Where to find names of missing men in 8th Rifle Brigade?

Discussion in 'General' started by 8RB, Sep 5, 2023.

  1. 8RB

    8RB Well-Known Member

    To find names of those killed in a certain unit, I can check the CWGC-register. Is there anywhere I can look for those that went (and remained) missing in a unit (looking for those that remained missing in the 8th Rifle Brigade)?

    I am specifically looking for those killed on 26 June 1944. As mention in the 8RB F Company history, on that day (their first day in action!) 10 men got killed through a single hit on one of their half-tracks. The problem is, I can find names of only 9 men killed that day. I'm thinking the "unknown" Rifleman in attached form might be no. 10. How can I find out who this might be?

    26 June - Graves conc rep.JPG
    JimHerriot and CL1 like this.
  2. MongoUK

    MongoUK Junior Member

    WO 361 series at The National Archives at Kew has those sort of records I believe.
    8RB, JimHerriot and CL1 like this.
  3. MongoUK

    MongoUK Junior Member

  4. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    A start, maybe.

    Names on the Bayeux Memorial. Names twelve men from The Rifle Brigade, seven of which from The 8th, three of which listed with the date of 29th June 1944 (the closest match date wise).

    Corporal Collingwood, Rifleman Mitchell, Rifleman Steddy.

    List of said twelve men here: Search Results | CWGC

    Perhaps, just perhaps, one of the three "29th June" men.

    Good luck with your search.

    Always remember, never forget,

    8RB likes this.
  5. Finn Buch

    Finn Buch Active Member

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  6. 8RB

    8RB Well-Known Member

    MongoUK, JimHerriot and Owen like this.
  7. 8RB

    8RB Well-Known Member

    MongoUK and JimHerroit: many thanks to both of you!!! I should have mentioned that I did have a look at "WO 361-584 North West Europe Rifle Brigade missing personnel" but can't find any 8RB personnel missing on 26 June. I had not yet thought of the Bayeux memorial. Thanks! Rfn. Mitchell is from F Company, but of course 29 June is not 26 June...

    What really puzzles me is the report attached to my first post. It seems very unlikely that this unknown Rifleman, who was also originally buried right next to (it seems) these 9 men from 8RB, was not a member of 8RB himself. The F Company history (written right after the war by company members) also clearly mentions 10 casualties...

    In the last column, I see a "report number": 34GRU/54/98/211. Any idea what information that might contain, and if it still can be found?
    JimHerriot likes this.
  8. Finn Buch

    Finn Buch Active Member

    I have looked in Fold3, from where I can find the same 9 men on date 26 June 1944, with a reference to WO417/78 and Casualty List No. 1506.

    More casualties on 27 June 1944.
    8RB likes this.
  9. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    If said report is anywhere still the 34 Graves Registration Unit War Diaries that The National Archives hold may be the best bet for finding it, or at least a reference to it. Pertinent references within the link here: Search results: 34 Graves Registration Unit | The National Archives

    None of the three listed have been digitised yet unfortunately.

    Kind regards, always,


    P.S. The WO 417/78 in Finn's message above is the file that holds Casualty Lists (other Ranks) Numbers 1497 through 1510 (List No. 1506 will be within) at The National Archive here: Casualty Lists - Other Ranks 1497 - 1510 | The National Archives
    8RB likes this.
  10. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    For 8RB, pertinent pages from Casualty Lists No.s 1506 and 1697.

    Points to ponder (for me, at a more civilised hour) regarding the unknown casualty and the missing commemorated on the Bayeux Memorial.

    Always remember, never forget,


    CASUALTY LIST No.1506 page 12.jpg

    CASUALTY LIST No.1506 page 31.jpg

    CASUALTY LIST No. 1697 page 9.jpg
    8RB, dbf and Finn Buch like this.
  11. 8RB

    8RB Well-Known Member

    Maybe the answer is already in post #10, but what do you mean by and where could I find with "Fold3" and the "reference to WO417/78 and Casualty List No. 1506"?
    JimHerriot likes this.
  12. 8RB

    8RB Well-Known Member

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  13. JimHerriot

    JimHerriot Ready for Anything

    Good morning (just!) 8RB. In lieu of Finn Buch's reply (I think on a time clock other than the UK) here you are.

    This is 'FOLD3": Fold3 - Historical military records

    An American based "military genealogy" website. Example screenshots of what you come up with (in this case when searching for Rifleman F C Mitchell as an example) are below. Effectively a "page" on screen with the information that Fold3 hold on Rifleman Mitchell, said information being data-trawled via the Fold3 connection with "Ancestry" and "Find My Past", and The National Archive which is originally gleaned from Casualty List 1506 held within TNA File reference WO 417/78.

    Nothing more than that unfortunately.

    Kind regards, always.


    MITCHELL 1.jpg

    MITCHELL 2.jpg
    Finn Buch and 8RB like this.

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