RTR - what unit was DDT, 47 MCU ?

Discussion in 'RAC & RTR' started by Pember, Jun 16, 2023.

  1. Pember

    Pember Junior Member

    I am keen to find out what unit DDT, 47 MCU was. Seemingly related to a unit of the Royal Tank Regiment, in mid-1945, probably in the Mediterranean (Italy?) or North Africa. Would anyone have any insights?

    Any information or ideas welcome!
  2. idler

    idler GeneralList

    The DDT suggests [Anti-]Malaria Control Unit. I'm sure there's a thread here somewhere...
  3. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    Can you give us an idea or a copy of where this information is used?? So we can understand the context.

    My first thought when I saw it was 47 MCU may have been a “movement control unit”…….and the DDT part was a title, Like, Deputy Director, Transport……..but just throwing out ideas.
    Pember likes this.
  4. travers1940

    travers1940 Well-Known Member

    Not related to tanks in anyway, but one meaing in the wartime RAF for MCU was Marine Craft Unit as in Air Sea Rescue MCU.
  5. Pember

    Pember Junior Member

    I would like to figure out the identity of the group in this photo: [​IMG]

    Behind the group, on the wall, is written "DDT 47 MCU 29.6.45". I wondered if it could indeed be a clue to the identity of the group, but now think it was simply written on the wall sometime before for the purposes of another unit.

    Group identified in listing as probably 6th Royal Tank Regiment.

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