Guards' photos please

Discussion in 'The Brigade of Guards' started by dbf, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. AB64

    AB64 Senior Member

    The wings don't look like GP ones, don't look bulky enough up top, but I could be wrong

    I'm not convinced its post hostilities, by that point photos normally have open collars - again though I could be wrong
  2. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    former Gdsmn John Cowings discharged and working as a Miner killed in bombing raid 1st September 1941 aged 36

    Son of Jane Cowings, of 21 Whitewell Terrace, Ryton on Tyne, Co. Durham, and the late James Cowings. Husband of Hannah Cowings, of 3 Thorpe Avenue, Ryton on Tyne, Co. Durham. Son and a daughter.
    On a pleasant and warm Monday evening a lone German bomber dropped two high explosive bombs over the town of Blaydon on Tyne, resulting in devastating consequences. One bomb hit the residential area of Delacour Road, killing some residents, the other hitting Donald Browns Factory, Tyne Street, which was situated parallel with the Newcastle to Hexham main road. At exactly the same time the bomb hit the factory a Venture bus on its way to Greenside had stopped on the opposite side of the road to allow passengers to get on and off. Part of the blast hit the bus resulting in further deaths and injuries. John Cowings was a passenger on the bus and was hit by the blast. He later died of his injuries at a local First Aid Station. The other male passenger to die of injuries was William Irwin, aged 17 years who resided at 24 Burnhills Gardens, Greenside; he died on his way to the First Aid Station. Twenty five other passengers on the bus needed treatment for their injuries. One fatality also occurred within the factory, which was virtually demolished...Ryton War Memorials
    p8150275_021408111839 (1).jpg
    dbf likes this.
  3. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    No1 Coy,Grenadier Guards ,No 2 Guards Training Battalion Permanent Staff -October 1946

    1946 Squad but some served WW2 ?
    squad 1946.jpg


    No. 1 Company, GRENADIER GUARDS

    No. 2 Guards’ Training Battalion

    PERMANENT STAFF - October 1946

    Sgt. D. PARTRIDGE, Sgt. S. TRUSSELL, Lt. R. LEIGH-PEMBERTON, Capt. A. J. SAVILLE, MC (2nd i/c Company), Capt. A. G. WAY, MC (Company Commander), Lt. W. A. SPOWERS, C.S.M. J. BIGNELL, Sgt. K. BRUNSDON, Sgt. F. SARGENT.

    L/Cpl. R. HOWARD, Gdsm. J. GROVES, L/Cpl. B. DOUGHTY, L/Cpl. N. BLAY, L/Cpl. T. PAGE, Gdsm. J. CASHEN, Gdsm. P. HOPKINS, L/Cpl. J. DEANE, L/Sgt. A. STAINTON, Gdsm. J. VALLON

    L/Sgt. J. CONNOR, L/Sgt. T. SMITH, L/Sgt. J. MORTON, L/Sgt. A. DUCKWORTH, L/Sgt. W. JELF, L/Cpl. J. TIDD, L/Cpl. W. BARNETT, L/Cpl. F. MORRIS, Gdsm. E. DAVIES, L/Sgt. E. BUSH, L/Cpl. K. YOUNG, L/Cpl. R. THEIS, L/Cpl. R. CROSBY, Gdsm. E. IRVING, L/Cpl. J. DUNKLEY
    CL1 and dbf like this.
  4. AB64

    AB64 Senior Member

    Another squad photos, this time Scots Guards 1940


    Cpl. ANDERSON’s Squad

    ‘L’ Company, SCOTS GUARDS, May 1940



    Guardsmen J. SLOAN, A. ARMITAGE, Trained Soldier GILLON, Corporal ANDERSON (Squad Instructor) S. HALLIWELL, J. TAIT
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2020
    Bill Armitage and dbf like this.
  5. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    5th Bn. Grenadier Guards
    Date of Death 29 April 1943 Age 25 years old
    Buried or commemorated at MEDJEZ-EL-BAB WAR CEMETERY 9. E. 2. Tunisia
    Son of Robert William and Emily Hannah Foster; husband of Irene Mary Foster, of Wensley, Yorkshire.
    A memorial stone to him at Carperby was unveiled in June 1946.

    War Graves at Aysgarth Church

    dbf and Owen like this.
  6. AB64

    AB64 Senior Member

    Unknown Scots Guards squad - details on the back are 9/3/44 & "To my best pal Johnny with best wishes from one of the future Guardsmen Jim Lin Fin"

    Owen and dbf like this.
  7. AB64

    AB64 Senior Member

    Another 3 group photos I just picked up

    No. 15 Platoon, No. 4 Company, 4th Motor Battalion, Coldstream Guards, 1942

    13th Company Coldstream Guards, October 1837

    Sgt. T. Barnett’s Squad, Coldstream Guards, January 1930
    Back Row: Guardsman H. ALLEN, Guardsman R. ROACH, Trained Soldier V. WHITEHEAD, Guardsman A. MACHIN, Guardsman E. FISHER

    Middle Row: Guardsman H. PHILLIPS, Guardsman J. BURKE, Guardsman G. PRATT, Guardsman G. GILLS, Guardsman F. OAKLEY, Guardsman W. WITHERS, Guardsman W. COWLING, Guardsman R. JONES

    Front Row: Guardsman J. KIRTLEY, Guardsman R. MARSHALL, Guardsman A. TOWNSEND, Sgt. T. BARNETT (Squad Instructor), Guardsman J ROBERTS, Guardsman A. CALVERT, Guardsman M. DAVIES
    dbf likes this.
  8. AB64

    AB64 Senior Member

    As well as the 3 above that I got, there has been a little flurry of group photos from 2 sellers that I missed or start a bit high for me, so images of those below - as these are eBay photos the quality isn't as good and some are split, there area couple of just post-War ones but the instructors will probably have seen WW2 service

    1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8a.jpg 8b.jpg 9a.jpg 9b.jpg 10a.jpg 10b.jpg 11.jpg 12.jpg
  9. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    Thanks very much for adding those
  10. AB64

    AB64 Senior Member

    While I'm at it, a few more currently on eBay
    a.jpg b.jpg c.jpg d.jpg d1.jpg d2.jpg
    dbf likes this.
  11. Tullybrone

    Tullybrone Senior Member

    Thanks for sharing.

