Not Very Well Visited Places In Arnhem

Discussion in 'WW2 Battlefields Today' started by Gunner400, Aug 31, 2023.

  1. Gunner400

    Gunner400 Well-Known Member

    I going to spend a full day in Arnhem and then another in Nijmegen in mid December. Besides all the well known sites and museums can anybody give me some out the way/ unusual places to visit please that may be off the beaton track.
    JimHerriot likes this.
  2. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Only a little way to the east, the Arnhem '45 side of things, and well worth looking into.

    The "Anger" and "Keystone" aspect of Arnhem gives a whole different perspective.

    Kind regards, always,

    4jonboy and dbf like this.
  3. Quarterfinal

    Quarterfinal Well-Known Member


    You may have seen:
    Arnhem visit
    which may offer something of interest .....?

    Alternatively, a piece involving Pte JAC 'Harry' Brunney, a Hedon man, is at:
    133 Parachute Field Ambulance
    with additional snippets courtesy of horsapassenger:
    culminating 3 weeks later:
    ............ if you fancied doing a short 80th anniversary 'vignette' for the Holderness Gazette, in due course?
    JimHerriot, 4jonboy and dbf like this.
  4. Gunner400

    Gunner400 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the Info Jim and QF appreciated
    JimHerriot likes this.
  5. stolpi

    stolpi Well-Known Member

    Quarterfinal, JimHerriot and dbf like this.

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