Bomber crash, Newmarket, 6th January 1942

Discussion in 'The War In The Air' started by High Wood, Nov 25, 2023.

  1. High Wood

    High Wood Well-Known Member

    In a letter that I am researching, written by a soldier in the Royal Corps of Signals, attached to the 10th battalion, Rifle Brigade, I have come across this reference to a bomber crashing at Newmarket, on the 6th January 1942.

    "About 9.30 this morning we heard some big bangs at the back of our camp in a field by the railway lines. One of the bombers from the aerodrome crashed and burnt itself out."

    I have had a look on the C.W.G.C. website and have found that whilst there were 39 R.A.F. fatal casualties in England that day, only one of whom is buried in Newmarket. 643058 Sgt. Anthony John Browne. I appreciate that aircrew were sometimes buried in their home towns and not necessarily at the nearest cemetery to the crash site.

    Sgt Browne's C.W.G.C. entry gives no details of his Squadron or next of kin, so I am having a problem finding out if he was the only casualty, or if he was killed by the aircraft crash rather than in it.

    Can anyone please tell which squadron was based at Newmarket in January 1942, what type of aircraft they flew and if possible, any details regarding the crash?

    Thank you.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2023
  2. Finn Buch

    Finn Buch Active Member

    A/G Sgt. Anthony John Browne, 3 G.T. Flight, 643058, RAF was killed on 6th January 1942, when his aircraft, Vickers Wellington Mk 1C L7863 after take off from Newmarket quickly lost height and crashed onto a nearby railway embankment before skidding into an adjacent building and bursting into flames.

    All of the crew were killed, apart from 2 members who survived with injuries.

    See sources:

    Newmarket Heath - Newmarket

    Frederick Thomas Miniken | Great Bromley

    Best regards

    Finn Buch
    High Wood likes this.
  3. CL1

    CL1 116th LAA and 92nd (Loyals) LAA,Royal Artillery

  4. High Wood

    High Wood Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much, it was exactly the information that I was looking for.

  5. High Wood

    High Wood Well-Known Member

  6. Little Friend

    Little Friend Senior Member

    6ab8cd13095da2866d8db9429acad6fa.jpeg .jpeg 6cd88efb38314e6314079cf9b505b79d.jpeg 0fee242bcbec3465bd0b6ed3e9f06fee.jpeg 97f519651cf7e3ac47ec69299a3c8376.jpeg 13335cb8b3b27fe3b779653c5b00551e.jpeg 8659902a0118b635d666f7a95b654fae.jpeg

    I took these photographs over many years from 1992 onwards. These are along the Rowley Mile at Newmarket racecourse, Suffolk.

    RAF Newmarket - Wikipedia
  7. High Wood

    High Wood Well-Known Member

    Thank you for posting the pictures. The letter writer mentions the race course and the July Stands in several of the letters.
    Little Friend likes this.
  9. If anyone is interested I have two groups on Facebook. Raf Newmarket and SOE and Resistance.
    I live in Newmarket and have been researching the airfield for 30 years.
    CL1 likes this.
  10. CL1

    CL1 116th LAA and 92nd (Loyals) LAA,Royal Artillery

    from my photo collection taken 5th April 2016

    JDCAVE and High Wood like this.

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