cable layer 1 X 15cwt office 2 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS 8 X lightweight trailer. Weapons (in addition to personal weapons) 4 X Bren lmg 5 X signal pistol Organisation Headquarters 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Major, signaller, driver operator Carries a wireless set. Tows a trailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Intelligence officer, signaller, driver operator Carries a wireless set. Tows a trailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 2 X signaller, driver operator Carries a wireless set. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 2 X signaller, driver operator Carries a wireless set. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 2 X signaller, driver operator Carries a wireless set. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 2 X signaller, driver operator Carries a wireless set. 15cwt Office serjeant observation post assistant, clerk, 2 X signaller, batman driver 3ton 4 X 4 1 vehicle mechanic, technical storeman, signaller, driver IC Carries stores Carries Bren lmg and 100 rounds of ammunition. 3ton 4 X 4 2 3 X cook signaller, driver IC Carries cooking sets and rations Section 1 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Captain Forward Observer, signaller, driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a tailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Captain Forward Observer, signaller, driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a tailer. 15cwt truck GS driver operator, 2 X observation post assistants, driver IC Carries a hand cable layer. Carries signal stores. Carries a Bren lmg and 1000 rounds. Section 2 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Captain Forward Observer, signaller, driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a tailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Captain Forward Observer, signaller, driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a tailer. 15cwt truck GS driver operator, 2 X observation post assistants, driver IC Carries a hand cable layer. Carries signal stores. Carries a Bren lmg and 1000 rounds. Section 3 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Captain Forward Observer, signaller, driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a tailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Captain Forward Observer, signaller, driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a tailer. 15cwt truck GS driver operator, 2 X observation post assistants, driver IC Carries a hand cable layer. Carries signal stores. Carries a Bren lmg and 1000 rounds. The following are carried in divisional transport 4 X Captain Forward Observers 8 X signallers 3 X batman FORWARD OBSERVER UNIT RA (AIRBORNE) 1945 War Establishment I/166/2 with an effective date of February 1945. Major, Officer Commanding 18 X Captain, Forward Observation Officer (Airborne) Subaltern, Intelligence Officer 1 X Battery Serjeant Major 15 X tradesman including 1 X clerk 12 X driver operator 1 X technical storeman 6 X technical assistant RA (including 3 X lance bombardier) 1 X vehicle mechanic 58 X non tradesman including 9 X batman 1 X batman driver 5 X driver IC 44 X signaller The tradesmen and non tradesmen include 1 X lance serjeant 6 X bombardier 7 X lance bombardier 51 X gunner All personnel may be parachutists. Vehicles 6 X folding bicycle (2 per section) 15 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) (including one per section fitted for cable laying) 1 X 15cwt office 3 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS 15 X lightweight trailer. Weapons (in addition to personal weapons) 4 X Bren lmg 5 X signal pistol Organisation Headquarters Motorcycle signaller 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Major, signaller, driver operator Tows a trailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Intelligence officer, signaller, driver operator Carries a wireless set. Tows a trailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 2 X signaller, driver operator Carries a wireless set. Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 2 X signaller, driver operator Carries a wireless set. Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 5 2 X signaller, driver operator Carries a wireless set. Tows a trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 6 2 X signaller, driver operator Carries a wireless set. Tows a trailer 3ton 4 X 4 1 Battery Serjeant Major, clerk, 2 X signaller, batman driver 3ton 4 X 4 2 vehicle mechanic, bombardier technical storeman, driver IC Carries Q stores Carries a Bren lmg 3ton 4 X 4 3 corporal cook, 2 X cook, 3 X signaller, driver IC Carries cooking sets and rations Section 1 Motorcycle signaller 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Captain Forward Observer, signaller, driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a tailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Captain Forward Observer, signaller, driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a tailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 driver operator, 2 X technical assistants RA, driver IC Carries a hand cable layer. Carries signal stores. Carries a Bren lmg Section 2 Motorcycle signaller 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Captain Forward Observer, signaller, driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a tailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Captain Forward Observer, signaller, driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a tailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 driver operator, 2 X technical assistants RA, driver IC Carries a hand cable layer. Carries signal stores. Carries a Bren lmg Section 3 Motorcycle signaller 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Captain Forward Observer, signaller, driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a tailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Captain Forward Observer, signaller, driver operator Carries 2 X wireless set Tows a tailer. 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 driver operator, 2 X technical assistants RA, driver IC Carries a hand cable layer. Carries signal stores. Carries a Bren lmg The following are carried in divisional transport 4 X Captain Forward Observers 7 X signallers 3 X batman First reinforcements 3 X Subaltern 1 X lance bombardier 2 X technical assistants RA 4 X signaller Rather ominously the following note has been added In addition to fist reinforcements the following personnel will be held to replace trained parachutists after an operation. 1 X Captain 3 X Subaltern 4 X technical assistants RA 8 X signaller Notes Later a counter mortar officer was added to headquarters. In November 1944 Fire Liaison Parties were formed. There were four of these, similar in organisation, personnel and function to the forward observation teams. It was the function of these parties to co ordinate fire of artillery units outside the Airborne Division. In the Rhine Crossing in particular the airborne drops were within range of RA units on the near side of the Rhine and could call on them for fire support. In March 1945 a jeep mounted sound ranging section and a jeep mounted radar section were added. Also in March 1945 a section of two 25pdr guns were added. These were to fire coloured smoke shells to mark targets for RAF support units. AIR LANDING LIGHT ANTI AIRCRAFT BATTERY War Establishment I/164/2 with an effective date of February 1945 Headquarters Major Captain Subaltern Battery Serjeant Major battery quartermaster serjeant 2 X clerk clerk for pay duties driver mechanic driver operator equipment repairer 2 X gun fitter vehicle mechanic 2 X batman batman driver butchery dutyman 2 X motorcyclist medical officers orderly sanitary dutyman 3 X storeman water dutyman (trained as a driver IC) ranks included 3 X bombardier 4 X lance bombardier 5 X gunner Transport 3 X folding bicycle 2 X motorcycle 2 X lightweight motorcycle 2 X light utility 2 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 2 X 15cwt water 12 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS 2 X lightweight trailer 3 X Troop Headquarters Captain 2 X Subaltern Battery Serjeant Major clerk 3 X driver operator gun fitter vehicle mechanic 2 X batman driver 2 X motorcyclist corporal cook ACC 2 X cook ACC Transport 5 X folding bicycle 4 X motorcycle 4 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 15cwt GS 2 X Tractor 4 X 4 Light AA 1 X lightweight trailer sub section 1 serjeant driver mechanic 10 X gun numbers 2 X folding bicycle 1 X lightweight motorcycle 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 40mm LAA sub section 2 serjeant driver mechanic 10 X gun numbers 2 X folding bicycle 1 X lightweight motorcycle 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 40mm LAA sub section 3 serjeant driver mechanic 10 X gun numbers 2 X folding bicycle 1 X lightweight motorcycle 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 