Camp C22 at Toothill, Southampton More to add in edit... Links Toothill Fort - Wikipedia D-Day marshalling area camp C22, Toothill Toothill Camp Hillfort, Hampshire Toothill Fort Map Marshalling Camps Area C | WW2Talk IWM audio - Self, George Henry (Oral history) With... "REEL 14 Continues: reaction to Montgomery's speech announcing role in invasion plans; troops' opinion of Montgomery; state of morale; introduction of new weapons and opinion of Sten gun and PIAT; invasion training and state of morale. Period at Toothill Camp, Romsey area, 4/1944-5/1944: invasion training exercise; off duty fights with US soldiers and inflammatory effect of Eisenhower's speech, 13/5/1944; sealing of camp; briefing on invasion. Embarkation in Landing Craft Infantry at Southampton, 3/6/1944: reactions to presence of Churchill and George V; state of morale; delay in sailing, 3/6/1944-5/6/1944. Recollections of Channel crossing and initial operations on landing with A Coy, 8th Bn, Durham Light Infantry at Gold Beach, Normandy, France, 6/6/1944: role of 1st Brigade; bicycles carried and wearing gas trousers; situation on beach; move inland; patrol to investigate abandoned German headquarters. REEL 15 Continues: patrol to investigate abandoned German Headquarters; rescue of captured brigade staff officers; advance carried by tanks to St Pierre; story of attack, taking up defensive positions and German counter attack at St Pierre, ca 9/6/1944-12/6/1944; rest period; A Company's reserve role during attack on Tilly-sur-Seulles. Recollections of conditions of service and lifestyle during period in Tilly-sur-Seulles and Villers Bocage sectors, 6/1944-7/1944: standing patrol and dispute with officer; story of officer's incompetence which lead to his patrol opening fire in error on Self's patrol, resulting casualty, Self's reaction and removal of officer concerned; terrain; nature of defensive positions; daily routine; food rations; latrines. REEL 16 Continues: water supply; story of dispute with officer over question of polishing equipment prior to attack; story illustrating officer's inexperience; story of officer drinking poisoned wine from looted chateau; opinion of Major Beattie and Major Ian English; opinion of German troops; state of morale." Etc.
Events 4-7 Dragoon Guards June-Aug 1944 June 1-2 Regt concentrated - all D Day vehicles at HURSLEY in C.13 CMP (Marshalling Area). D+2 to D+6 (ie A.A. & Recce Troop, A.2 Ech and Q.M. at C.22 at TOOTHILL, remainder at LARKHILL (Bustard Camp). 24th L - War Diary - 17/5/44 Personnel and vehicles to land for operation Overlord on D+1 moved to camp T2 Canning Town, (22 vehicles, 50 OR’s). 18/5/44 Second Assault residue moved to camp C22 Toot Hill. Assault party moved to camp C13 Hursley.