Curt Rudolf Theodor Badinski

Discussion in 'The Third Reich' started by Ramiles, Aug 20, 2022.

  1. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

    Curt Badinski - Wikipedia

    Generalleutnant Curt Badinski

    276. Infanterie-Division

    Search : "Curt Badinski" - Google Search

    Books : "Curt Badinski" - Google Search

    The Black Bull

    HyperWar: US Army in WWII: The Breakout and Pursuit [Chapter 27]


    Generalleutnant Curt Badinski's 276th Division, on the 277th left, received its first order from corps about 0300, 20 August: the division was to fall back, apparently in conjunction with the 277th withdrawal, to a line just west of Vorche and on the Trun-Occagnes road. Not long after carrying out this move, Badinski received his second and last order from the corps. He was to break out of the pocket south of Trun, starting from his positions at 0830, 20 August.
    Soon after his units got under way, it appeared to Badinski that an attempt to break out in broad daylight was bound to fail. Every movement was detected by Allied observation planes and immediately subjected to a heavy concentration of artillery fire. Badinski therefore halted the movement, hoping to renew the attempt after darkness, but before the day was over his command post on the edge of the Fôret de Gouffern was surrounded by Allied tanks, and Badinski and his small staff were taken prisoner. Most of the division remnants shared their fate. Only a few men escaped during the stormy night

    Screenshot_20220820-130158_Samsung Internet.jpg

    23rd Hussars - 20th August 1944
    1000 - Vanguard take hospital of 92 patients, 6 doctors and 100 orderlies and 50 Russian deserters CVIL. Advanced on route OCCAGNES - Pt202, 2525 - BAILLEUL 2825.
    1110 Area 255214. 2 Tp B Sqn and platoon lose one Sherman V and 3 carriers.
    1120 - Destroy 2 Panthers. One abandoned Panther found area Pt.202, 2524.201200-1700 RHQ at OCCAGNES.
    1700 - Adv continues.
    1950 - A Sqn reach X rds 267514 and capture Lieut. General KURT BADINSKY, comd 276 I.D. and staff.
    2100 - Harbour area WEST of BAILLEUL 2825. 2 ORs K.I.A.

    Last edited: Aug 20, 2022
  2. Ramiles

    Ramiles Researching 9th Lancers, 24th L and SRY

  3. ltdan

    ltdan Nietenzähler

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    8RB Well-Known Member

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