Books: About Foot Guards Regiments and by Guardsmen

Discussion in 'The Brigade of Guards' started by dbf, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    These lists are intended to be of help to those who wish to do their own research. Additional information about content, eg battalion / theatre has been added in brackets. Some links to sales sites are provided but should anyone wish to buy a book other outlets should be checked for best price. Be aware that some editions are reprints whilst others are 1st Edition only publications and will therefore be priced accordingly.

    Please let me know of any omissions to the book list - often titles aren't very helpful to finding Guards related books. It'd also be helpful if content - eg bns / theatres - could be included along with title author and ISBN.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2024
    JimHerriot likes this.
  2. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    • All the Queen's Men, The Household Cavalry and The Brigade of Guards; Russell Braddon [History incl WW1 & WW2]
    • The Guards and Caterham: The Soldiers' Story
    • The Guards; John de St. Jorre/Anthony Edgeworth; Aurum Press, 1981; Edgeworth Editions in 2002; ISBN: 0906053250 / 0-906053-25-0
    • The Guards Division 1914 - 1918 [Roll of Honour]
    • The Guards Divisions 1914 - 1945; Mike Chappell; Osprey; ISBN 1 85532 546 2
    • History of the Guards Division in the Great War 1915 - 1918; C. Headlam

    • The British Foot Guards, A Bibliography; LC Silverthorne & WD Gaskin - The British foot guards : a bibliography / by L.C. Silverthorne and W.D. Gaskin.
    • British Guards Armoured Division 1941 - 1945; John Sandars, Osprey, ISBN 0 85045 313 5
    • Fighting with the Guards; Keith Briant
    • The Guards Armoured Division, A Short History; Major-General G.L. Verney, D.S.O., M.V.O. [North West Europe]
    • The Guards Armoured Division 1941 - 1945; Captain the Earl of Rosse M.B.E. & Colonel E.R. Hill, D.S.O.
    • Bridging the Club Route: Guards Armoured Division's Engineers During Operation Market Garden; John Sliz
    • Oliver Leese; Rowland Ryder; ISBN 0241120241; Hamish Hamilton; 1987
    • A Guards' General: The Memoirs of Major General Sir Allan Adair; Sir Allan Adair; ISBN 0241119472; Hamish Hamilton, 1986
    • 6th Guards Tank Brigade; Patrick Forbes; Sampson Low, Marston & Co Ltd; nd [4th Bn Grenadier Guards,; 4th Bn Coldstream Guards; 3rd Bn Scots Guards]
    • Guards VC, Blitzkrieg 1940; Dilip Sarkar [3rd Battalion Grenadier Guards, 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards, 2nd Battalion Hampshire Regiment, 2nd Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment; B.E.F.]
    • Over to Tunis; Howard Marshall
    • Dangerous Liaison; Derek Cooper; ISBN 0 85955 229 2 [2nd Household Cavalry Regiment, Guards Armoured Division, North West Europe]
    • Send More Shrouds; Jan Gore; [Guards Chapel V1 bombing]
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2023
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  3. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD


    • The Grenadier Guards in the War of 1939 - 1945, Volume 1 The Campaigns in North-West Europe; Patrick Forbes [1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Battalions Grenadier Guards, B.E.F., Home, North West Europe]
    • Online - The Grenadier Guards in the war of 1939-1945, by Nigel Nicolson and Patrick Forbes. v.1.
    • The Grenadier Guards in the War of 1939 - 1945, Volume 2 The Mediterranean Campaigns; Captain Nigel Nicolson, M.B.E. [3rd, 5th, 6th Battalions Grenadier Guards, Tunisia North Africa, Italy. NB Appendices/Roll of Honour are in this Volume]
    • Online The Grenadier Guards in the war of 1939-1945, by Nigel Nicolson and Patrick Forbes. v.2.

