Identity of veterans in Operation Market Garden recreation photo

Discussion in 'The War In The Air' started by coyoteworks, May 5, 2014.

  1. coyoteworks

    coyoteworks Member


    I wonder if anyone can help me identify when this photo was taken and who is on the *left*side of the photo.


    The original photo has been incorporated into Wikipedia. See .

    I am guessing that this photo is of suriving veterans taken during the 60th anniversary of the Arnhem battle (Operation Market Garden) in 2004, but I don't know for sure. I'd like to know who took the photo but especially who is in the photo.

    Please email Jason at coyotworks substitute that symbol or just post here with any leads.

    I've used Google image search but don't have any concrete leads yet.
  2. coyoteworks

    coyoteworks Member

  3. coyoteworks

    coyoteworks Member

    Okay, someone on LinkedIn found a useful clue:

    http://www.gazette-n...restored_plane/ .

    I still don't know who photoshopped the pictures together, but at least we can see who was participating.

  4. kingarthur

    kingarthur Well-Known Member

    The men on the left are members of the EAst Anglian PRA. tThe gentleman 2nd in from the front is Sgt Edward Peters 1 st Border Regiment and an Arnhem veteran. The photo was taken at Merville Barracks in Colchester where the Dakota is being restored by Sgt Jim Kilbride. I have seen this photo wrongly attributed to 6th Airborne and Normandy several times now, the ghost picture is that of men from 1st Airborne on there way to Arnhem.

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