Best Holocaust Movie?

Discussion in 'Books, Films, TV, Radio' started by KriegsmarineFreak, May 3, 2008.

  1. KriegsmarineFreak

    KriegsmarineFreak Senior Member

    Many movies about the Holocaust have come out through the years. They give us a small scope of what the Holocaust was like and its brutality. What's the most memorable Holocaust movie you guys have seen? I've seen a couple Holocaust movies edited such as: Everything Is Illuminated, The Pianist, and part of Schindler's List. I hope that the Holocaust will never be forgotten and denied like it is so much today.

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  2. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Old Hickory Recon

  3. KriegsmarineFreak

    KriegsmarineFreak Senior Member

  4. Jakob Kjaersgaard

    Jakob Kjaersgaard Senior Member

    For me it has to be The Pianist and Schindler's List. They both are very powerful.
  5. Zoya

    Zoya Partisan

    The Pianist I found such a powerful experience it kept me awake in bed aferwards for hours...before it came out, I would have said Schindler's List.
  6. Gage

    Gage The Battle of Barking Creek

    Schindler's List for me. Such a thoughtful film. The little girl in red just breaks my heart ever time.
  7. dbf

    dbf Moderatrix MOD

    There is some debate about what type of film it is, about how it may have been edited, but to me everything else on the subject is pale in comparison. Secretly filmed interviews with an SS Officer and personal accounts of survivors ...

    Shoah (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  8. Trevster

    Trevster Junior Member

    Totally agree, SHOAH. Very moving and informative. Although i think it is classed as a documentary, and about 8hours long if i remember.

    Definately one to watch.
  9. WotNoChad?

    WotNoChad? Senior Member

    The US miniseries from 1978 called the The Holocaust was good, if you can find it.

    "Holocaust" (1978) (mini)

    This was broadcast in the UK, sadly just the once. I found it so shocking at the time that I've never watched another film about the holocaust, just can't bring myself to do it.
  10. Gage

    Gage The Battle of Barking Creek

    This was broadcast in the UK, sadly just the once. I found it so shocking at the time that I've never watched another film about the holocaust, just can't bring myself to do it.

    I had it on video a good while ago now. Compelling but disturbing.
  11. WotNoChad?

    WotNoChad? Senior Member

    True enough, it disturbed me in a way that war films never have, I think it was the rape scene which did it. Worries me to even think about it. Dreadfully wimpy of me I know.
  12. spidge


    The Pianist for the psychological value and Schindlers List which I used to educate my daughters to the holocaust.
  13. chipmunk wallah

    chipmunk wallah Senior Member

    Shindlers list,great film,historicaly as acurate as U571 :(
    The Pianist is imho far more acurate.
    Just,oddly enough,bought the full set of the aforementioned mini series Holocaust on vhs from a stall on the local market a week or 2 ago,havent got round to watching it though.....its the same old story,just when do you find yourself in the mood to settle down with a "nice film about genocide" ?.....
    One I will rate though is " When the violins stopped playing" A Polish made film(though in English) about the Roma holocaust,shocking and a very worthy and oft forgotton story. Stars the german fella from magnificent 7 and Tiger bay,Horst Bucholz,and co stars a lady who was actually a little Roma girl caught up in the actual events.
  14. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Old Hickory Recon

    I guess I ought to watch The Pianist. I've not seen it and most everyone that has offered a critique of it has spoken favorably of it.
  15. Anyone here ever seen 'Jakob the Liar' with Robin Williams. While it can't be called the 'best' holocaust movie ever, it's definately unique among the genre.

    I've never seen the Pianist either but its now high on my list.

  16. Reinhard König

    Reinhard König Junior Member

    There is also "Escape from Sobibor". There is a scene where a child is pulled away from his mother. Very disturbing. Being a parent myself, I can't bring myself to ever watch that scene again. No need to, it was forever burned into my memory. It did strengthen my resolve even more to protect my children and children in general. Movies such as this and those that have been mentioned are sometimes difficult to comprehend the magnatude and why the World allowed it to happen. Sadly genocide still occurs around the world today.
  17. 'Sobibor' is a good movie. It gives a brief sense of hope and admiration for those who fought back and succeded, although the number is desparately too few. It was a made for TV movie and I don't know how accurate it was but it was a good watch. I got my copy in the 1$ bin at Walmart.

  18. Reinhard König

    Reinhard König Junior Member

    Same Walmart "Wally World". Sometimes you get pretty lucky and find some of those "old" WW 2 movies.
  19. I've got dozens of movies there for $1. Some of the best documentary type stuff, especially the Pacific theatre naval stuff, sits in those $1 bins. Hundreds of people walk by those bins every day and never realize the treasures they are missing.
  20. Peter Clare

    Peter Clare Very Senior Member

    For me it has to be Schindler's List, true to life and very moving.

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