Vehicle Numbers - 151 Inf Bde Wksps - May 1944

Discussion in 'Vehicle Names and Census Numbers' started by Tom OBrien, Jan 29, 2022.

  1. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member


    I saw these vehicle numbers in the war diary of 151 Inf Bde Wksps REME (WO171/672) and thought they might be of interest.

    151 Inf Bde Wksps - March Table - 25 May 44.JPG


    Rich Payne and 4jonboy like this.
  2. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member

    Hi Tom,

    As always thanks for those. I have attached a little spreadsheet listing the actual vehicle types but there are a couple that do not fit the listings I have. So, if you or anyone can confirm what they should be please let me know.

    Column A

    M5123418, M5123536 - I have these as B.S.A. 500cc C5115218 – C5130217

    M5209396 – I have this as a as B.S.A. 500cc C5207518 – C5215517

    Column B

    L5123508, L5123628 - I have these as B.S.A. 500cc C5115218 – C5130217

    Column C

    L4247998 – This comes under 4200000 – 4299999 so could be anything

    L4903821 – I have this a Bedford 15cwt 4 x 2 Z4903700 – 4905399



    Attached Files:

  3. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    Hi Kevin,

    If anything more emerges as I work through the diary I'll post up. I've got a few REME workshops diaries so after this one I'll check those for numbers as well.


  4. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member

    Hi Tom,

    Thank you for that. I have recently been going through the Canadian Heritage diaries and listing all the numbers I come across from there. Some diaries list everything down to the typewriter serial being used for the actual diary, others list tank names too but I have found several numbers in the "Punishment" section where the vehicle is listed where inappropriately used or in an accident, and there are lots of them!
    Please do continue to post anything you find.


  5. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    Hey Kevin……just thought I’d post up this you, if you really want to go CRAZY searching for Tanks and their Census numbers etc.

    I was going thru the LAC Directorate of Movements files (looking for Nominal Rolls for Canadian units) and I hadn’t really looked closely at the files on “cargo” before (as I was focused on people)…….then today as I was going thru records, this one POP’s UP and I thought of your research……and I realized that if you really wanted to go thru these files, it may be possible to find “thousands” of Armoured vehicles and corresponding numbers………Here is the page I copied for you, Tank Light M-24 & Spare Parts, their US Registration and WD Registration number. Of course “who” they are going to is another question. This lot was going on the SS Odysseus

    I haven’t really paid attention to “cargo” on the Directorate Of Movements files, although they do have East Bound Cargo ships in their files, as I’ve said, I’ve mainly been looking at East Bound Personnel ships



    And again, just for interest I assume this is the cost to ship the tank (by rail) from Montreal to Halifax…..$350

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  6. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member


    Thanks for these. Finding documents containing British and the corresponding US serials seem to be hard to come by. I had just been going through the various regiment / battery diaries so this is a whole new area to explore. I did have a quick search and found a few more BR/US serials for more M24 Chaffees so there are obviously more to be found.
    I did a quick check to see if I had any matches for these but they are all new to me.
    Thanks again. If you do find anymore please let me know.


  7. Rich Payne

    Rich Payne Rivet Counter Patron 1940 Obsessive

    It would seem unlikely that there were no motorcycles keeping the columns together as they certainly had some on their establishments..but on the other hand there should be some Jeeps too...Most odd.This is what 'Trux' has to say.

  8. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member

    Hi Rich,

    I think that those starting 512 and 520 are motor cycles, I checked my database and have other MC's from other regiments that fall within that range. As to Jeeps I am not sure. I know that some vehicle contract numbers were not completed so I guess it is possible that some census numbers fall outside of the listing I have.
    It will be interesting to see if anyone else can add any more.


  9. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    Your welcome……I did check a few cargo ship files yesterday after I found the above, and it would be a BIG project. I didn’t find any more tanks, but I only skimmed the files seeing if I could find anything more. You’d really have to go “page by page’ and read the pages as they are full of cargo details (aircraft parts, bomb sites, vehicle spares etc etc etc).

    I WILL keep my eyes open as I continue my research of Passenger ships. The file’s on “passengers” INCLUDE any ship that carried extra passengers (even it if was all 4 or 5 people)… these were generally cargo ships that had some spare rooms. As I said, I will keep my eyes open on the pages (as I DO GO page by page) and if I spot anymore, I’ll send them to you by PM) or if I at least identify a file with potential lists, I will give you the link.

    OH, side note…….I found one ship carrying loads of the NEW Browning 9mm pistol to the Canadian Forces……same pistol I used in the Army and is STILL being used in the Canadian Forces……and the same pistol that Canada has been trying to replace for the last few years and our procurement specialist keep “make a mess of it”

  10. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    Did a little more searching on this…..and I’m NOT an expert of “shipping procedures”, so I haven’t found any tanks, but then came across this ship which was carrying “trucks”, and I notice that it tells you you type and number but says their in “cases”……I’m not sure if this mean physically BOXED up or each “vehicle” is one case???? And then it doesn’t give any serial numbers of the individual vehicles.

    Note that this is thru NEW YORK to LIVERPOOL in 1943 and the shipper is Dept of National Defence CANADA……I also found lists of “universal carries” etc.

  11. Temujin

    Temujin Member

    Found this list of RAM tanks. I’m not sure what the manifest is saying (in regards to serial numbers etc) but hopefully you know.

    In all my checking, the type and information on the documents varies greatly…..some give details of the shipment…..some just say “case” but “may” have serial numbers of the vehicles in the case.

    So, you can find tanks, but this took we about 1 hour, going thru MULTIPLE ships, page by page, to find 12 tanks…….

    At first I found it strange that a ship may only have a “few trucks” on it, and the manifest ended, then I had the AH HA moment, these are ONLY Manifests and Bills of Lading for MILITARY EQUIPMENT, the ship could also be stuffed full with other “non military” supplies that would not show up in these records

    Also, many of Bills of Lading said “Lend/Lease” or “non-Lend/Lease” on them…..I guess to track all the material supplied under “Lend/Lease” ???

    Anyway, it is a resource to be examined


  12. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member

    I did a quick check back and forward of the one you attached. There 8, 15, 30cwt, 3 ton, Scout Cars, Universal Carriers and Tanks. But as you say they mention cases and seem to list everything but the serial numbers of the vehicles, SO FAR. Still checking.


  13. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    Hi Kevin,

    I make that serial: M5209596. Not sure if that makes much difference though!


  14. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member

    Hi Tom,

    No I don't think so.I know that some contacts were reduced but whether the unused census numbers were used on another contract I have no idea and like wise if a contract was increased did that move next contract number sequence.
    Anyone any thoughts?


  15. Tom OBrien

    Tom OBrien Senior Member

    Hi Kevin,

    Found these in the same document in an order to establish a Recovery Post at LINGEVRES on 16 July 1944. Two are new I think:

    WO171-672 - 151 Inf Bde Wksps REME - 15 Jul 44 - Rec Post.JPG


  16. Rich Payne

    Rich Payne Rivet Counter Patron 1940 Obsessive

    BSA C5123418 had frame and engine number WM20 90018. It would have been delivered around mid-1943.

    90086 has survived in The Netherlands but no sign of this one.
  17. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member

    Thanks Tom,

    All new and added to the database.


  18. KevinT

    KevinT Senior Member

    Hi Rich,

    Thanks for that engine number. I have been going through the Canadian Heritage diaries and although I have only found a few BSA's none have engine numbers ( via LAD diaries ) but I have managed to find 80+ engine numbers for Nortons. I can post or PM these if you are interested.



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