40mm LAA sub section 4 serjeant driver mechanic 10 X gun numbers 2 X folding bicycle 1 X lightweight motorcycle 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 40mm LAA sub section 5 serjeant driver mechanic 10 X gun numbers 2 X folding bicycle 1 X lightweight motorcycle 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 40mm LAA sub section 6 serjeant driver mechanic 10 X gun numbers 2 X folding bicycle 1 X lightweight motorcycle 1 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 40mm LAA Total weapons 28 X Bren lmg 48 X 20mm AA 18 X 40mm AA 72 X signal pistol 4 X 2” mortar airborne AIR LANDING ANTI TANK UNITS Air Landing Anti Tank Battery. War Establishment 1/162/3. April 1944. Air Landing Anti Tank Battery. War Establishment 1/162/4. January 1945. Headquarters, Air Landing Anti Tank Regiment. War Establishment 1/168/1. March 1945. AIR LANDING ANTI TANK BATTERY War Establishment 1/162/3 with an effective date of April 1944. War Establishment 1/162/4 with an effective date of January 1945 had only four amendments which are shown in the text. Personnel Major 2 X Captain 5 X subaltern Battery Serjeant Major battery quartermaster serjeant 8 X serjeant gun number 1 4 X serjeant 26 tradesman including 2 X clerk 16 X driver mechanic 3 X gun fitter 3 X vehicle mechanic equipment repairer technical storeman 27 X bombardier 78 X gunner including 8 X bombardier gun No 1 batman 7 X batman driver 9 X driver IC 64 X gun number 6 X motorcycle orderly medical officers orderly 6 X signaller sanitary dutyman storeman water dutyman Attached officer mess cook ACC 4 X cook Total 158 Transport Airborne 30 X motorcycle 27 X jeep 11 X trailer Non Airborne 1 X two seater car 2 X 15cwt GS 1 X 15cwt water 3 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS Note: By January 1945 the following amendments had been made Two 15cwt GS and one driver IC were deleted One Light Utility was added. Battery Headquarters Airborne Motorcycle 1 Captain Q Motorcycle 2 Subaltern Motorcycle 3 Battery Serjeant Major Motorcycle 4 orderly Motorcycle 5 orderly Motorcycle 6 gun fitter 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Major, signaller, gun fitter, batman driver Carries Wireless set Carries a Bren lmg Tows a lightweight trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 Captain G, signaller, gun fitter, batman driver Carries a Wireless set Carries a Bren lmg Tows a lightweight trailer 5cwt car 4 X 4 (jeep) 3 battery quartermaster serjeant, vehicle mechanic, cook, batman driver Carries a Bren lmg Tows a lightweight trailer with rations. Non Airborne Car 2 seater vehicle mechanic 15cwt truck GS 1 equipment repairer, vehicle mechanic Carries cooking sets and rations 15cwt truck GS 2 clerk, technical storeman, driver IC Carries petrol 15cwt water truck water dutyman, driver IC 3ton 4 X 4 GS lorry 1 storeman, medical officers orderly, sanitary dutyman, driver IC Carries Quartermasters stores 3ton 4 X 4 GS lorry 2 driver IC Carries MT and anti gas stores 3ton 4 X 4 GS lorry 3 driver IC Carries ammunition Troop There were four identical troops Headquarters Motorcycle 1 orderly Motorcycle 2 serjeant Car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 1 Subaltern, signaller, batman driver Carries a wireless set Carries a Bren lmg Tows a lightweight trailer with ammunition Car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 driver IC This vehicle also a cook from Battery Headquarters. Carries a bren lmg Tows a lightweight trailer with ammunition Car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 2 in any two of the four troops also carries either a clerk or a batman for battery headquarters. Subsection 1 Motorcycle serjeant gun number 1 Car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 X gun number, driver mechanic Carries a Bren lmg Tows a 6pdr AT gun Subsection 2 Motorcycle bombardier gun number 1 Car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 X gun number, driver mechanic Carries a Bren lmg Tows a 6pdr AT gun Subsection 3 Motorcycle serjeant gun number 1 Car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 X gun number, driver mechanic Carries a Bren lmg Tows a 6pdr AT gun Subsection 4 Motorcycle bombardier gun number 1 Car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) 4 X gun number, driver mechanic Carries a Bren lmg Tows a 6pdr AT gun HEADQUARTERS AIR LANDING ANTI TANK REGIMENT War Establishment 1/168/1 with an effective date of March 1945. This headquarters was introduced