Who was the most Evil person in the Third Reich

Discussion in 'The Third Reich' started by Gerard, Mar 28, 2006.


Who was the most evil personality in the Third Reich

  1. Heinrich Himmler

    0 vote(s)
  2. Reinhard Heydrich

    22 vote(s)
  3. Oskar Dirlewanger

    19 vote(s)
  4. Adolf Eichmann

    3 vote(s)
  5. Rudolf Hoess

    6 vote(s)
  6. Irma Griese

    4 vote(s)
  7. Julius Streicher

    2 vote(s)
  8. Hans Mueller

    1 vote(s)
  9. Josef Kaminski

    0 vote(s)
  10. Other Please specify:

    4 vote(s)
  1. Gerard

    Gerard Seelow/Prora

    Just curious to know who you think was the most despicable member of the Nazi Regime apart from Adolf Hitler. I have omitted him because of the fact that he would win hands down. But after him who was the most evil? It does not have to have been someone who was particularly high ranking - I'd be interested to see what you think. I have included a number of candidates but feel free to vote for other - and name your person and give your :twocents:
  2. Gage

    Gage The Battle of Barking Creek

    Heydrich has got to be near the top.
  3. Gnomey

    Gnomey World Travelling Doctor

    Yep, him and Himmler.
  4. von Poop

    von Poop Adaministrator Admin

    Rudolf Hoess ????
    (not Hess.)
    Evil's such an odd word, from the Banal to the deranged through to calculating or even blind. It's very hard to pick one out.
    Red Jim likes this.
  5. morse1001

    morse1001 Very Senior Member

    Rudolf Hoess ????
    (not Hess.)
    Evil's such an odd word, from the Banal to the deranged through to calculating or even blind. It's very hard to pick one out.

    One of the most surprising things about so many of the sadists, murderers etc of the Nazi was how banal they looked and acted.
    Red Jim likes this.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    I'm sorry my love, but i cannot pick. I shall just throw a dart at the screen and see what happens.:huh:
  7. Wolf1889

    Wolf1889 Junior Member

    Stalin! ( i know he ain't german)
  8. morse1001

    morse1001 Very Senior Member


    Amon Goeth, commandant of the prison camp seen in schindlers list
  9. Kitty

    Kitty Very Senior Member

    Which one was in charge of Belsen? I can never remember, but negotiating for a safe exit whilst everyone is being killed and dying inside certainly shows a cold blooded B*****d to me.
  10. Wise1

    Wise1 There We Are Then

    Irma Griese I would say. Her barbarity coupled with her youth made her much more evil than the Hitler, himmler and the rest.
  11. marek_pk

    marek_pk Senior Member

    How about Josef Mengele?
  12. Pte1643

    Pte1643 Member

    How about Josef Mengele?

    That's who I thought of.

    Gotta be Dr (Dr :eek: ). Joseph Mengele, the "Angel of Death"
  13. ourbill

    ourbill Senior Member

    I can't say who is evil. The names above are all Christian citizens of the Third Reich. They maybe misguided but never evil, that is too 'moral judgement' for me.

    Churchill was called evil for allowing the bombing of German cities.

    The victor is alway right!

    I'm the king of the castle you're the dirty rascal. Life is not that simple, or so I've been told by the BBC..
  14. Gage

    Gage The Battle of Barking Creek

    Irma Griese I would say. Her barbarity coupled with her youth made her much more evil than the Hitler, himmler and the rest.

    Pardon my ignorance. But who is Irma Griese? I've never heard of her.
  15. ourbill

    ourbill Senior Member

    Pardon my ignorance. But who is Irma Griese? I've never heard of her.

    Have a look at this site you will find some interesting stuff under Articles.


    I don't believe a word of it myself but it's good to know that there's another world out there.
  16. mrya

    mrya Junior Member

    Yeah, yeah all of them are responsible at the top..... but all of the people named were just paper pushers...

    I gotta go with Josef Mengele

    The Angel of Death...

    I mean c'mon, he's gotta be the worst.
  17. Wise1

    Wise1 There We Are Then

    Pardon my ignorance. But who is Irma Griese? I've never heard of her.

    Irma Grese (<<correct spelling) camp guard in Bergen-Belsen, was to be placed in charge of Crematorium 3 in Auschwitz from 1943, had an affair with Mengele and camp commander Kramer.

    At just 19 years old she was considered the most vicious SS Supervisor in the camp.

    In her hut was found the skins of three inmates that she had had made into lamp shades.

    In January, 1945, she returned to Ravensbrück Concentration Camp before being transferred to Bergen-Belsen in March

    She was executed on December 13, 1945

    Creamtorium 3 was said to be haunted by her ghost and was sealed up for 38 years before eventually being destroyed.

    When she was hung the hangman miscalculated and the her neck did not snap, she died a slow painful death.

    None less than she deserves.

    Very attractive girl, but a scary bitch none the less.

    Attached Files:

  18. Herroberst

    Herroberst Senior Member


    I will also change the rules of the game and nominate Stalin but to satisfy others I will chose Dr. Joseph Mengele for not clearly understanding the concept of the Hypocratic oath.
  19. Gerard

    Gerard Seelow/Prora

    First of all thanks for the responses and its started a really good discussion. Now as for the lads who nominated Stalin :icon-mrgreenbandit: .................... Since when was he in the Third Reich????????????????????????????? No question about his evility (Is that a verb??) but that wasnt the question!!!

    I forgot Mengele and indeed that is why there is an "other" option, to compensate for my lack of brainpower! Excellent suggestion.

    The reason I put a cross section of people up there was to show that these people existed at all levels in the Third Reich, from the top right down to the Concentration Camps and indeed (in the case of Dirlewanger) in the field as well.

    Ourbill makes a good point about who is evil. I use it as a label as someone who has perpetrated acts of cruelty upon other humans. Whether its in the form of policy (Heydrich and Himmler) or actual acts of cruelty (Dirlewanger, Hoess and Greese) they have caused suffering. Evil is a term thats possibly too black and white and indeed judgemental but its the best I could do :elkgrin:
  20. spidge


    Adolf Hitler.

    He brought these killing fields to fruition and condoned the mass murder by allowing these people to murder and brutalize the populations whether at home or in the conquered territories.

    He appointed people who appointed people who..............

    He gets my vote.
    Red Jim likes this.

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