    • Seven Years a Grenadier 1939-1946 From Dunkirk to Nijmegen; Jack Pritchard; Forces & Corporate Publishing Ltd; 1999; ISBN 0952959747
    • Wars and Shadows, Memoirs of General Sir David Fraser; ISBN 0 713 99617 7 [2nd Armoured Battalion Grenadier Guards, North West Europe]
    • An Active Service, The Story of a Soldier's Life in the Grenadier Guards, SAS and SBS 1935-1958; Richard Dorney [Grenadier Guards, BEF, N. Africa; SAS; post war Palestine; Malaysia]
    • Tales of a Grenadier, A War Memorial; Dennis A. Park ISBN 1 873708 06 3 [3rd Battalion Grenadier Guards, Italy]
    • 6th Guards Tank Brigade; Patrick Forbes; Sampson Low, Marston & Co Ltd; nd [4th Bn Grenadier Guards,; 4th Bn Coldstream Guards; 3rd Bn Scots Guards]
    • Guardsman and Commando: The War Memoirs of RSM Cyril Feebery DCM; [3GG/BEF, Commando/Layforce, SAS/SBS; North Africa, Sardinia, Italy (Escapee), France, Belgium, Norway ]
    • Setting Europe Ablaze, Douglas Dodds-Parker; Springwood Books; ISBN 10: 0862541166 ISBN 13: 9780862541163 - SOE; Sudan, Ethiopia, Central Europe
    • Steady, Old Man!: Don't you know there's a war on? ; Derek Bond - 3GG
    • Settling the Bill; William Stratford Dugdale - North Africa, Italy
    Last edited: May 5, 2023
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  4. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD


    • Coldstream Guards: Soldiers and their Stories; Andrew Thornton

    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
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  5. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD


    • The Scots Guards 1919 - 1955; David Erskine [1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Training, Holding Battalions Scots Guards]
    • Famous Regiments, The Scots Guards; Anthony Goodinge; ISBN 85052 012 6
    • A Pilgrimage of Remembrance; Michael Curtis [S Company Scots Guards attached 2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards, Italy]
    • Esprit de Corps, A Scots Guards Officer on active service 1943 - 1945; W.A. Elliott, ISBN 085955 220 9 [2nd Battalion Scots Guards, Italy]
    • I Lived to Tell the Tale; Captain James. C. Fleming, M.C. [2nd Battalion Scots Guards, Pre war Palestine, 1st Battalion Scots Guards, Norway; O.C.T.U.; 8th Battalion Middlesex Regiment, North West Europe]
    • Reflections 1939-1945: A Scots Guards Officer in Training and War; Charles Farrell,; The Pentland Press; 2000; ISBN 185821761X; [3rd Battalion Scots Guards]
    • 6th Guards Tank Brigade; Patrick Forbes; Sampson Low, Marston & Co Ltd; nd [4th Bn Grenadier Guards,; 4th Bn Coldstream Guards; 3rd Bn Scots Guards]
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
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  6. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD



    • History of the Irish Guards in the Second World War; Major D.J.L. FitzGerald, M.C.; [1st, 2nd, 3rd Battalions Irish Guards]
    • The Micks, The Story of the Irish Guards; Peter Verney, ISBN 0 330 23632 6
    • He Who Dared and Died: The Life and Death of a SAS Original, Sergeant Chris O'Dowd, MM; Gearoid O'Dowd [1st Battalion Irish Guards, Norway; Commandos; SAS]
    • Major D.M. (John) Kennedy, A Tribute; Robert Jocelyn Earl of Roden [1st Battalion Irish Guards, Norway, North Africa, Italy; 3rd Battalion Irish Guards, North West Europe; KIA 1945]
    • The Honour and the Shame, Bravery has no rules; John Kenneally, V.C., ISBN 978 07553 1612 0 [1st Battalion Irish Guards, North Africa, Italy, Palestine]
    • Sojourn in Silesia, 1940 - 1945; Arthur Charles Evans, C.B.E.; [2nd Battalion Irish Guards, Boulogne; POW]
    • Battleground Europe: Boulogne 20 Guards Brigade's Fighting Defence - May 1940 ; Jon Cooksey [1940, 2nd Battalion Irish Guards, 2nd Battalion Welsh Guards]
    • The Armoured Micks 1941 - 1945; RHQ Irish Guards [2nd Armoured Battalion Irish Guards]
    • Hugh Dormer's Diaries; Captain Hugh Dormer, D.S.O. [S.O.E. France, Evader; 2nd Battalion Irish Guards, North West Europe, KIA 1944] Hugh Dormer's diaries
    • The Times of My Life; Sir John Gorman; ISBN 0 8 85052 906 9 [2nd Armoured Battalion Irish Guards, North West Europe]
    • The Ever Open Eye; Brian D. Wilson; ISBN 1 85821 532 3 [3rd Battalion Irish Guards, North West Europe]
    • From Ulster to Normandy, 1944-1994; compiled by John Quinn, Farset; [2nd Armoured Battalion & 3rd Battalion Irish Guards as well as 1&2 Royal Ulster Rifles, 9 Para Regiment, 591 Para Sqn RE; Normandy]
    Last edited: May 12, 2024
    JimHerriot likes this.
  7. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD


    • Welsh Guards at War; Major L.F. Ellis; ISBN 0 948130 52 0 [1st, 2nd, 3rd Battalions Welsh Guards]
    • Dunkirk to the Rhineland: Diaries and Sketches of Sergeant Charles Murrell, Welsh Guards; C.N. Murrell
    • Bearskins, Bayonets & Body Armour, Welsh Guards 1915 - 2015; Trevor Royle
    • Salute Me When You See Me: An affectionate portrait by his son of a father he never knew; Michael Fass [1st Battalion Welsh Guards, NWE] Casualty
    • Life in the Welsh Guards 1939 - 1946; Sydney Pritchard ISBN-13 978 0 86243 985 9 [2nd Battalion Welsh Guards, Boulogne 1940; POW]
    • A Not Very Military Experience; Hanbury, Peter, ASIN: B004H6ZBTS; Millstream (2000) [2nd Battalion (OC 12 Platoon, 4 Company) Welsh Guards, Boulogne 1940; POW]
    • Battleground Europe: Boulogne 20 Guards Brigade's Fighting Defence - May 1940 ; Jon Cooksey[1940, 2nd Battalion Irish Guards, 2nd Battalion Welsh Guards]
    • At the Fifth Attempt, An Escape Story; John Elwyn; ISBN 0 85052 3613 [9 Platoon 3 Company 2nd Battalion Welsh Guards, Boulogne 1940; POW]
    • Ensign in Italy, A Platoon Commander's Story; Philip Brutton; ISBN 0 8 5052 324 9 [3rd Battalion Welsh Guards, Italy]
    • A Captain's Mandate; Philip Brutton; Leo Cooper; 1996; ISBN 0-85052-497-0 [follows his exploits with the WG in Italy in post war Palestine.]
    • An Undistinguished Life; Andrew Gibson-Watt [3rd Battalion Welsh Guards, Italy; post-war Palestine]
    • Joy Street, A Wartime Romance in Letters; Mirren Barford & Lieutenant John Lewes, Ed. Michael T. Wise [Welsh Guards & S.A.S., KIA 1941]
    • A Not Very Military Experience, Peter Hanbury [2nd Battalion Welsh Guards, POW Boulogne 1940]
    • Wales' Unknown Hero: Soldier, Spy, Monk: The life of Henry Coombe-Tennant, MC, of Neath ; Bernard Lewis. ISBN 10: 1912631334 ISBN 13: 9781912631339 [2 Welsh Guards, Boulogne, 1940, POW, E&E]
    Last edited: May 14, 2024
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  8. Jedburgh22

    Jedburgh22 Very Senior Member

    A Captain's Mandate; Philip Brutton; ISBN 0-85052-497-0 Leo Cooper; 1996 follows his exploits with the WG in Italy in post war Palestine.