to command air landing anti tank batteries for the Rhine Crossings. Lieutenant Colonel, Officer Commanding Captain, Adjutant Subaltern, Liaison Officer Regimental Serjeant Major serjeant clerk RA clerks section batman 2 X batman driver clerk 4 X driver operator (including one lance bombardier) bombardier driver IC cook ACC Transport 1 X car 4 seater 4 X 4 3 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 1 X 3ton 4 X 4 GS 3 X lightweight trailer Organisation Car 4 seater 4 X 4 batman driver This vehicle for the use of the commanding officer and adjutant Car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) Lieutenant Colonel, batman, 2 X driver operator Carries a wireless set Tows a lightweight trailer Car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) Adjutant, serjeant clerk, 2 X driver operator Carries a wireless set Tows a lightweight trailer Car 5cwt 4 X 4 (jeep) Liaison Officer, Regimental Serjeant Major, cook ACC, batman driver Tows a lightweight trailer 3ton 4 X 4 GS clerk, driver IC Carries a Bren lmg Left at base clerk Light Aid detachment Type B is attached. AIRBORNE DIVISIONAL ROYAL ENGINEERS In common with normal divisions the airborne division had a headquarters CRE, a field squadron per brigade and a field park squadron The Parachute Brigades each had a Parachute Field Squadron The Airlanding Brigade had an Airlanding Field Company. The War Establishments for these have not yet been found. Presumably they became effective before March 1943 and were not superseded. HEADQUARTERS, AIRBORNE DIVISIONAL ENGINEERS War Establishment I/187/1 with an effective date of March 1943. War Establishment I/187/2 with an effective date of March 1945 had the following four amendments An Instructor APTC was added PIATs replaced anti tank rifles A 15cwt 4 X 4 replaced a 15cwt 4 X 2 A signal pistol was added. Lieutenant Colonel, Commander RE Captain, Adjutant Subaltern, Intelligence Officer serjeant clerk 2 X clerk topographical draughtsman 2 X motorcyclist 3 X driver of vehicles 2 X batman batman driver Airborne transport 2 X folding bicycle 2 X folding motorcycle 2 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 2 X trailer 10cwt Base transport 1 X bicycle 4 X motorcycle 1 X car 4seater 4 X 2 1 X 15cwt GS Weapons 5 X .45” automatic pistol 10 X .3.3” rifle 1 X anti tank rifle FIELD PARK COMPANY RE (AIRBORNE) War Establishment 1/189/1 with an effective date of March 1943. Headquarters Major Captain Company Serjeant Major transport serjeant lance serjeant sapper class corporal sapper class 8 X sapper corporal driver class lance corporal driver calss 8 X driver Trades included 4 X clerk draughtsman, mechanical driver mechanic motor mechanic 4 X motor cycle orderlies 2 X storeman 4 X driver of vehicle 2 X batman sanitary dutyman Attached officers mess cook ACC corporal cook ACC 2 X cook ACC Transport 11 X bicycle 6 X motorcycle 2 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 2 X trailer 3 X 3ton 4 X 2 GS for base use only Workshop section Subaltern Staff Serjeant Mechanist, machinery Serjeant 2 X corporal sapper class 3 X lance corporal sapper class 24 X sapper lance corporal driver class 6 X driver Traded included 2 X blacksmith bricklayer 5 X carpenter and joiner driver mechanic 2 X electrician, maintenance 3 X engine fitter, IC and pumps engine fitter, mechanical equipment 2 X engine hand equipment repairer 2 X fitter painter and decorator storeman 2 X plumber and pipe fitter 2 X sawyer 2 X sheet metal worker 2 X welder, acetylene and electric 5 X driver of vehicle batman Transport 28 X bicycle 1 X motorcycle 6 X car 5cwt 4 x 4 1 X trailer generating set 1 X trailer machineryu 1 X trailer circular saw 1 X trailer, lightweight, stores, binned 2 X trailer compressor Stores section Subaltern serjeant lance serjeant sapper class corporal sapper class 3 X lance corporal sapper class 17 X sapper lance corporal driver class 8 X driver Trades included driver mechanic 3 X motor mechanic 2 X motorcycle orderly 2 X storeman 15 X general dutyman 7 X driver of vehicle batman Transport 22 X bicycle 2 X motorcycle 5 X car 5cwt 4 X 4 3 X light tractor 5 X trailer, lightweight, stores, binned Total weapons 15 X .45” automatic pistol 73 X .303” rifle 15 X machine carbine 3 X Bren lmg 3 X anti tank rifle Technical equipment 12 X assault boat 48 X reconnaissance boat 20 X RAF ‘J’ type dinghy 30 X RAF ‘M’ type dinghy First reinforcements 1 X serjeant 10 X sapper An Air Landing Light Aid Detachment REME Type B was attached