    Number 13 Company is the designation of Coldstream Guards staff at The Guards Depot. The picture includes permanent (Regimental) Depot Staff as well as Coldstream Squad Instructors & Trained Soldiers.

    Last edited: Dec 2, 2020
    AB64 likes this.
  12. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    scots guards nov 1940.jpg
    Uncleshifty Flickr
    Scots Guards Lewis Gun Instruction November 1939 (Press release)
    grenadier guards officers 1940.jpg
    Uncleshifty Flickr
    Officers of the Grenadier Guards 1940 `Somewhere in France ` Press photograph Officers left to right :-Sir John Little Gilmour, Captain D.E. Dixon Captain A.C. Huntington and Colonel ?????
    grenadier guards 1940.jpg
    Uncleshifty Flickr
    Grenadier Guards press release ;- Grenadier Guards September 1939 3rd Battalion Tennie 25th September 1939
    grenadier guards 1942.jpg
    Uncleshifty Flickr
    Grenadier Guards press release ;- Not an ordinary private soldier ,the son of a Princess Royal(?) receiving instruction from a Sergeant of the Welsh Guards 1942.

    Posted with the permission of the flickr user Uncle shifty.

    dbf likes this.
  13. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    A Vickers Valentia aircraft was employed from the 1st May to 12th August, 1938, for troop carrying. Coldstream Guards (in two parties of twenty) fly from Odiham to Catterick, a journey of two hours rather than two days by road.

    coldstream 3.jpg
    The one below shows this squad far too close to that propeller!
    coldstream 6.jpg
    All images posted with permission of Uncleshifty (Flickr)

    Chris C, 4jonboy, dbf and 2 others like this.
  14. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    Two more from 1939 . `September 1939 somewhere in france men of a battalion of the Coldstream Guards take a break in their preparation of front line positions` [That Officer on the right doesnt look too impressed!]
    coldstream 1.jpg

    Uncleshifty (Flickr)


    Last edited: Dec 21, 2020
    4jonboy and dbf like this.
  15. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    One more,same source. 1931 Gdsmn Tom Milburn, Coldstream Guards.
    thomas milburn.jpg

    4jonboy likes this.
  16. Antony Thole

    Antony Thole Member

    Hi All,

    This is a photo of the crew of the Churchill Tank Eagle which was the Commanding Officer tank of the 4th Batt. Coldstream July 44 to May 45, WW2. My grandfather served with this crew (believe he is the one taking the photo) - We would like to know the names of others in this photo. We believe third from left is Major A C Pilkington himself (Commanding Officer) but who are the others? The Lads (2).jpg
    dbf, 4jonboy, Chris C and 1 other person like this.
  17. Mr Jinks

    Mr Jinks Bit of a Cad

    Mystery Grenadier Guardsman (Source as previous c/o uncleshifty flickr)
    238651811 atherton.jpg
    Strangely enough the same photo appeared on ebay recently ,together with a cap badge/shoulder title/39-45 star/france & germany star and war medal . With the photograph/recipient titled 23865181 Gdsmn I Atherton ? (The number appears to be a 1960 enlistment!)

  18. Quarterfinal

    Quarterfinal Well-Known Member

    Hello Diane,

    In the course of following up another character, an old chum who is connected with The Military Heritage of Ireland Trust has reminded me of George Arthur Boyd-Rochfort VC.

    A WW1 man, but technically a WW2 period grave, which sort of chimes with your remit and a very worthy one at that, several images at:
    George Arthur Boyd-Rochfort
    and perhaps not the run of the mill for Westmeath, but clearly well thought of.
    dbf likes this.
  19. rachsmitt

    rachsmitt New Member

    Bit of a long shot here, and apologies if this isn't allowed - I've been searching for months now, endlessly trying to find a photograph of a Thomas John Gibson of the 1st Battalion Irish Guards, Service Number 2719629. He died in January 1944 in Anzio, so any pictures with him would be before that date! I've scoured the entire internet, and I fear he could be in a photograph that hasn't had names listed alongside it...

    Again, sorry if this isn't allowed - I just am not sure where else to look! After this, I think I might have to give up o_O:banghead::unsure: (this is the one photo I have of him, which I found on Ancestry. Unfortunately the man who uploaded it didn't get back in touch with me so I'm not sure where it's from).

    Attached Files:

    dbf likes this.
  20. Quarterfinal

    Quarterfinal Well-Known Member


    Have you tried the Tandragee angle; local papers of the time etc? Thomas is listed amongst the Fallen on the War Memorial near the Castle gate. The Lockarts may have been prominent local shop owners then too, I don’t know about the Gibsons. Could he have been in a local Orange lodge? Might Thomas have belonged to the Home Guard before joining the Irish Guards? A few did. I know of a local platoon photo circa 41-41, but can’t recall whether it is annotated with names and if it is Tandragee-centric or Poyntzpass leaning. I won’t get a chance to see a copy for a few months, but as a long shot, will keep your quest in mind.
    Hope you have some luck, anyway.
    CL1 and rachsmitt like this.

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