Party like it's 1990. Or 1490. Or something. Ear-splitting volume to annoy boys. Not working. Think they like it. Time for Tiny Tim, maybe. That always works.
I went to see The Orb in concert last night. They performed their take of Pink Floyd's 'One of These Days'. Inspired me this evening to play my favourite Pink Floyd Track ', Set The Controls For the Heart of the Sun' . Just really dig the hypnotic mix of blues and psychedelia.
Fusilier John Ramsay 30 AU . Never been sure about the MM, doubtful methinks. Hocum goes with the territory I guess. Haunting old school lament. Mentioned in a few threads on the forum previously. He did his bit, and his time too. Always remember, never forget, Jim. Johnny Ramensky MM and 30 Assault Unit
Probably not the first time that I've posted it, but the Solstice is approaching, and the British Army leather jerkin is prominent. And pheasants, and sidelocks, and fires in the woods.