Help with commission please ~ Sicily Campaign

Discussion in 'Italy' started by soren1941, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. soren1941

    soren1941 Living in Ypres

    A little further along, now includes a chap taking the dog tags, does anyone know what they look like?

    Thanks for looking


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  2. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    ID discs from Dave's website.
    They only took the red disc from the body.
    small round disc is red, green disc octagonal

    Great Britain
    1920 pattern discs

    >>. Identity discs 39-45

    >> ID TAGs study
    This disc, in Army parlance, now became “Disc, identity, No.1, green”, with the original (1914) disc becoming “Disc, Identity, No.2, red”. The No.1 disc was to be attached to the long cord around the neck, with the No.2 being threaded on a 6 inch cord from this disc. No.1 was intended to remain on the body whereas the No.2 was to be removed for administration.
  3. soren1941

    soren1941 Living in Ypres

    a little further along..........

    Thanks for looking

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  4. soren1941

    soren1941 Living in Ypres

    And a little further again!

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  5. colinhotham

    colinhotham Senior Member

    Soren, see if you can get hold of a copy of the book Bitter Victory by Carlo D'Este, published by Collins 1988. This is without doubt the best account of the Sicily Campaign and contains photographs and an extremely informative set of appendicies. I would go so far as to say this is one of the best books written on any aspect of WW2.
    I have been researching Husky for some years and have visited Sicily often.
    Colin. (Ex RAF Bore!)

    See also:
  6. soren1941

    soren1941 Living in Ypres

    A little further along....

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  7. Drew5233

    Drew5233 #FuturePilot 1940 Obsessive

    Nice one mate...I like the full screw with the water bottle ;)
  8. soren1941

    soren1941 Living in Ypres

    Cheers Drew
  9. soren1941

    soren1941 Living in Ypres

    The end

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    Smudger Jnr, Owen and Heimbrent like this.
  10. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Bloody brilliant Soren me old chum.
    I love they way you've modelled that sleeve on the Tommy with the head wound.
  11. soren1941

    soren1941 Living in Ypres

    Cheers Owen
  12. Smudger Jnr

    Smudger Jnr Our Man in Berlin

    A fantastic portrait. I just love the colouring as it brings the picture to life.
    Very well done.

  13. soren1941

    soren1941 Living in Ypres

    Thank you Tom, I was quite nervous as I'm not a natural colourist, I am quite liking it though!

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