Right Let's Get to Work

Discussion in 'The War In The Air' started by Wimpy, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. Wimpy

    Wimpy Member

    Right let's get to work
    Right the introductions are complete and again thanks all :biggrin:

    I am trying to put together information about the activities of 40 Squadron RAF at Foggia Main Italy around June - October 1944.

    My father F/O Gibb was a rear gunner in Wellington X. He did 33 ops, which I have some details of from his log book. I have been matching the aerial photographs he took after each bomb drop with Google Earth and Flash Earth with great success, the bomb aimer Sgt Strutt did a pretty good job on most missions.

    Here is a picture of his crew taken at the end of his tour


    I know the pilot was 2/Lt Bayley and judging from his cap badge, I think South African. On his left is Sgt Strutt and left again is my father at that time a NCO. The other two officers are unknown. The fact that there were three officers in one crew seems unusual in itself.

    So Dad ended up at EAAS Manby and 2AGS Dalcross as a gunnery instructor till he was discharged.

    What I want to find out is what happened to the rest of the crew after the tour ended?

    I have checked the CWGC with no result, I assume they survived the war.

    They all joined up at 76 OTU Aqir in "Palestine".

    Any photos of any of these places would be very welcome as would any information about the crew, the bases, the missions.

    There are more questions but they can wait.

    I am in the process of applying for Dad's medals

    Thanks Wimpy
    James S likes this.
  2. Passchendaele_Baby

    Passchendaele_Baby Grandads Little Girl

    ... Wimpy, you want us to work?!?!
  3. Wimpy

    Wimpy Member

    No m8 :D that was a prompt for me :rolleyes:
  4. Passchendaele_Baby

    Passchendaele_Baby Grandads Little Girl

  5. Ron Goldstein

    Ron Goldstein WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran


    Welcome aboard and good luck with your research

  6. Smudger Jnr

    Smudger Jnr Our Man in Berlin


    Sorry I cannot be of any use in your research, but it appears that you have made a great start.

    I am sure that a lot of forum members would like to see your photographic work as it sounds very interesting fro what you have described.

    Regards and good luck.
  7. spidge


    The fact that there were three officers in one crew seems unusual in itself.

    Hi and Welcome Wimpy,

    I research the Australians killed in the RAAF/RAF during WW2 and came across this crew who were shot down on 3rd March 1945.

    Type Lancaster Serial Number PB806 Squadron 467 X1D PO-W Operation Ladbergen Date 1 3rd March 1945 Date 2 4th March 1945
    Airborne 1845 3Mar45 from Waddington to bomb the Dortmund-Ems Kanal near Ladbergen. Cause of loss and crash-site not established. Those killed are commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial. W/C Langlois took over Command of the Sqdn 8Feb45 after the loss on operations to the same target of W/C J.K.Douglas DFC AFC. (See NG455). F/O Patten had recently married Gladys Muriel Patten of Liverpool.

    W/C E.Le.P.Langlois DFC RAAF KIA

    F/S J.Scott KIA


    F/O J.H.Willmott RAAF Inj

    F/O E.C.Patten DFC RAAF KIA

    F/O C.J.Cameron RAAF KIA

    F/O R.E.Taylor RAAF Inj

    F/O R.E.Taylor and F/O J.H.Willmot were confined in Hospital due to their injuries until Liberation.



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