    Also covers Grenadier and Irish Guards
    JimHerriot and dbf like this.
  9. idler

    idler GeneralList

    Grenadier Guards:

    Seven Years a Grenadier 1939-1946 From Dunkirk to Nijmegen; Jack Pritchard; ISBN 0952959747; Forces & Corporate Publishing Ltd; 1999

    Scots Guards:

    Reflections 1939-1945: A Scots Guards Officer in Training and War; Charles Farrell, ISBN 185821761X; The Pentland Press; 2000 [3rd Battalion Scots Guards]

    Guards Armoured Division related:

    Oliver Leese; Rowland Ryder; ISBN 0241120241; Hamish Hamilton; 1987

    A Guards' General: The Memoirs of Major General Sir Allan Adair; Sir Allan Adair; ISBN 0241119472; Hamish Hamilton, 1986

    6th Guards Tank Brigade; Patrick Forbes; Sampson Low, Marston & Co Ltd; nd [4th Bn Grenadier Guards,; 4th Bn Coldstream Guards; 3rd Bn Scots Guards]

    Feel free to edit those into the respective posts.
    JimHerriot and dbf like this.
  10. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Thank you gentlemen, duly edited in.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  11. Koen

    Koen Member

    -Welsh Guards At war 1939-46 by L.F. Ellis

    -Dunkirk of the Rhineland by C.N. Murrell
    Dairies and sketches of sergeant Charles Murrell, Welsh Guards

    -Life in the Welsh Guards by Sydney Pritchard.

    -Armoured Guardsmen by Robert Boscawen
    A war dairy June 1944 - April 1945

    -Guardsmen and Commando by David Feebery
    The war memoirs of RSM Cyril Feebery DCM
    JimHerriot and dbf like this.
  12. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Sorry Koen, I meant to post a response instead of just rep'ing but forgot. Thanks for the additions.

    Can you confirm which GG battalion he served in as part of BEF? It helps to put a note along with the title etc, in case people are looking for particular info.
    JimHerriot and Rfn1940 like this.
  13. Koen

    Koen Member

    I have ordered the book but haven't received it yet.
    I will let you know in which Battalion he served as part of the BEF as soon as I recieved the book.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  14. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Many thanks.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  15. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    3 GG
    1st Gds Bde
    1st Inf Div.
    see page 9
    JimHerriot and dbf like this.
  16. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    Has anyone here thread At The Fifth Attempt? I just finished listening to a podcast about John Elwyn Jones and his escape.

    What I'm unsure of is this. He left school early and was farming, but he got into the Welsh Guards. I was given to understand that the guards regiments were the sort with expensive messes that only someone with an independent income could likely afford. Am I wrong on this point? How did he afford it?

    There was also mention in the podcast about a film being made from his book in the 90s but it seems to be very obscure now.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  17. Warlord

    Warlord Veteran wannabe

    Cracking thread!

    Thank you in the name of us 3rd Worlders trapped in a web of book importing bureaucracy. Long live digital resources! :salut:
    JimHerriot and Chris C like this.
  18. Warlord

    Warlord Veteran wannabe

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2023
    Chris C likes this.
  19. Graham Dix

    Graham Dix New Member

    I have been researching my Uncle's War. He was in 5th Battalion Coldstream in 1945. I have produced a book from my research called Our Boy - Always a Coldstreamer. It is priced at £10.99 and available from Amazon or Troubador Publishing. Any profits will go to charity
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2024
    dbf likes this.
  20. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Thanks for adding details of your book.
    Have moved your post to this Guards' book thread.

    Good luck.

    Our Boy – Always a Coldstreamer
    Our Boy tells the factual and tragic, yet incredulous story of a Coldstream Guardsman in World War Two.

    From the discovery of a bundle of old letters and documents, a journey of discovery unfolded that led to fascinating revelations of the exploits of the author’s uncle who died shortly after the end of World War Two. Using information from multiple sources, a story slowly emerged of friendship, bravery, deprivation, elation, and horror. It transpired that the battles he fought in were some of the most gargantuan and bloody of the war in Europe.

    Dix explores the horrendous, gruelling battles of the Rhineland, crossing the Rhine and fighting innumerable battles across north-west Germany against the elite and fanatical German Parachute Army. The book also details the very human story of life at home where the family struggled to cope with the anxiety for their son’s safety, rationing, the blackout and all the hardships that come with war.

    This is a gripping and fascinating biography of one man’s journey and the difficulties he faced during World War Two.
    JimHerriot likes this.

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