Hitler's Olympics: The 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, by Christopher Hilton

Discussion in 'Books, Films, TV, Radio' started by WotNoChad?, May 15, 2008.

  1. WotNoChad?

    WotNoChad? Senior Member

    Hitler's Olympics: The 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, by Christopher Hilton

    I've just secured myself a hardback copy of this at a good price from Ebay, and with a hint of eager anticipation I sat down to read it. However it wasn't long, top of page two to be exact, until I read;

    "The convoy glided through the Brandenburg Gate, with it's statue of a horseman on top, and was out onto the long avenue..."

    Now, as any fule kno, the statue atop the Brandenburg Gate is of Viktoria the goddess of victory driving a Quadriga (four horses abreast pulling a chariot.). Am I being picky in thinking that such a basic error so early is an omen of a poor book ahead?

    I'm disappointed, there's even a picture of the Gate on the cover, which should have given someone a bleeding clue.

    So has anyone read this and what did you think? Should I leave it and read something better?


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