10602179 Kenneth Derham 1 Recce. Anzio beach 1944

Discussion in 'Recce' started by John Reid, Nov 14, 2023.

  1. John Reid

    John Reid Member

    My uncle Kenneth Derham died at Anzio he had fought in Africa with 1st army as he as The first Army bar with the Africa star and fought in Italy Buried in Naples war cemetery
    I have been to see him he was 21 came from Huddersfield
  2. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

    Recce_Mitch and 4jonboy like this.
  3. 51highland

    51highland Very Senior Member

    Wounded 24/5/44. later list Died of wounds 10/8/44

    Casualty lists;

    Attached Files:

    Recce_Mitch, 4jonboy and Owen like this.
  4. Owen

    Owen -- --- -.. MOD

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  5. John Reid

    John Reid Member

    He died of his wounds from Anzio He was in Recci and their vehicle hit by Machine gun fire
    Buried in Naples war cemetery.I have his medals
    Recce_Mitch likes this.
  6. minden1759

    minden1759 Senior Member

    If I have read this right, he was in Brettforce - the grouping that was supposed to attack south in order to meet up with II (US) Corps coming up from Cassino. It looks like he was a casualty of some shelling of the harbour area.


    Uncle Target and Recce_Mitch like this.
  7. John Reid

    John Reid Member

    I was told he was hit by machine gun fire.a friend at the time in the same regiment had told his parents my grand parents that his armoured vehicle was like a pepper pot.althiuh he did survive he died of his wounds.among his medals is the star of Africa and 1st army bar have you any knowledge of his previous history
    Recce_Mitch likes this.
  8. minden1759

    minden1759 Senior Member


    There is no evidence in the War Diary for 24 & 25 May 44 that there was any 'contact' with the Germans. The War Diaries only mention shelling and minefields.

    1 Recce Regt were the reconnaissance unit for 1st British Infantry Division. If you follow 1st Infantry Division throughout the war, you will see where he was.

    The alternative is to order his Service Record from the MoD but that takes months.


    Uncle Target, Recce_Mitch and 4jonboy like this.
  9. John Reid

    John Reid Member

    Thank you so much for your help
  10. Recce_Mitch

    Recce_Mitch Very Senior Member

    His Headstone photo

    Derham K.jpg

    He was in "B” Sqn

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2023
    4jonboy, Tony56 and 51highland like this.
  11. John Reid

    John Reid Member

    Thank you
  12. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

    Naples was one of the main ports to receive casualties from Anzio.
    Usng the Scarlet Finders website this may have been 65 British General Hospital
    Oxford 10/41 to 6/42; Mussayib (Palestine) 9/42 to 10/42 then to Khanaguin; Khanaguin (Iraq) 10/42 to 6/43 then to Baghdad; Baghdad 6/43 to 7/43 then to Quassassin; Quassassin (Egypt) 7/43 to 9/43 then to Syracuse; Syracuse 9/43 to 10/43 then to Floridia; Floridia 9/43 to 10/43; Catania 10/43 to 11/43 then to Naples; Naples 11/43 to 9/45 then to Caserta; Caserta 9/45 to 25/6/46 then disbanded.

    Although with Anzio being under American Command, they might have gone to an American Hospital.
  13. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

    Not so quiet for the Gunners supporting 1 Div.
    B out 3.jpg
    B Out.jpg
    Text regarding 23rd May 1944

    Breakout 2.jpg
    24th to 28th May

    What was left of the Factory DCLS.jpg
    What was left of the Factory
    (Shepherd Family Collection)
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
    Recce_Mitch likes this.
  14. John Reid

    John Reid Member

    That's Brilliant thank you
  15. John Reid

    John Reid Member

    I was always lead to believe Kenneth armoured vehicle hD been hit by machine gun fire but it looks more like a land mine or shelling ?
  16. minden1759

    minden1759 Senior Member


    If you ever want to go to Anzio and get your head around the circumstances of his wounding, look me up at www.cassinobattlefields.co.uk


  17. John Reid

    John Reid Member

    Thank you I will
  18. Tony56

    Tony56 Member Patron

  19. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

    Tony 56 has drawn attention to a report posted by Owen and commented on by Frank which raises questions in my mind.
    Frank wrote "If I have read this right, he was in Brettforce - the grouping that was supposed to attack south in order to meet up with II (US) Corps coming up from Cassino".
    This seems to be correct.

    My posts from Ubique and the History of 67th Field Regt give Brettforce going North, the 1st Div including 1 Recce were advancing North on the sketch maps.
    but it appears that some of 1 Recce were going south when the reported incident took place.
    Nowhere near to The Factory at Aprilia.
    Flyover Factory etc enhanced.jpg

    To complete the picture sketch from History of the 67th Field Regt / Ubique
    Anzio landing.jpg
    The map shows the landing beaches and Artillery Observation Posts in the various towers together with positions of 67th Field Regt during their time at Anzio,
    from the landings to the Breakout.

    Pontine Marshes - Wikipedia
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023
    Recce_Mitch likes this.
  20. Uncle Target

    Uncle Target Mist over Dartmoor

    I am now reassessing my knowledge (or lack of it) regarding Anzio.
    To date I have concentrated on one man in one Regiment, in one Division but began to realise that whilst "No man is an island",
    One Division's history does not tell the whole story.

    The forum is a bit like watching "Time Team" revealing changes to classical history.
    Ordinary Citizens can tell their story, long after they disappeared from the surface of the earth.
    Future Scholars beware!

    Thank you John Reid for your enlightening enquiry, much appreciated.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023

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