Gerry Chester, 1922 - 2019

Discussion in 'North Irish Horse' started by Ron Goldstein, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. Ron Goldstein

    Ron Goldstein WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    DSCN0580 Three Cavalry Men-001.jpg I have just received an e-mail from Gerry Chester's son Philip informing me that sadly, Gerry passed away on Wednesday 27/3/19.

    I am in the process of placing his name on the Roll of Honour but just wanted to record my immense admiration for this lovely man.

    I thought you might like to see this old pic showing Gerry & the late Tom Canning the last time we were together.

    Rest in peace Gerry !

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2019
    Wobbler, Lindele, Gonegirl and 18 others like this.
  2. idler

    idler GeneralList

    Thanks for letting us know, Ron.

    RIP, Gerry
    Alison Chester likes this.
  3. bexley84

    bexley84 Well-Known Member

    Quis Separabit.
    Alison Chester likes this.
  4. kopite

    kopite Member

    That's very sad news, Ron. I really enjoyed reading his posts when he was active on the forum. May he rest in peace.
    Alison Chester likes this.
  5. bamboo43

    bamboo43 Very Senior Member

    Thank you for letting us know, Ron.
    Alison Chester likes this.
  6. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Grim news.

    An absolute gent, & a bastion of this site for years.
    Ran one of the finest websites & tributes to his regiment I've ever seen from a veteran, as well as being truly active in events relating to their memory.
    Not just the Regiment, but the Churchill tank, his old vehicle, which he obviously retained so much respect & even affection for 70 years after service. Almost everything decent you read on Churchills seems to have had some input from Gerry.

    Always answered a question, no matter how obscure (with, I'm told, a real twinkle in his eye when in person).

    We'll miss him.
    Anyone with an interest in The North Irish Horse will miss him more.
    The history of armoured vehicles takes a blow.
    And his family must feel the loss of such an interesting & decent man more than any of the above. My sincere condolences to them.

    Raise a glass to him, chaps.
    I certainly will be.

    Quis Separabit.


    A now rather saddened,
    zola1, kopite, Otto and 9 others like this.
  7. PsyWar.Org

    PsyWar.Org Archive monkey

    Terribly sad news. RIP Gerry.

    Thank you Ron for letting us know.

  8. Harry Ree

    Harry Ree Very Senior Member

    Thanks Ron for informing us of the sad news.

    Condolences to Gerry's family....remembered well for his input to the Tiger discussion and the general revisiting of the military era of his times.
  9. 4jonboy

    4jonboy Daughter of a 56 Recce Patron

    Very sad news. My sincere condolences to Gerry's family.
    RIP Gerry.
  10. 4jonboy

    4jonboy Daughter of a 56 Recce Patron

    kopite and dbf like this.
  11. CL1

    CL1 116th LAA and 92nd (Loyals) LAA,Royal Artillery

    A great chap was Gerry always had time to help people.
    Condolences to his family and friends.
  12. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

  13. canuck

    canuck Closed Account

    RIP Gerry

    Sincere condolences to his family and everyone who valued his willingness to share his memories and opinions. .
  14. BFBSM

    BFBSM Very Senior Member

    RIP Gerry. Condolences to the family and friends.

    Returned to the arms of your mates.
  15. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Sad news. Glad I had the chance to interact with him & the other Veterans on this forum.
    dbf likes this.
  16. Buteman

    Buteman 336/102 LAA Regiment (7 Lincolns), RA

    RIP Gerry.
  17. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Thanks Ron for sharing this sad news with the forum.

    From the very first time Gerry and I exchanged messages - a relative of mine had also served with NIH - it was clear he was one of the most generous, decent and helpful people I’d encountered. I’m sure I was not the first or the last to benefit from his research and his patient indulgence.

    His extensive commemorative work covering both World Wars - now in the Imperial War Museum - as well as his posts on this forum stand testament not only to his enthusiasm but also to his determination to keep alive the memory of the North Irish Horse and all those who served with it. And woe betide anyone who messed about with the history of the NIH or the Churchill tank! His book reviews could have a ‘forensic’ quality.

    I’m sure many others reading this will have felt the same sadness I did when first reading Ron’s words. But, the more I thought about Gerry today the more I found myself smiling. Ron described Gerry as a lovely man. And that is exactly how I found him to be when I met him. Lovely can be such a dull adjective yet Gerry was anything but dull. In person, the twinkle in his eye was obvious from the get-go: whether he was talking about his father’s advice, courting his late wife, his experiences in the North Irish Horse, work after the war or meeting up with German veterans. Many of his stories held a lesson for me, not the least of which was to find some joy in the things I do and to just "try and get along" with others.

    I’m very grateful and honoured to have met him and treasure the book he presented to me during our last meeting - 6th Guards Tank Brigade, Guardsmen in Churchill Tanks. It was typical of him to encourage a shared interest.


    Gerry made me smile, a lot, no mean feat. Thanks to the posts on here and to some shared stories, he will continue to make me smile.
    Crimes and Punishment - Military Style

    My sincere condolences to his family.

    7947216 Corporal Arthur Gerald (Gerry) CHESTER, North Irish Horse, Italy, MiD
  18. Tony56

    Tony56 Member Patron

    Sorry to hear this news, my condolences to Gerry's family.
  19. Rich Payne

    Rich Payne Rivet Counter Patron 1940 Obsessive

    Damn. Take care, Gerry.
  20. Old Git

    Old Git Harmless Curmudgeon

    Heartbreaking news, my condolences to his family and friends. RIP Gerry.

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