Yanks at Stonehenge

Discussion in 'United Kingdom' started by dave500, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. dave500

    dave500 Senior Member

    I never anticipated finding a photograph of Stonehenge in the U.S. Army Signal
    Corps' photo collection at the NARA II, College Park, nonetheless I did
    last Saturday.


    The caption reads:

    "During his recent tour of inspection of American Army installations
    in the United Kingdom, Maj. Gen. Edmund Gregory, Q.M. Gen. of the
    US Army, stopped along the road to view Stonehenge, one of England's
    most Historic Sites. He is shown with his party which includes Maj. Gen.
    John C. H. Lee, C.G., SOS, ETO."

    England, Jan. 26, 1943.

    SC 180660, Credit NARA.

    Owen and Za Rodinu like this.
  2. DoctorD

    DoctorD WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    So THAT'S why they put a fence around it ;) - never knew the Yanks had claimed it as an American Army installation!
  3. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

  4. redtop

    redtop Well-Known Member

    Thats interesting Owen looks like renovation work going on in 1915 by the support struts.
  5. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Not a lot of people seem aware, and some seem not to want to know, but the Henge has been 'tarted up' a fair few times in it's history:

    henge 2.jpg



    See a few other ancient sites for further dicking about... ;)
  6. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    More Canadians in WW1.
    IWM (Q 53602)

    8th Battalion 90th Winnipeg Rifles attending Divine Service, Stonehenge, 1915.

  7. Jonathan Ball

    Jonathan Ball It's a way of life.

    Doubt there is another thread for armour and Neolithic stones but spotted this the other day. Universal Carriers of the Gordon Highlanders on Orkney.

    Capt.Sensible, Owen and von Poop like this.
  8. Cee

    Cee Senior Member Patron

    A few New Zealand Delegates and Officers wandering around Stonehenge pointing at things ... :)

    Last edited: Nov 5, 2023
  9. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

  10. Bernard85

    Bernard85 WW2 Veteran WW2 Veteran

    good day dave500.sm.16 aug.2011.1:53pm,re:yanks at stonehenge,i found this post very interesting.the photo's posted by other members are amazing,showing the placing of stones has spoilt my image of stone age people placing them somehow,even documentary's never mention cranes but keep the mystery of men toiling using brute strengh.thank you again for posting,and all the members for there photo's.regards bernard85 :smash:
  11. Harry Ree

    Harry Ree Very Senior Member

    Not the first time Americans have been seen at Stonehenge.The RFC opened an airfield in 1917 about a 1km to the south west of Stonehenge which straddled the now A303.

    In January 1918,the RAF set up No 1 School of Navigation and Bomb Dropping using various aircraft to train bomber squadrons,notably those equipped with the HP 0/400 which was to be the aircraft planned to bomb Germany from advanced French airfields.Its prime purpose was to train Day Bomber Observers (Officer and NCO) and Night Bomber Observers (Officer).Quite a comprehensive syllabus......bombs and bomb gear and sights;map reading,navigation,bombing and photography.

    This airfield closed in 1921 and no trace of it exists apart from outlines from the air.During its existence it has been recorded that US aviators and mechanics were at the airfield.A photograph taken in September 1918,shows a substantial airfield with 4 ,what looks like brick built hangars,wooden buildings and a tented camp.All buildings were demolished in 1929.

    It is recorded that the RFC thought that Stonehenge interred with flying from the airfield and proposed the stones should be dismantled...must have fell on deaf ears.
  12. Harry Ree

    Harry Ree Very Senior Member

    RAF Stonehenge.

    The related photograph..courtesy the Bruce and Leslie Collection/Observers Navigators (C.G Jefford),shows the airfield close to the hangars,reflecting the intensity of training.

    It looks as if the aerial photograph was taken from a north easterly direction and Stonehenge stones would be behind the camera and up the slight slope..

    The tented camp to the upper right looks to have tents bearing a resemblance to US Army equipment.In the background,it would appear, lies the present course of the A303,the camp was reported to lie principally on the north side of the road.

    Attached Files:

  13. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

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