Norwegian Aviation Museum in Bodø

Discussion in 'WW2 Museums. Events, & places to see.' started by jwsleser, Sep 14, 2024.

  1. jwsleser

    jwsleser Well-Known Member

    One of our stops during our train journey through Scandinavia was Bodø. We had planned to see the Bodø Krigshistoriske Museum but discovered it was closed.
    Krigs Museum.jpeg

    The Norwegian Aviation Museum was also on our list, so it was only a short walk further north.

    What an amazing museum! The collection is large and and the items are well presented. Numerous original and rare aircraft fill the multiple halls.

    Want to see a Gloster Gladiator? They have one.

    Ever seen a Ju 52 on floats? I have now done so.
    Ju52 floats.jpeg

    How big is a Mosquito? I have stood next to one.

    One can try a Starfighter on for size.

    There is much to see. This is the floor with the WW2 and modern aircraft.
    Museum floor.jpeg

    There is a similar floor with all the commercial aircraft, some of which one can walk through. Then there are galleries with engines, rockets, and all other sorts of aviation history.

    Bodø has other sights as well such as the street art from the 2016 UpNorth festival, so is well worth a visit.
    UpNorth Art.jpg

    v/r Jeff
  2. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    I now want a Tante Ju floatplane.

    Does look like a very nicely presented collection.
    That Gladiator just led this air war knowlessman to Pat Pattle.
    Bloody hell...
    Never heard of him. For shame.
  3. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Mosquito & Norway.
    Well you'll know what that gets me thinking about. ;)
    This is the cover of the edition my brother had when I was little.

    Corgi-08169 Smith 633 Squadron.jpg
  4. jwsleser

    jwsleser Well-Known Member

    A few more of the Tante duck....
    Ju 52 floats 2.jpeg

    Ju 52 float 3.jpeg

    Note the flight deck panel and controls from the aircraft.

    Ju 52 Float 4.jpeg

    The boat can be seen in this diorama.
    Ju 52 model.jpeg

    It is a well-done museum with plenty of displays and signage to present the history.

    v/r Jeff
    CL1, Little Friend, Juha and 4 others like this.
  5. jwsleser

    jwsleser Well-Known Member

    633, an enjoyable movie as well...

    The Mosquito.
    Mosquito 2.jpeg

    Dioramas of the capture of Fornebu...

    and Sola airfields.
  6. Chris C

    Chris C Canadian

    Lost in hopeless defence in Greece. There is a biography of him by E C R Baker, Ace of Aces, which I found in a book sale and how I learned of him. I enjoyed it, but there is some criticism on amazon about the low age level of the writing. Would have to check again.

    Reprinted very recently (2020) but this is the cover of my copy:

    Last edited: Sep 15, 2024
    CL1, Little Friend and von Poop like this.
  7. Little Friend

    Little Friend Senior Member

    I too have that book, a 1975 copy.
    Chris C likes this.
  8. Little Friend

    Little Friend Senior Member

    All of these 633 Squadron books are a great read. I have five of them, including this one. Don't know how many there are in total.
  9. Little Friend

    Little Friend Senior Member


    Just after leaving School in 1974 my mate started work at the Aylesbury Printing Works.
    CL1 and Dave55 like this.
  10. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Is Norway as expensive as people say ?

    A Finn we met last year said although he likes it there it's very expensive.
  11. jwsleser

    jwsleser Well-Known Member

    Yes and no. As a traveler, our trip (hotels, train, boats, and bus) was very preiswert. Food and especially drink was expensive. A nice dinner for two with a cocktail and some wine was about $100.

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